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When the motorcycle cop saw what he thought was a woman in her eighties, wearing a cocktail dress and driving a motorcycle, he decided he had to pull her over and see what her story was.

"Yes, is there a problem officer?" Zackary asked.

"Is everything OK Ma'am?"

"Who you calling, ma'am?" Zackary demanded.  He hadn't any idea that he had been transformed.  He still believed he was a man in his twenties.

The cop was taken aback by the older woman's demeanor.

"Sorry, do you have any identification?"

"Certainly."  But when Zackary looked for his wallet, he discovered he didn't have any pockets.  "I'm sorry, I must have forgotten it."

"No, problem.  What's your name?"

"Zackary Taylor."

"Where are you going?"

"To McGainnes Pub.  My buds are waiting for me."

"Where are you coming from?"

"My girlfriend's house?  Did she call you?"

"Why would she call me?"

"We had a little argument and I left to cool off."

To the officer, none of Zackary's answers made any sense.  In the officer's opinion, 'she' seemed very confused.  In the end, Zackary was taken to a mental hospital for a 72-hour evaluation.

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