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Later when Sofia got home, she found that Jack's mother couldn't take her to Peter's house until about four. She would have to wait.

Jack went through his day in a daze. All he could think about...all he could talk about was his date with Phillip.

Peter's mother picked Jack up after school and took him to the salon.

“I'm so very pleased that you and Peter are getting along so much better,” Peter's mother told Jack. “I'm glad you are making an effort.”

Peter's mother had noticed that who she thought of as her daughter was playing video games with her son and her son was helping 'Sofia' with fashions and makeup. They had been spending a lot of time together helping each other. There weren't any arguments at all. Except for this last one regarding the date with Phillip.

“Yes, Peter and I have been getting close. He's like my best friend now.”

“Keep it up. It does a mother's heart good to see their children getting along together.”

At the salon, Jack told the stylist what he wanted. The stylist has suggestions of her own. Jack was guided by her opinion.

To save time, Jack's nails were done at the same time as his hair was trimmed and styled. Jack was pleased with the results. He was smiling from ear to ear. He loved the look and was sure that Phillip would also.

Peter's mom gave the staff a big tip for getting it done so fast.

Peter was home alone after school. Mom and Jack were at the stylist. This was the second day in a row that he hadn't talked to his best friend Jack after school. Peter felt odd. He didn't know if he was jealous or mad. Jack wasn't supposed to 'turn into Sofia'. He was just supposed to have her body for a few days until they could go to the concert.

If Jack was going out on a date on a Wednesday, would he go out on another one on Saturday? Would Jack skip the concert to go out with Phillip? If Jack did that, Peter would miss the concert too. That was the whole point, he couldn't go alone.

“How could he do that to me!” Peter fumed.

Jack didn't have any intention of missing the concert. The concert wasn't as important to him as it was before, but that didn't mean he want to miss Weird Al. He didn't want to let Peter down. But that was Saturday, tonight all he could think about what his date with Phillip.

At 3:30, Jack and Peter's mother were heading home. At the same time, Sofia was being taken to her former house to confront Peter.  Andy was taking her.  They would be arriving a few minutes apart. (Phillip would be on time for his date at 5:00.)

“Andy, can you take me to Peter's house?” Sofia asked her temporary big brother.

“I guess, give me a few minutes.”

“Fine.” Sofia was going to get her body back tonight. This would be her last time to talk to Andy as she was. Andy was nice, she hadn't realized how much until she spent some time with him. Andy thought that Sofia was his little brother. He wasn't putting on any airs around him. Sofia got to know the real Andy and she liked him. When she had her own body back, she might spend some more time with Andy. Maybe they could date in the future. He was so nice and had that hot body.

“I really appreciate you taking me,” Sofia told Andy.

“No problem little bro.”

“I mean it. It's so nice of you.”


“Andy, can I ask you a question?”


“What type of girls do you like?”

“Why are you asking that.”

“Oh, it's just. I'm getting older. What do you usually do on a date?” The second question seemed more appropriate for Sofia to ask since Andy thought she was his little brother.

“Aren't you a little young?”

“Come on tell me!”

“OK, I like to do fun things. You know things that both the girl and I will think is fun.”

“Like a movie?”

“Yeah, but something that we'll both like.”

“You see girlie movies?”

“I try and compromise. But if she really wants to see it, then I'll agree. If you do things nice for the date. They will do some nice things for you.”

“Like what?”

“We'll talk about that when you're a little older.”

“You mean hug and kiss and stuff?”

“Yeah, that. But if you like a girl then just being with her makes you feel good.”

Andy was giving Sofia all the answers she wanted to hear. He was nicer than Phillip. Sofia knew that Andy wasn't lying to her. Why should she, at this moment, Sofia was his little brother.

“This shouldn't take long, why not come on in?” Sofia asked Andy.”

“I thought you wanted to see Peter.”

“I did, he has something that is mine. I just want to get it back.”

They entered the house. Jack had already arrived home before Sofia got there. She looked at Jack in her body. She didn't like what he did with 'her hair'.


“What do you mean?”

“With mine,” Sofia remembered that Andy was here. “I man your hair.”

“Just a little trim.”


“Oh, that is just a tint. It matched my nails,” Jack lifted his hand to show his manicure.

“Why did you do that to my hair?” Sofia slipped again.

“I liked it. I'm going out with Phillip. He said he likes girls with red hair.” (It was one of the texts that Jack and Phillip had today.)

“He never told me that.”

“Maybe he likes me better.”

Andy didn't know what was going on, but something strange was happening.

Sofia got Jack alone with Peter.

“OK, Peter said we can swap back now. I want to SWAP BACK NOW!”

“I didn't say that” Peter lied.

“Doesn't matter. I'm not swapping back until after my date. I've been looking forward to it all day,” Jack told everyone.

“Your date? It should be my date!”

“No, it's mine. Phillip didn't ask you. He asked me!”

“He wouldn't have if he knew that you are really a little boy!”

Jack struck a pose. “Do I look like a little boy!”

“Doesn't matter. You are one.”

“You're the little boy. You are now and you are going to stay that way. I may stay this way forever. I like it.”

“No way. Peter swap us back.”

“I still have to wait...”

“I know you are lying!”

Sofia took out a gun. It was a real gun that belonged to Jack's father. She took it before leaving the house. She pointed it at Peter. “SWAP US BACK NOW!” Sofia said with a menace in her voice.

Peter went to get the device. The real device, not the decoy. He was going to swap everyone back to normal. This had gone far enough. Peter hadn't gained a cool new sister; he had just lost a best friend. Jack seemed more interested in going to mini-golf with Phillip than he would have wanted to go to mini-golf with him.

“I'm not swapping back today. I might not ever swap back. I never knew how being a girl could be so fun. (Jack hadn't experienced the cramps that Sofia got right before her period. He didn't even know what a period was at all. Not that that would have mattered to him. His feelings for Phillip were overcoming all reason. His brain was awash in female hormones. They were having a profound effect on his personality.

Jack moved in front of Peter. He knew that Sofia wouldn't shoot her own body. It was all a bluff.

“Go ahead, shoot!”

Sofia didn't want to shoot anyone. She wanted her body back. The red hair didn't look too bad. It might even be called cute. Not that she would admit that to Jack. In that moment of hesitation, Jack grabbed the gun from Sofia's hands.


“I'll take this too!” Jack said and he took the swapper from Peter.

“You're not going to let him do this are you?” Sofia asked of Peter. She had pieced together that the only people who were swapped were herself and Jack. Peter was in his own body.

“I don't know.”

“Peter, I'm your sister. You can't let him do this!”

“You weren't very nice to me!”

“But I'm still your sister.”

“Not anymore.”

“I'm his sister now and his best friend. Now if you guys will excuse me. I have a date to get ready for.'

Mom entered the room. “What are you yelling about.”


“What are you doing with a gun?”

“Jack brought it. He's gone crazy!”

“I'm not Jack. I'm Sofia. Peter swapped our bodies.”

“Don't believe her,” Jack demanded. “It's not true.”

“What?” Mom was totally confused. There was a gun in her house and Jack was talking crazy.

“Give me that gun this instant!”

“Sure, I don't want it.”

“...and what's that?”

“That's the device that swapped us,” Sofia explained.

“No, it's just a toy.”

“How does it work?”

“I don't know. Peter knows. He was the one that used it on us.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I don't know, but he did. He said it was an accident. But he did it on purpose.”

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