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Around the former Gotham Orphanage was a fence to keep the children safe. Inside on the overgrown lawn was a playground with swings, slides, monkey bars, and seesaws. What had been a cheery exterior looked more ominous with neglect. The place looked abandoned as it should be, but Batman knew it wasn't completely vacant.

“Be careful, Robin. All is not what it seems.”

The duo entered the building. They walked down the hall to the main stairway. The first floor was devoid of anyone. They walked to the second floor and then the third. There were signs of life on that floor.

Batman and Robin walked stealthily down the hall. It was clear which room BabyDoll would be in. She was in the third-floor playroom. BabyDoll was swinging back and forth on a rocking horse. She was wearing a pink and white organza party dress, with an oval neck, and puffed sleeves that tied in a bow in the back. On her feet were white socks made of thick nylon and black shoes. Her 'Mommy' was watching over her. Other henchmen (both men and women) dressed like partygoers to a little girl's party and watched BabyDoll rock.

“Batman, who invited you to MY party?” BabyDoll demanded.

“We invited ourselves. Party is over, time to come with us.”

“Says who?”

Batman resisted getting into the tit-for-tat of saying “Says me.”

“Time to go!”

“I don't think so! Mouseketeer Roll Call!”

“Bobby” “Suzy” “Penny” “Ricky” “Tommy” “Sammy” The party-goers called out one by one.”

“Go get the party-poopers.”

BabyDoll's gang moved towards Batman and Robin and a fight ensued. Toys were thrown from life-sized teddy bears to fat wiffleball bats. <BAM> <KLONK> <THAWP>

Robin was hit on the back of the head with a pink dollhouse. The dollhouse flew into pieces and Robin crumpled to the ground. Batman rushed to Robin's aid and was knocked out himself.

When Batman and Robin came too, they were in matching bassinets. Over each person was a baby blanket. Under the blanket, they were tied to the crib. There was an oval-shaped lid that covered the top of the bassinets that made it impossible to escape even if either man was free. The bassinets were on rockers that tilted slightly to the right and the left as Batman or Robin moved. In the crib over a loudspeaker was playing a lullaby.

“Ah you're awake,” BabyDoll stated. She was being carried in her Mommy's arms so she could see into both cribs.

“Let us go,” demanded Batman.

“Why would I do that? You are where you should be. Where you can take your nap and stay safe after you wake up.”


“Yeah, you'll need that because you will be regressed to that gray area between infancy and toddlerhood. A time when you are eating baby food and drinking out of a sippy cup, but still will have a bottle at times. A time when you can walk only a few steps without holding onto the furniture. A time when you can say maybe fifty words. But unlike the baker, you will know who you are and what you should do. You'll be trapped in permanent babyhood. Robin will be about six months older. I'll put him in dresses, and pull-ups and give him lots of teddy bears to play with. Robin is a girl's name anyway. She'll be potty training for the rest of her life, never quite getting the concept. For both of you, a fate worse than death.”


“You just go to sleep, after your nap you will be ready for your new life. Hahhaha.”







<Repeat Batman theme>

Batman: Hide and Seek

BATMAN In color.


“When last we left our brave men. They were in gigantic cribs listening to lullaby music. Although the music sounded soft and calming, it was working on our hero's minds trying to remove all their complicated adult thoughts and leaving the mental innocence of babyhood in its place. Batman must stay away to resist its charms, but the music is so soothing that is becoming harder and harder to do.

Stay glued to your seats. The worst is yet to come.”

<Batman Theme>

da duh da duh da duh dum....Batman

“I'm so tired,” Robin yawns.

“Stay with me, we can get out of this!”

“How? I can't get to my utility belt. It's under the blankets and my hands are over them.”

“Can you shift position?”


“Shift to the right. Then shift to the left.”

The bassinet started to rock.

“Keep doing it, Old Chum.”

“What will that do?”

“It's from the lullaby, if the bow breaks the cradle will fall...”

“I get it and then will come baby cradle and all.”

With each motion, the bassinet moved further and further. Until at last, it tipped over on its side. The cover fell off and Batmen and Robin escaped.

“How did you know it would work? Cradles are designed not to tip over.”

“When BabyDoll designed this, she put a heavy cover on top to keep us in. That made the bassinet unstable and easy to tip over.”

“Holy Center of Gravity!”

While Batman and Robin were contemplating a life in diapers, BabyDoll took her henchmen to the Jerry and Ben Ice Cream Truck Company. They sell the ice cream to all the ice cream trucks in the city. It had been an unusually hot week. In the counting room, they are counting the money to be delivered to the bank. Mommy is carrying BabyDoll in her arms. There is a guard at the door.

“I want my ice cream!” BabyDoll is screaming.

“I'm sorry honey,” the guard said, “but we don't have ice cream here. We only have the trucks.”

“But I want my ICE CREAM!” BabyDoll had a pink balloon in her hand this time. She squeezed it until it popped in the guard's face. His demeanor changed as the drug invaded his lungs and then into his bloodstream. His maturity vanished and his psychological gender shifted from male to female. When the drug's effects were completed, the guard felt and acted like a six-year-old girl.

“There's ice cream in there,” BabyDoll told the former guard. “Use your keys and let's go in.”

“Ice cream? I love ice cream!” the former guard squealed.

BabyDoll with Mommy, her henchmen, and the guard in tow entered the building and went straight to the counting room. There were two people there counting the money.

“What are you doing here?”

“Don't you want some ice cream?” BabyDoll asked as she threw two more red-tinted balloons at the money counters.

Soon there were three adults, not just one, who acted like little girls.

“Penny, see if you can find them a couple of cones.”

Penny led the guard and the two money counters out of the counting room. He set them up with strawberry shortcake and chocolate eclair ice cream bars. She had them sit at a table to eat their treats.

It didn't take long for the three 'little girls' to become friends. When their ice creams were gone, they decided to play tea party. They imagined a tea set with little finger cakes. The guard who played the hostess served her guests the pretend tea. They made mock small talk about how good the tea was and how many finger sandwiches they wanted to eat. The trio was happily giggling as BabyDoll's henchmen were carrying money out of the building. BabyDoll didn't have to carry any of the money herself. That is what the henchmen were for. Besides her hands were small and her body was relatively weak.

As the gang was leaving, the driver of another ice cream truck entered the building. BabyDoll threw another balloon and there were now four for tea.

Batman arrived at the scene after BabyDoll and her gang were gone. He found the quartet of regressed adults playing hot potato with the security guard's firearm. They were giggling enthusiastically as the gun traveled this way and that between the players.

“Children, don't play with that!” Batman demanded.

The voice of authority was enough for Batman to retrieve the gun and put it safely out of their hands.

Robin entertained the children while Batman hunted for clues. He didn't expect to find any indication of BabyDoll's next target. He was correct, all he found was a lot of ice cream and four regressed adults.

BabyDoll was disappointed that Batman got away, but that didn't stop her on her crime spree. The next target was U Magnum Diamonds. They only carried the highest quality stones. BabyDoll was holding Mommy's hand as they entered the shop. When they walked up to the counter, the salesladies were busy with other customers.

BabyDoll looked at the merchandise, diamonds in rings, earrings, brooches, and charms. Something for everyone's taste, as long as they had the money.

BabyDoll waited for a time to strike. A time when she would be alone with the store employees. But, as customers left, other customers entered the store to take their place.

When BabyDoll thought the time was right, she took a couple of balloons filled with her magic powder. Instead of throwing it directly at people, she threw it up at the ceiling. The balloons shattered upon making contact and the contents rained down upon everyone. At first, the bewildered people covered with dust didn't know what was going on.

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