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Air bubbles rose from a water dispenser in what we will soon see as an office building. The scene focuses on a copper teapot being filled with such water. The bubbles cease and the pot is lifted by a hand. It is hard to tell if the hand is male or female as the room is still mostly dark with the room illuminated by the escaping light from a lamp in the adjacent room.

The hand lifts the teapot and places it on a gas stove only a couple of feet from the water dispenser. The flame is lit. The person walks several paces to a desk that has its own desk lamp although the room is still dark. Besides this lone figure, the room is empty. It is either very early in the morning or very late at night.

The person sits down, but his features are still not distinct in the gloom. He/she takes a hat from his head swivels his chair and pressed the record button on a tape recorder. He dictates into the recorder instead of typing on the typewriter on his desk which is still mostly in darkness.

He scratches his head and sighs before beginning his monologue. It's a man who is speaking, but his voice doesn't sound like the voice of a man.

“There is an expression used in my city, 'It takes all kinds'. That is what they say. But the people don't know how much more uniform it used to be. The people weren't as 'mixed up in the past. I don't mean the distant past as in decades ago or even a year. I mean the past of the last few weeks. I think this all began a few weeks ago. I don't know for certain. I'm not a hundred percent on anything these days. There were so many changes it was hard to keep up. This reporter was changed too. I'm sure of a few of the changes, others blend together into one. Maybe in some cases, it might have been that my memory had changed, not a physical or mental change.

I had never thought of the philosophical question 'Who am I?' I know I've changed physically; did I change mentally as well? How many small changes have to be made until a person isn't himself anymore? My name hasn't changed, not really. Not my professional name, not my byline. My last name is a different thing. Does it really matter? Is this the new me now? I suppose it is, as there isn't any way back to what I was. Even if I could clearly remember who that actually was. I don't know why I'm going on about this. I'm not the story. The story is the story. It's the story I will be telling, how I changed due to the events I include just to be complete.

Now is the time to tell my story, as I remember it without any more distortions that might have been produced by the hands of time and distance from the actions and events I am about to describe. Memories fade quickly enough and if I don't tell my story now, I don't think I ever will.

Chapter 1

9:38 PM May 5th.

The scene shifts from the office of I.N.S. (Independent News Service) to a bedroom. In the bedroom, there are two people: a tall and skinny guy, Bert Street, and his shorter, pudgier friend Ernie Sesame. They were laying down in separate twin beds that were approximately two feet apart. If anyone cared to look, they would see indentations in the carpet between the beds.  It is clearly apparent that these beds are pushed together frequently and then pulled apart again just as frequently.

Bert has a black tuft of hair. His hair is thinning not from his head's crown which is usual for a man his age, but from the sides. Regardless his forehead looms large, separated from his eyes by a thick unibrow. His complexion is light and slightly yellowish. He has dark eyes, a long straight nose, and is dressed in pajamas with vertical stripes and a V-neck that highlights the white undershirt beneath.

Ernie, his shorter, pudgier partner has much more hair and a wider face. He is slightly more tanned than Bert. Ernie barely has any eyebrows at all, his nose is thicker than Bert's. His pajamas had horizontal stripes.

“Bert, want to push the beds together tonight?” Ernie asked hopefully.

“No, not tonight. I don't feel like it.”

“But it's been such a long time since the beds were pushed close together,” Ernie whined.

Ernie couldn't remember the last time the beds had to be pushed together. Neither could Bert. But they both knew that the beds were pushed together often. Despite the beds never being pushed together yet, both men believed it had been done quite often.

“Well maybe after the show is over.”

Ernie didn't have to be asked twice, he removed his pajama bottoms and waited for the top of the hour.

Not too far away, Rob and Laura Petrie were also laying in twin beds. Between the beds, there was an end table with a lamp and clock on it, which made pushing the beds together impossible. Laura was wearing a silky nightgown with short sleeves. Rob was wearing a collared pajama top with matching pajama bottoms.

“It's getting late,” Rob stated.

“Yeah, I guess we should get some sleep.”

“As soon as this program is over.”


Laura wanted to read but decided not to make an issue out of it. She would finish her chapter and then turn over away from Rob and go to sleep.

