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When Anthony started to buy new clothing, Erin didn't mind although he had rarely done it before.  But when he started to also buy new sexy underwear instead of his plain Hanes briefs, Erin started to get a little bit suspicious.  He wasn't wearing his new underwear for her.

But when he put it on along with his new apparel to go out with the 'boys' Erin knew something was up.

Even though Erin promised herself that she would never look into Anthony's mind, she couldn't help herself.  She found that Anthony was cheating on her and that he was going to see his mistress.  Erin couldn't stand it.  She used her powers to change Anthony's personality.  Anthony now believed that he had always been a crossdresser.  Erin transformed the suit with a button-down shirt and male oxford shoes to a black knee-length dress with a yellow jacket and pumps.  His male hyper-stretch low ride briefs became lacy women's panties.  His black socks became nude women's pantyhose.

Erin gave Anthony one last chance to come clean, she opened the door to see him get ready for his date.  He was sitting in front of a vanity putting on his makeup.  He believed that the vanity as well as the clothes he was wearing had always existed.

"Anthony, honey, I really wish you wouldn't go."

"Erin, don't be so jealous.  It's just a little card game with the boys," Anthony said as he perched his lips to put on some lipstick.

"They can play with one less."

"It's better with more players."

"OK, if you insist.  I just wish you would stay."

Anthony finished his makeup and exited for his rendezvous.  While he was gone, Erin packed up his things and left their apartment for the last time.  She wouldn't be a made a fool of, if he wanted to have an affair, then she wouldn't stand for it.

Photos by Pixabay and RODNAE Productions 

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