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“Great. My career took off and with the new baby, I discovered I need some help here at home.”

“That's what I am here for.”

“I'm new to this whole interview process, but there are some questions I must ask. First, it says you are working for another family. Why are you leaving them? It's not just to work for me?”

“Goodness no,” Jerry liked that he added the word 'goodness' to his sentence. He thought it sounded more like what a woman would say. “Mrs. Lund and her family are moving to Europe. They wanted me to come along, but I preferred to stay in America.”

“Oh, that makes sense. May I contact Mrs. Lund?”

“Yes, they are one of my references. You can call them. Do you want my references now?” Jerry started to reach inside his purse before being told to do so. As he moved his arm, he noticed that the strap on his bra had slipped a bit. It was starting to bother him. Jerry didn't know whether he should adjust the strap now or simply continue with the interview and fix it at a later time. Jerry also didn't know what effect the falling bra strap would have on his 'boobs'. The tights in his bra cups weren't real breasts, would a falling strap give them an unnatural appearance. He didn't think it would, but he wasn't sure. He had never worn them for an extended period before. This was only the second time he was dressed en-femme at all. He wasn't a crossdresser. He didn't have any real interest in crossdressing.

“You can leave them after the interview is over.”


“How long have you been working as a housekeeper?”

“I've been working as a live-in housekeeper for almost three years now.”

“Do you like it?”

“Very much.”

“How did you become a housekeeper?”

Jerry knew this answer quite well. It was one of the questions and answers that Virginia and himself had practiced.

“I've always had an eye for tidiness. When I was still in high school, my mother asked me to help out a gentleman who was having some trouble with keeping his place clean. I only started by helping out. It became a paid after-school job. When I saw an ad for a full-time housekeeper, I applied for the job as I knew my skills and qualities could translate to helping a larger family maintain their house. That was for Mrs. Lund, who I am still working for. Mrs. Lund took a chance on me, and I never let her regret it. Over the years, I feel that I have become part of their family. I love them to death. I'm so sorry that it has become time to part ways with them.”

Jerry could tell that RaeLynn was impressed with his answer. But he was still worried about that damn bra strap. He didn't think he had moved too much, but it seemed to be slipping even more. Jerry was glad that he was wearing a long-sleeved uniform. If it was short-sleeved the strap might poke out. He tried to keep the focus on the interview.

“You're wearing the uniform you wear while working?”


“Why did you wear it here and not your regular clothes.”

“I'm very professional when I'm working. I wanted you to see that. I think it's important to project an air of professionalism.”

“We are very informal here.”

“That may be when there aren't any guests, but when there are I should represent you in the best light. I did that for Mrs. Lund, I'll do that for you, too.”

“Do you always call her Mrs. Lund?”

“No, only when her guests are around. When we are alone, I call her Cecilia. Are you sure you want me to call you RaeLynn when you are entertaining?”

“That is my professional name. I think it's OK for you to call me that all the time. Assuming you get the job.”

“As you wish.”

Returning to the interview questions, RaeLynn asked, “Which cleansers have you had experience with?”

"The cleaning chemicals I have the most experience with include detergents, bleaches, and ammonia solutions used on floors, bathrooms, and some countertops. I understand the risks of handling certain cleaning materials, and I always make sure that they're used separately allowing certain cleaning chemicals to mix can be extremely hazardous. Before handling cleaning chemicals, I always wear gloves, protective eyewear, and a mask. When I'm done cleaning, I ensure that surfaces are thoroughly rinsed so no residue gets left behind."

Virginia and Jerry had discussed this question. He hoped that his answer didn't sound too rehearsed. Jerry knew that the answer must demonstrate familiarity with the cleansers as well as the importance of safety.

RaeLynn was impressed with the answer. She was just looking for a general list of commercial cleansers like Ajax and Palmolive.

“How do you manage your time when you have multiple tasks. Especially when the baby is around?”

“At my Mrs. Lund's household, I became accustomed to working in a fast-paced environment with many tasks to complete within a limited amount of time. I made sure that all cleaning supplies are organized and easily accessible to make each task as efficient as possible. I also avoid distractions so I'm able to focus exclusively on the work at hand...”

Jerry was falling into a rhythm. He could answer any question that RaeLynn threw at him. He didn't realize how much knowledge he absorbed from Virginia and their interview prep. The questions continued on many subjects.

Finally, RaeLynn asked Jerry questions about his availability.

“When can you start?”

“Mrs. Lund and her family are moving to Europe next month. I can start on the first.”

“As a live-in housekeeper?”


“How do you expect for that to work?”

“I'll work alternate weeks. That way I can maintain a high degree of professionalism and not burn out. It is important to stay focused when working but still maintain a personal life. I find that procedure works best.”

“Would you have a problem working five days a week with two days off?”

“I don't think so. Remember this is full-time and I'll be staying here 24 hours on the days I will be working. I'll have to think about that.”

“I understand.”

But let me show you my house. You'll need the complete tour.”

RaeLynn got up and walked past Jerry to show him the house. This was Jerry's opportunity to adjust his bra strap. He hoped that RaeLynn didn't see him do so.

With the more formal part of the interview done, Jerry could relax a bit. He admired RaeLynn's house. He was also introduced to RaeLynn's husband Joshua and her baby Daisy Rae.

“RaeLynn, can I ask a favor?”


“Can I get a picture with you?”