At the top of the hour, they also turned off the TV. But in their case, the lights were turned off and they went straight to sleep. All that was said was a pleasant 'Good night.'

No one witnessed the sleeping habits of these two couples, but they were vastly different than their sleeping habits the night before. Bert and Ernie's platonic relation of yesterday had changed to that of lovers.  They were more like a married couple than the very good friends they had been.

Rob and Laura although technically married, felt and acted more like best friends than a married couple. The idea of 'pulling the beds together' never occurs to them. It didn't seem right,

The exact time when their relationships had shifted was only a few hours ago, although neither couple perceived any change at all. As neither couple would discuss such private topics such as their sleeping arrangements with other people, as far as everyone knew, there hadn't been any change in roles for either couple.

In the morning, Rob and Laura woke from a good night's sleep. Bert and Ernie slept well too although Bert's butt was very sore.

Chapter 2

Kolchak voiceover: “It all began with a swap that nobody noticed at all.  A change in the relation of ordinary couples.  Lovers turned to friends and friends turned to lovers.

6:37 the very next morning.

'Doctor' Johnny Fever was on the final hour and a half of the night shift at WKRP. He had grown used to working overnight at the radio station. He was an excellent disc jockey.
He was one of the best actually, but years of problems outside the station bounced him from one gig to another. He was happy to still have a job and appreciated the opportunity to resume his career after being out of the business for over a year.”

The scene shifts from Kolchak to a record turning on a turntable. Soon more of the scene is revealed to show a man sitting next to the spinning record wearing a navy windbreaker over a dark red shirt. His thick blonde hair and a matching mustache were the most prominent features on his angular face. In addition, he wore sun glassed in the darkened room.

The man speaks. “Alright Tvland, it is time for this town to get down! I am Doctor Johnny Fever and I am burning up in here. Whew, we are all in critical condition babies, but you can tell me where it hurts. Because I have the healing prescription here from the big WKRP medicine cabinet. Now I am talking about your fifty-thousand-watt intensive care unit babies. So just sit right down, relax, open your ears real wide and say give it to me straight doctor I can take it!” Then Johnny started playing the Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil.

Johnny sat back down enjoying the song. The song was a long one, over six minutes long.

Johnny was really getting into the song, saying woo-woo when it came up in the lyrics.

Jennifer Marlowe the station manager's secretary and receptionist entered the booth. She didn't knock, she just went right in.

Jennifer was a very pretty, very well-endowed young woman. She oozed sex appeal that could drive any straight man crazy, including Johnny. She had it and she knew how to use it. That was why she was the highest-paid employee at the station.

The additional light from the hall would have been glaring to Johnny if he hadn't been wearing sunglasses. Instead, it was only annoying.

Johnny was going to complain until he saw who had entered. “Hey Jennifer, what can I do for you?”

“Mr. Carlson wants to see you when your shift is done.”

“Not a problem. I'll be there.”

The Role Swapper struck at that moment. The Role Swapper didn't need its victims to be in the same room to affect a swap. It swapped Jennifer's massive mammaries with Johnny's chest and their hairstyles. Jennifer's blinding bouffant was now atop of Johnny's head, in some ways it matched his beard and mustache. Which would one see when they saw Johnny first, his perfectly styled doo, held in place with a pound of hair stray hair or the beautiful bouncing lovelies that were now under his red-colored shirt. He felt a tingle from his nipples rubbing against his shirt without the support of a bra. This sensation felt perfectly natural to him as if he had always felt that way. Johnny had to pay for the very pleasant sensations in his chest with back pain in his lower back from years of walking around with unsupported breasts. He thought the price was worth it.

A flat-chested Jennifer left the booth having given Johnny the message. Her salary had dropped within the last 20 seconds. Johnny became the highest-paid employee at the station.

Even without her buxom breasts, Jennifer was still a gorgeous woman with many luscious curves. After delivering her message to Johnny, Jennifer looked for Venus Flytrap, the other DJ at the station. She had to give him the same message.

Venus was an African American man with dark skin and a sweet deep voice that sounded exquisite on the radio. He was young, fit, and had a short afro that went along with his short beard and mustache.

