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"Jack come on over! We can go to the Weird Al concert," Peter enthused.

Peter phoned Jack to tell him the happy news.

"Your Mom will take us? Because my mom said I can't go alone. She says I'm too young. I'm eleven and it's only a few minutes bus ride to get there. I mean I take the bus to school every day. What's the difference to take it to the concert? It's Weird Al, what could happen there?"

"No, my mom won't take us. My sister will."



"You asked her before. She said she wouldn't do it."

"She will now."


"Because I'll make her do anything we want."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll see. Just come on over."

"So, you asked her, and she said she'll do it?"

"No, not yet, but she will. Stop being stubborn and get here."

"OK, I'll be right over. I just have to get dressed."

"I'll be waiting. This will be great."

Peter was the stereotypical smart younger brother to his air-headed sister Sofia. Although all combinations of brothers and sisters, old and young are stereotypical these days. He is five foot three with messy dark brown hair and eyes. he has always been the smart one in the family and takes pride in that, which annoys his older sister Sofia immensely.

Sofia, the older sister, is more interested in her social life than her school life. She isn't failing any of her subjects at school but isn't over-achieving as her brother is. She discovered boys a couple of years back and has had a steady stream of boyfriends or different seriousness since then. As she is a pretty girl who cares about her appearance, finding a new boyfriend when the last was gone is not hard for her. Not that each breakup wasn't painful in its own way. She is five foot six with relatively straight dark brown hair that falls to just below her shoulder blades and hazel eyes. She is a VSCO girl although that trend is waning for her, not that she still doesn't want to 'Save The Turtles'.

Jack arrived. "So, we are going to see Weird Al?'

"Yeah, we are going to see him tonight."

"Sofia is going to take us"


"How will you convince her."

"I'm not going to you are."

'What do you mean?'

"You are going to become her and then since you'll be her, we'll just go."

"What are you talking about?"

"You are going to swap bodies with Sofia and then we'll go to the concert."

"I don't want to be Sofia."

"It's just for one night. You'll swap back tomorrow. But in the meantime, we'll go to the concert."

"Wait, it's not possible to swap bodies."

"Yes, it is."


"With this." Peter showed Jack a device. It didn't look too complicated. It looked sort of like a digital camera. It didn't have very many buttons or even much of a view screen. It didn't look too impressive.

"What is that?"

"I told you, it's what we are going to use to swap you and Sofia."

"Sure, how does it work?'

"It's a combination of things. It had both magic and scientific components. I'm not going to explain everything. But I have been working on it for quite a while."

"I don't believe it works. It can't."

"It does. I tested it and it works."

"Tested it?"

"Yeah, having you noticed that Amy Chen and Franklin Benz have been acting strangely?"

Jack had noticed some things, but it wasn't extremely overt. Franklin wasn't wearing dresses and acting extremely girly. But something was a bit off with him. Amy, who he didn't know as well, did seem a bit different. But mostly what he noticed was that they were together a lot.

Amy and Franklin had been swapped. They were doing their best to keep this fact hidden from everyone. They didn't want to seem like freaks. They kept in close contact so they could help each other. Plus, they were the only ones who knew what was going on. They hoped to return to their own lives eventually, they didn't want to ruin who they were before that happened. There were definite signs that the swap had taken place. But only if a person was looking for it. Mostly both were kidded about it by each other's friends when they noticed something odd.

"Well, I swapped them. That is why they are acting like that."

"Come on!"

"It's true."

"So, Amy is now Franklin and vice versa?"


"You just said."

"I swapped them back. It was just a test that lasted a couple of days. They don't know what happened or why. They were still in contact because they have a secret that only they know."

"Do they know it was you?"

"No, why should I tell them."

"I don't know if I believe you."

"You'll find out when it happens to you."

"Hmm, hmm."

"What you don't want to go to the concert."

"I do. But to swap with Sofia."

"It's the only way. Besides it's only for one night then you'll swap back."

"But I'll be Sofia."

"You'll be you in Sofia's body. You don't have to do anything Sofia does. All we'll do is go to the concert and that's it. Are you saying you can't just enjoy the concert in her body? It's sort of like wearing a costume."

"What about Sofia. What will she be doing?"

"She'll be you. She'll go home and watch TV or something and wait until we are done."

"Won't she be mad?"

"Probably, but what can she do? She'll behave. She'll want her body back."

""She'll do something."

"It's only one night. We'll do it and make it sound like a mistake and then swap back in the morning. What can she do overnight?"

"I don't know something."

"Tell your mom your gay or something?"

"Yeah, like that."

"When you are you, you'll say you were only kidding. It'll be worth it just to see the concert. She can't do anything permanent."

"Maybe she can get onto my Facebook and post something to the rest of the kids."

"She doesn't have your password. Besides, she'll be much more worried about you doing something to her than she is of you. She's older. she cares more about those things than we do. I'm your best friend. The other guys will get over it. Maybe we'll even explain what happened if need be. They will be envious of us for going. They know they can't."

"Let me think about it."

"We can't think too long, the concert is tonight."

"It doesn't seem to be a good idea. I mean I will be a girl."

"You'll have a girl's body, but you'll be the same person. We are just going to a concert. You won't be doing anything girly if you don't want to."

As eleven-year-olds, they didn't have any interest in girls. They really didn't know the true nature of girls. Neither had ever seen a girl naked and they didn't even know that girls didn't have a dick in their pants. They just assumed they had. If they didn't, how would they pee? The real difference between boys and girls to them was the clothes they wore and the way they acted. They didn't see why a girl would want to act like that. They thought that being a boy was much more fun.

"So, I won't have to wear a skirt or anything like that?"

"No, nothing, jeans, and a t-shirt are fine."

"How about a bra?"

"Well, you have to wear that."


Peter gave Jack a look.

"Okay," he said reluctantly.

"Hey. you'll get to see what it's like."

"What is it like?"

"To have boobs."

"Yeah, whatever. I don't want boobs."

"It'll be worth it to see the concert. It's going to be lots of fun."

"So how do we do this?"

"OK, this is the device that'll swap you two."

"So, you gonna just go behind her and use it?"

"No, we have to be careful."


"So, I'm going to show her this."

"What's that do?"


"Then why show her?"

"I'm going to say that this will swap you both. I'll drop it and then swap you with this. I'll tell you it needs a day to recharge, or it's broken, and I'll have to fix it. That way, we can leave it with her, and she won't bother us. She'll press the buttons and stuff and it won't work. Then I'll swap you back tomorrow."

"I have an idea. Why not be the guy who drops the fake one when her back is turned...I mean turned from you."

"Good idea."

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“VSCO girl” welp learned a new word today