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Jerry took Virginia's delicates to the bathroom. He filled the bathroom sink with warm water and Woolite detergent. He gently washed the panties, bra, and tights. Then he let them soak for a little while.

As they soaked, Jerry got out an ironing board and the iron. He waited for the iron to warm up and then carefully removed all wrinkles from the uniform. When he was done with it, it looked as if it hadn't been worn. He replaced it in the closet and then returned to the soaking lingerie. He rinsed the detergent out. He used a towel to pat dry the lingerie and then used hangers to let them drip dry. Tomorrow he would replace them into the drawers.  Virginia would never know he was here.

Exhausted from his busy day, Jerry went to Virginia's bed, got under the covers, and fell asleep.

Jerry awoke to find Virginia staring at him. He was like Goldie-Locks and Virginia was the Papa Bear.

“What the fuck have you been doing?” Virginia demanded.

“I'm sorry. It was too late to drive home so I came here instead,” Jerry didn't know that Virginia already knew about the job interview. Jerry's story wouldn't have lasted anyway, there wasn't a way to explain why Virginia's lingerie was still hanging in the bathroom. Just because Jerry was sleeping in Virginia's house wasn't any reason for Virginia's clothes to need cleaning.

“I know all about it!”

“About what?”

“What you did. You got the job by the way.”

“The job? What job?”

“You know what job!”

Jerry wasn't thinking about that. He never expected to get the job. That wasn't the point of the trip.

“How do you know about the job?”

“RaeLynn called Cecilia. She told Cecilia. Cecilia told me.  Great, you have a job.”

“I didn't want that job. Besides I can't go.”

“Why not?”

“I don't look like you. Do I?”

“I guess not.”

“Then we'll turn the job down. No problem.”


“I didn't mean any harm.”

“I don't care. How could you do that to me?”

“I didn't think you would find out.”

“Well, I did!”

“I'm sorry.”

“Sorry won't do it.”

“What do you want from me?”

“You earned the job. You are going to take it.”


“You heard me. I want you to take the job.”

“I already have a job.”

“What do you think your trucking friends and your boss will say when they see you like this?” Virginia showed Jerry the picture he took of himself and RaeLynn.

“My friends? Oh, they wouldn't mind.”

“Good, let's go post your little picture on Facebook, you look so cute.”

“I don't think I want to do that?”

“Why not? Don't want to show your friends what cute legs you have.”

“It's not that. I just don't want to.”

“But this was your big day. Don't you want all your friends to see you? Look at all the trouble you went to get this picture.” Virginia stuck the picture in Jerry's face.

“I just don't want to do it. That's all.”

Are you sure that's the reason? Do you know what I should do? I should call RaeLynn and tell her you're a man. You told her you're a man, didn't you?”


“Oh, you should.”

“Look, I don't think...”

“That's right you didn't think!”

“I uh.”

“You stole from me.”

“I didn't take your money.”

“It wasn't money you took. You stole from me, and I won't have it. You'll have to pay.”


“Yeah, you are going to take the job and you are going to give me a, let's see, let's call it a commission. Yeah, that's it for using my identity. That money will sustain me while I'm unemployed and looking for a job. Well, I don't know if I'll be looking for a job right away. I think I deserve a vacation between jobs. You'll be paying for that.”

“No, I won't!”

“Yes, you will, or I'll show all your trucker friends and show RaeLynn just the type of person she was going to hire.”

How long will this last?'

“I don't know, maybe a couple of weeks or a month, then you can quit.”

“This isn't fair!”

“You should have thought of that before you stole from me. I think what you did is illegal too. It's called identity theft.”

Jerry had to agree. It would only be for a short time. Somehow, he would plow through it. Jerry didn't know that this would change his life forever. Change both his and Virginia's life actually. Jerry would never be the same again. He thought it would last just a few weeks, but that was only the beginning. He would never be Jerry again.

A short while later, Jerry got the fateful phone call.

“I'm just calling to let you know you have the job,” RaeLynn told Jerry over the phone.

Jerry didn't want to take the job. He didn't want to be a housekeeper. Especially having to live as Virginia full-time. But he couldn't turn her down. He knew what would happen.

“Oh, thank you so much. I would love to work for you.”

“You can start at the beginning of the month.”

Virginia signaled to Jerry.

“One second,” Jerry said over the phone.

“Tell her you can start tomorrow,” Virginia demanded Jerry say.


“Tell her tomorrow.”


Virginia gave Jerry a look and held up the picture of Jerry smiling in his housekeeper uniform with RaeLynn.

Jerry nodded then got back on the phone.  “I was talking with Cecilia, and I can start the day after tomorrow if you like,” Virginia told Jerry he should start as soon as possible.



“Great because we really need you. Come as soon as you can.”

“I'll be there soon.”

Jerry was stuck. He had to go through with it. He didn't have a choice. The day after tomorrow he would be a full-time housekeeper. He would be living as a woman twenty-four/seven.

Virginia would supply the uniforms that Jerry needed. Other more personal items Jerry would have to buy himself. That included bras and panties. Jerry felt embarrassed to buy women's lingerie when people thought he was a man. He would have to go to the department stores disguised as Virginia as he had before.

Dressed as he had been for his trip to RaeLynn's he entered the local Macy's. He would have to buy many things. He started to select bras and panties, but after a few minutes, he realized that he couldn't pay for them by credit card. That had his name, and he didn't want to do that. He had to leave the store, find an ATM, then withdraw $500 so he could pay in cash.