The Role Swapper followed Jennifer on her errand and ran into the pair of Jennifer and Venus. Immediately Venus wasn't a man anymore, his rather large penis could now be found between the wide hips of Jennifer. In its place, the closely shaved mound of Jennifer was part of Venus' crotch. His complexion lightened from chocolate brown to Jennifer's pale peach and his voice moved up several octaves to a high not quite soprano pitch.

Venus' programming changed from soul to a more sultry rock that suited Venis' high-pitched whisper. Even though he was technically a Caucasian woman with the sexy voice to match, most of Venus' features remained as they always had been. As a result, there weren't any promotional pictures of Venus for the station.

“Mr. Carlson wants you in his office at the end of the shift,” Jennifer said in her new deep masculine voice.

“No problem, Jennifer,” Venus replied in a sensual whisper that was his normal speaking voice now.

Chapter 3

Back in the office of INS, Carl Kolchak was typing out the end of his latest story. Carl was a hard-bitten newsman who loved to sick his teeth into a story no matter where it led. This could put him at odds with many powerful officials as well as the police.

Kolchak turned around and behind him was the paper's editor Tony Vincenzo. Tony was bigger and older than Kolchak. He knew that Kolchak was a hell of a reporter and a pest at the same time. But this time he had to ask a favor of Kolchak.

Suspicious, Kolchak asked, "What do you want of me?”  Kolchak's voice wasn't the same voice as the voiceover from before, it was now typically male.

"I'm hungry, let's go down to Manny's and get a coffee and a piece of danish,” Tony suggested.

"The last time you invited me for coffee and danish I ended up in Sioux Falls Iowa covering a hardware convention.”

"Well listen can't a man take a coworker to coffee without being suspected?”

"Coworker? The last time you called me a coworker, I spent three days rewriting old obituaries.”

"Don't make me have to make this an order.”

"What an order?”

"Charlie Preacher got injured and I need you to cover a new radio station that just became the new rock and roll station in this town after thirty years of contemporary. Everyone is going to disco, but they say disco is dead and they refuse to play anything other than classic rock and roll.”

"You want me to do a puff piece on a radio station?”

"It needs to be done. Charlie can't do it, so you'll have to.”

"Do I have any say in the matter?”


Kolchak realized that he should have taken Vincenzo up on his offer. At least he would get a coffee and danish out of it. That is if Vincenzo paid this time.

Kolchak hadn't any pressing stories at the moment, so he accepted the inevitable and headed towards the radio station. It was WKRP in Tvland City.

Kolchak was very good at his profession; he could make even a puff piece interesting. But when he got there, he found the staff a bit off. The receptionist, Jennifer greeted him when he entered. Jennifer clearly looked like a pretty woman, even under her mustache, beard and her chocolate-colored skin, Kolchak could tell she had fine features. She was also wearing a tight brown dress with a U-neck and a peplum waist that accentuated the wideness of her hips.

What was initially off about her was women who usually wear U-neck closes do it to highlight larger breasts. But Jennifer was flat as a board.  She didn't even need or wear a bra.

"Can I help you?” Jennifer asked? Her voice didn't match either, it was a rich baritone.

"Yes, I'm supposed to see the station manager.”

"OK, come this way.”

Jennifer got up.  Clearly outlined under her tight dress was a huge, even though it was a flaccid, penis.

Jennifer turned on her three-and-a-half-inch heels to lead Kolchak. Kolchak could now see her luscious backside. It was a backside that no man should have. If Kolchak wasn't wedded to his job, he would have asked Jennifer out. But then he remembered the big dick in her panties and got back to business.

Jennifer was asked to show Kolchak around and did so. She showed him the entire station introducing him to the array of odd characters and crossdressers who worked at the station. From the young and skinny intern, Arthur Carlson to the oldest and fattest person, the owner Jan Smithers, and everyone in between.

There was some sort of oddity about each and every employee. This was a place for oddballs.

Finally, it was time to meet the new program director, Andy Travis.  Andy was different than all the rest.  He seemed perfectly suited to who he was.  There wasn't anything off about his persona.

Andy stood up, "HI, I'm Andy Travis the new program director.”

"Let's get right to it.  Why did you change the format of the station?  There are lots of rock and roll stations.”

"Kolchak, rock and roll is where the money is.  This station used to play elevator music."