Joshua took the picture of Jerry and RaeLynn. Jerry was smiling broadly from ear to ear. He was so happy that Jerry had forgotten that he was dressed en-femme for a second. He was reminded when he saw the picture on his phone though. When he saw himself, his lips took on a droll smile. Upon leaving the house, he also had an autographed picture.

“I've very impressed with that young lady,” RaeLynn told her husband. “If her references work out, I think I' am going to hire her.”

RaeLynn didn't wait a day, she called Virginia's references immediately.

“Hello, is this Cecilia Lund?”

“Yes, who is this?”

“I'm RaeLynn Davis, I am calling about Virginia.”

“Yes, how can I help you.”

“Virginia interviewed with me as a housekeeper. I understand she works for you.”

“Yes, she does.”

“Can you tell me about her?”

“We just love Virginia here. We wish we could keep her with us. But we are moving to Europe and she can't come. We think she is the greatest.”

“I'm glad to hear that. From what little I know about her; I think she is wonderful too. I just wanted to dot all the 'I's and cross all the 'T's before offering her a position in my household.

“If you hire her, you won't be disappointed.”

“Thanks so much for speaking to me. Have a great day.”

“You too.”

Cecilia found Virginia. She happened to be in the bedroom.

“Honey, I have great news for you.”


“Someone called, I'm sure they are going to offer you a job.”


“Raylynn...darn I forgot her last name.”



“But I didn't send a resume out to her.”

“I think she said her name was Raylynn. Maybe I was mistaken. But I'm sure she'll offer you a job. I suspect she'll call you soon. She sounded very enthusiastic.”


Meanwhile, Jerry pulled off the highway on the way home. He wanted to take another look at the photos of him and RaeLynn. He wanted to show them to everyone. But when he looked at them, and he saw what he was wearing and how he looked, he realized that he couldn't do that. He couldn't show it to Virginia without talking to her first. As for the other people in his life, Jerry didn't want them to see him dressed as he was. Coming to RaeLynn's and getting the picture and all seemed like such a good idea. He was still glad that he did it. But showing everyone the results of his trip might not be a good idea. He could still show everybody the autographed picture that RaeLynn gave him.

He looked at that picture again, it said, “To my #1 fan Virginia. All my love, RaeLynn”

It was his picture. She gave it to him, but it didn't have his name on it. He felt disappointed.

It was getting late and he still had a long drive back home. He put his car into gear and headed towards home. He needed to return her clothes and redress into his own.

At about 7 PM, Jerry was getting kind of hungry. He exited the highway and pulled into a Denny's. He wasn't concerned about his appearance. He had been dressed as Virginia too long. Besides he was still a couple of hours away from home. No one knew him here.

“Should I freshen my lipstick before going in?”

Jerry didn't have to. He did it anyway. He wished he could take off his bra. Since he had been wearing it all day, it was starting to itch. Those damn straps kept falling down too. Jerry wondered if straps falling down was as much of a problem for women as it was for him today. He assumed that the bra simply didn't fit right. If he had a bra that was his size (whatever that may be) then he wouldn't have a problem. Regardless, he didn't think it was a good idea to take it off no matter how much it itched. Best to do that when he got to Virginia's house.

Jerry sat at a table.

“Can I start you off with a drink, Miss?” the waitress asked.

“A diet coke please.”

“Right away. I'll give you a few minutes to look over the menu.”

When the waitress said 'Miss', Jerry reminded himself that he should keep his knees together and sit like a lady. His knees snapped closed.

Jerry ordered a burger and fries to go with his soda and started to relax. This was his first opportunity to do so. He thought about his day and began to smile. He had spent quality time with RaeLynn and she liked him. They got along great together. It was really cool being in her office. He got to see all her awards. She won the New Female Vocalist of the Year from the Academy of Country Music in 2016. She also won a couple of other awards from Disney and one for her video in 2017. (In reality, she didn't win, she was only nominated, but it impressed Jerry anyway.) There were also lots of really great pictures of her going to all sorts of places. She was a star in his eyes.

Jerry finished his dinner. He had at least another couple of hours before he would be home. He should go to the bathroom before getting on his way. He walked to the back. He looked at the signs. Then he went straight into the woman's restroom. The waitress had called him Miss. RaeLynn didn't suspect he was a guy. There shouldn't be a problem. He went in, found a stall, pulled up his skirt and down his tights and panties, and did his business. Then he quickly replaced his apparel, washed his hands, and left the restaurant. He didn't adjust his lipstick that had gotten a little smeared while eating dinner. Even though Jerry didn't there would be a problem, he was glad no one entered the restroom while he was inside.

The drive back to Virginia's apartment was uneventful. Just a regular drive.

Jerry entered Virginia's apartment. She still wasn't there. She wouldn't be back until Monday.

Jerry returned to his own apparel. Virginia's worn clothing lay in a heap. Jerry couldn't leave it there. His plan was to put the worn clothing into the hamper and let Virginia wash them. But there wasn't any clothing in the hamper. He couldn't just leave them there, she would notice. He had only one option, he would have to wash the clothes himself and then replace them where he found them originally. The lingerie: bra, panties, and tights, would have to be hand-washed. He didn't want to wash the dress. It was new, who knew what it would look like washed. He didn't get it dirty, instead of washing, all Jerry would do to the dress was to just iron it. Then it would continue to look new. It would take several hours for the clothing he washed to 'drip-dry'. Jerry decided to spend the night at Virginia's. When he awoke everything would be clean and dry and be ready to be replaced in the drawers.

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