The panties and bras didn't have to be especially pretty or sexy, no one would see them. The same went for the slips he would have to buy. He would have to buy at least a dozen and maybe as much as a score of each. He hoped that $500 was enough. He didn't know how much those items would cost. As it turned out, $500 wasn't enough money to buy what he needed. The slips cost about $30 each. Ten of them would cost $300. He couldn't buy as many as he wanted. Instead, he bought only about five slips, two in white, two in black, and one in nude colors. He would have to wash them often.

Jerry bought panties from Jockey, Vanity Fair, and Bali. He made sure they were full-cut panties. He also mixed up the colors in black, white, and nude. He got about fifteen pairs for close to $150.

Finally, Jerry had $200 for bras. Once again, he needed full coverage bras. Each cost between $25 and $40. Jerry didn't know these would be so damn expensive. He bought seven pairs. He looked for bras that seemed comfortable and had wide straps. He didn't want the straps to be slipping all the time. Strap slippage was annoying when he was interviewing and didn't have to move much. It would be torture while he was on the go.

Jerry knew he had to return to buy more stuff. He needed a few other things, especially makeup, and some nightgowns. He was going to be living there, he certainly couldn't sleep the way he used to.

The next day, Jerry went to his bank, this time he got $1000 to finish his shopping.

All was packed up in suitcases the night before so he could leave early in the morning. Tonight was his last day dressing as a man.  In every way, Jerry dreaded his trip, but he couldn't do anything about it.

In the morning, before he got dressed, Jerry looked at himself one last time. He wouldn't be seeing himself like this again for quite a while. He got dressed in his uniform and all the lingerie he needed. Then he got into his car and drove to begin his new life.

At RaeLynn's front door, Jerry plastered a pretty smile onto his face for the second time and rang the bell. RaeLynn greeted him at the door. “Hey Virginia, I'm so glad you are here.”

“Thank you, I'm glad to be here.”

“Let me show you to your room. You can put your stuff away and get settled.”


Jerry carried his suitcase and followed RaeLynn to what would become Jerry's room. It was one of the guestrooms. It hadn't been decorated in a gender-specific manner. Jerry would have to make this room his own.

Jerry entered the room. RaeLynn left Jerry alone to put his things away. It would take another trip back and force from the car to get all that Jerry 'needed'. Jerry put his uniforms into the closet first. He had enough uniforms for every day of the week. They were all of the same design but alternated in colors from black to white to pink. He also put a couple of casual dresses in the closet for show. He could never wear such things as they would give away his true gender. Regardless, RaeLynn didn't know that, so he had to have them for sheer appearance.

At the bottom of the closet, Jerry put in his work shoes and other shoes. He would only wear the work shoes for the same reason he only wore his uniforms. In the top drawer of the dresser, Jerry put his lingerie. All the clothing he bought the day before. In the second drawer were his tights. He had many more tights than he would ever need for his legs. His tights were also what was used to puff out his bra cups, so he had to have many pairs.

The third drawer contained the casual clothing he wouldn't wear such as tops, jeans, and leggings. There wouldn't be any doubt of his gender if he ever wore those.

The bottom contained his alternate wig, nightgowns, and his purses. Jerry would always wear a wig when he was posing as Virginia. This included the times he was sleeping. He would always wear a stuffed bra too. There might be an emergency in the middle of the night and Jerry couldn't allow RaeLynn to ever know that he wasn't a woman.

Inside Jerry's purse were the typical items, such as his car keys and the stuff that all women leave in their purse, including a wallet with some money and his identification. The identification, driver's license, social security card, bank cards, and the alike all proclaimed that Jerry was Virginia Carpio. The real Virginia had duplicates made for Jerry, except for the driver's license. The driver's license was temporary, the new one would come soon to his new address (RaeLynn's house.) He had also opened up a bank account where he could deposit his paycheck. Virginia had access to this account. She would be keeping 60% of his pay.

Jerry brought two framed pictures with him at Virginia's insistence. One was a picture of himself. If/when RaeLynn would ask about him, Jerry would say that was his brother who died in a tragic accident. The other was a picture of his best friend Virginia. They had been friends forever. He would relate that they became best friends when they discovered they were both called Virginia.

Jerry took the makeup, bathing supplies, and all sorts of creams and lotions to the bathroom. These were the personal brands that Virginia used. They all had floral or fruity scents. He didn't have to use the moisturizer and other creams, but he had to have them to maintain his alias.

“I'm ready to start,” Jerry told RaeLynn.

“Greats, but don't start just yet. I have some things to tell you.”


“I have a certain way of doing things and ways I want you to clean my house.”


“I want you to forget the way you did it before and do it my way. Can you do that?”

Jerry didn't know how to clean a house like this. He hadn't done it before. He needed to be shown what was needed. RaeLynn's suggestion was music to Jerry's ears.

“What would you like me to do?”

“We'll go into it, but for now just some simple vacuuming. There are certain rooms that we are in all the time, namely.” RaeLynn gave Jerry the list of rooms she wanted Jerry to vacuum every day. I also work and I need those rooms cleaned too, but only when I'm not in them. So, you should do them early in the morning before I need them.”

“Sure, I can do that.”

“Now while I'm busy with my career you will have to take care of Daisy Rae. Make sure she doesn't get into any mischief and doesn't get into my way while I'm working. That is part of your duties.”

“I understand.”

Jerry retrieved the vacuum and started cleaning. He knew that his days would be busy ones with all his duties.

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