The interview continued for a while until Kolchak asked, "How did the staff go along with the changes?”

"They were positive about them.”

"You do have a unique group working for you.”

"How so?”

"Well, your overnight 'man' has the biggest set of knockers I've seen in quite a while.”

"What does that have to do with it.  He's a good man.”

"Your sales manager is hitting on your news guy all the time.”

"You mean Herb and Les?”


"Les knows how to handle himself.  He's quite a stud.”

"But I saw Les slap Herb's face when he grabbed his rear.”


"Aren't you worried about a lawsuit if it continues?”

"Naa, it's fine.”

"Your evening man, Venus Flytrap, sounds like a sexy woman, but he looks more like a man than I do.  Except for the large bra he wearing under his shirt that is obviously stuffed with tissue.  He's not fooling anyone.”

"I can assure you.  Here it counts, Venus is all woman. Not a problem, we just keep her image off of the promotions.”

Kolchak had no way of knowing that the stuffed bra that Venus wore or his voice, Caucasian skin and vagina had once belonged to Jennifer.  Nor that Jennifer's beard and mustache had been Venus's before the arrival of the Role Swapper.

Kolchak was trying to be tactful, but Andy didn't seem to realize what an odd group of misfits worked here.

Kolchak gathered the information he needed and exited the place to write his story. He didn't want to exploit these strange people and just wrote the story that was expected of him.

Chapter 4

Voiceover Kolchak.

“4:47 PM May 8th.

Peter Brady waited outside the guestroom where he knew his mother was. She was straightening up the room. Even though the Brady family had a housekeeper now, Carol liked to lend a helping hand from time to time. She was that type of person.

Peter had been waiting for so long for such an opportunity. He didn't even know he was waiting until the opportunity presented itself. But now he realized this is what he always wanted. Peter knew the risks. He knew that anything could happen. It was worth the risk he thought.  He should have thought about it some more.”

“This is going to be great!” Peter said to himself.  “Even if it doesn't turn out perfectly, it might be OK anyway. It might still be fantastic. I might still be glorious!”

Peter heard his mother scurrying around.  He couldn't see her directly; he couldn't see into the room even though the door was open. He couldn't see her, and he didn't want her to see him waiting outside. But he knew what she must be doing. She was replacing knick-knacks to their proper position. She was giving the furniture a light dusting. She was making the bed. She was putting items into drawers. She was doing the general housework that needed to be done for that room.

It wouldn't take her too long to finish up and move on to something else. Peter had to act fast. He had to be alone with her. Then it would happen. That is what he believed. He had seen it before. If it could happen to strangers at school, then it would have to happen to him.

Peter first noticed the effects of the Role Swapper at school. Usually, the people involved didn't notice a thing happening, but he did. The first occurrence that Peter noticed was odd but not totally bizarre. Why was Skip Farnum taking a dance class? Peter knew Skip, it was completely out of character for him to be in dance. But yet Skip entered the rehearsal hall. Peter tried to ignore what he saw. It weighed upon his mind. He had to check it out, so about ten minutes later, Peter found an excuse to go to the rehearsal hall and look in. Skip was wearing a red leotard with white tights and pale pink ballet shoes which all the other girls in the class were also wearing. He was dancing with all the rest. He wasn't in the lead or hiding in the back of the other dancers. He was just one of the groups and seemed to be making an effort to dance well.

Later, Peter saw Kyle Sterne who was wearing a crimson flowery collared top with a tan sweater and woman's slacks. Kyle was walking in the hall presumably towards his next class with the rest of the student body. It was an outfit that Peter had seen on his math teacher Ms. O'Hara before. Why a boy in his grade would wear such a thing Peter didn't know. Girls in his grade wouldn't wear that.  But was odder than that was that no one seemed to mind the boy's preference in apparel.

Later when Peter entered Ms. O'Hara's math class, she was wearing a red and white striped shirt with a crew neck, white pants, and sneakers. But was the 'oddest' about her outfit, was that her breasts were sagging a bit under her shirt. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. Peter had never seen a female teacher in his school who didn't wear a bra.  He couldn't believe it.

“Was Kyle wearing a bra under his top?” Peter didn't know. Maybe he was. He didn't look close enough to find out. Besides, there wasn't any way of really telling as he was also wearing a light sweater.

Regardless, Ms. O'Hara was dressed more like a student on this particular day than that of the teacher.

Peter put it out of his mind. He didn't want to even bring it up to the other kids.

Then there were Jennifer Nichols and Millicent Duggan. Peter saw Jennifer's arm around Millicent's shoulder as they were walking down the hall. Millicent's boyfriend, Phillip Covington usually had his arm around her shoulders like that. It was awfully strange for another girl to be holding Millicent like that.

After that, Peter kept an eye out for anything that seemed out of place, no matter how small.

Peter discovered: girls in the boys' room, boys with 'very long hair' and girlish styles, students who were now part of the faculty and adults who were in his class, students, even older than himself, who sucked their thumbs openly.

Peter entered the public library to do research. By looking through old papers, Peter discovered the 'myth' of the Role Swapper. According to legend, the Role Swapper could show up anywhere although it usually stays in a town for a while before moving on. It did as the name implied, swapping the roles of people seemingly at random. 'Role' was a broad term for what was swapped between people. It might be something small and unimportant like a hairstyle or allergy to a complete lifestyle swap or body swap. There wasn't any way to predict what would happen or to who. Most people couldn't notice the changes made to themselves or to others. But there were a special few who could see the results of the Role Swapper's actions. Peter Brady was apparently one of those special few.

Peter stepped out from behind the door. He could see his mother straightening up the room. His mother, Carol Brady usually wore dresses most of the time. But since she was cleaning up, she decided to wear a tank-sleeved short grey jumper with a pair of matching slacks. Under the jumper, she wore a flowery red long-sleeved collared shirt. On her feet were brown flats. The rest of her was as expected, her blonde hair was styled in a bob with a uniform curl running down her neck.

“Peter,” Mrs. Brady asked cheerily, “what's wrong?”

“Nothing, I just thought I would help you clean up.”

“What do you want?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to help you.”

Carol didn't believe that for a minute, but if Peter wanted to help her, she would wait for 'the other shoe to drop'. She knew that he must want something.

"Sure, you can start by vacuuming.”

“Sure thing.”

Peter took out the vacuum and turned it on. The roar was deafening. Peter started in a corner and then worked around to vacuum the entire room efficiently. It was mostly mindless work. What went through Peter's mind as he was doing so was, “Please Mr. Role Swapper swap me and mom.” Peter thought of the Role Swapper as a man even though the Role Swapper's gender was a bit more uncertain.

Peter didn't notice right away when his clothing was swapped with Carol's. He didn't feel the change at all. He was wearing her jumper and the rest of her clothes, including her panties and bra. They felt as natural on him as his shirt and pants had a moment before.

“Mom,” the former Mrs. Brady said, “I think I'm finished.” Now that Mrs. Brady had Peter's identity, she didn't feel like cleaning anymore.

Peter looked at his mom. Her body hadn't changed, but her clothes did. Her hair was still a golden blonde, but her style had changed to Peter's. The makeup had also been removed from her face. Peter didn't notice that her manicure was gone too.

“Mom!!!” the former Carol said again.


“I think I'm finished. Can I go?”

“Sure thing, Peter. I'll finish up whatever is needed. Thanks for all your help.”

“No problem, Mom.”

The former Carol exited the room and went presumably to the boy's bedroom or outside. That didn't concern the former Peter. He wanted to look at himself. But before he did that, he just had to finish the room. He felt his mother's responsibility. Since she started the room, she had to finish it. No reason to leave a project unfinished. Besides, it would only take a couple of minutes. It was a small room and 'Peter' had been helping 'her'.

Once completed, the new Carol put away the vacuum cleaner and then walked to the master bedroom. There was a full-length mirror on the closet door that would allow him to see his entire body. His body didn't change, but he wanted to look at himself anyway. On the way to the bedroom, Carol became aware of several changes. She could taste the lipstick on her lips. She could feel her now longer hair on her neck. She noticed the painted nails on her hand. But she also knew that inside her 'panties' (she assumed she was wearing panties even though she hadn't looked) she still had a penis.

Carol entered her room and closed the door. She didn't want anyone to watch her 'examine' herself. She saw Peter's body with the small cosmetic changes of hair, nails, and makeup. Her hair was done in the same style as the former Carol had been, but her hair was now brown, not blonde. Only the style had changed. That is what Carol discovered about all of her changes, physically nothing had changed, it was just as though Carol was 'living' in Peter's body and dressing as Carol had and doing what Carol would do for her entire life.

Carol looked over her clothes. There were definitely in a feminine style (Carol Brady's style) but she didn't want to wear pants. Not even under a jumper. She was a woman now and she wanted to wear a dress, maybe some shoes with a small heel. Carol's usual outfit when she wasn't doing housework.

Carol knew what was already in her closet even before opening it up. She didn't know if that was because when she was Peter, he noticed what his mother was wearing, or if that knowledge had been transferred into his brain. Regardless, he looked through the dresses on the hangers. Carol selected a light green knee-length dress with short sleeves and a V-neck. It came with a matching green belt that highlighted his 'narrow' waist.

Carol wanted to wear it with some pantyhose. She didn't need to, but she wanted to. She also wanted to wear shoes with a small heel. Carol retrieved the apparel she wanted to wear and placed them on the bed. Then she disrobed from the clothes she was wearing. She started with the jumper. Instead of just throwing the clothes on the floor as Peter would have done the day before, Carol folded the jumper neatly and placed it also on the bed. The next to go was the slacks. Carol could now see the panties she was wearing. They were in a bikini cut and they were in a red that matched her top. Her penis was tightly outlined by her pantie. There wasn't anything to do about that. The top was the last to go. She found the bra she was wearing was also red to match the panties and the top. She looked down disappointed that she didn't have boobs to fill out the cups of her bra. She was disappointed that she didn't really have the body of a woman in any way.

Carol sat on the bed and rolled the hose in her fingers and then pointed her toe and put the hose on her foot. She pulled it up to close to her knee, then proceeded to do the other foot. She had to stand up to get the hose up the rest of her legs and over her hips to the smallest part of her waist. The dress was pulled over her head and fastened in the back with a zipper and a hook 'n eye closure at the back of her neck. She put on her shoes and was now fully dressed as she wanted to be.

Carol looked at herself in the mirror. She was Carol now, even though she had Peter's body. Everyone would think of her as Carol and treat her appropriately. The Role Swapper did exactly what its name implied, it swapped Peter's role with Carol's. But not their actual bodies.

Exiting her room, Carol went in search of Greg. She wanted to 'boss him around' as Greg had bossed Carol when she was Peter.

Carol walked the hall in search of Greg. She enjoyed the act of walking. She liked the feel of the skirt as it swished against her hose-covered legs. She liked the feel of walking in heels. She might not have any breasts, but she enjoyed wearing the bra just the same. She wished she had some. That didn't diminish anything he had already received She would be considered a woman now. She was a wife and mother. Everyone assumed she was a pretty middle-aged woman nearing forty years old, even though physically she was none of those things. Finally, everyone assumed that she was in fact a woman in every sense of the word. No one would question who she was from her family to her best friends or even strangers on the street or in a public restroom.

Carol found Greg in the boy's bedroom. All three boys were there, including Peter. Peter's breasts sagged until his t-shirt. He didn't seem to mind or find their presence there the least bit strange. As far as he knew, he was supposed to have breasts and a vagina, but he was still just a typical boy in his lower teens.

Carol didn't say anything to Peter, she wasn't here to talk to him. It was Greg she wanted to confront.

“Greg!” she said with a little bit of edge in her voice indicating that she meant business.

“Yes, Mom.”

“I know what you did last Thursday.”


“Don't lie to me. I know and you have to be punished.”

Greg looked at Peter. Greg knew that Peter must have told 'Mom'. But Peter didn't have any idea what was going on.

“Don't blame Peter, he didn't tell me a thing. Blame yourself for what you did.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Greg for what you did, you'll have to help Alice all day. I don't want you to leave her side.”

This didn't seem like such a bad punishment to Greg. It was only one day. She wasn't grounding him for a week.

But Carol believed the Role Swapper was still around. She could imagine Greg becoming the family housekeeper. Serves him right for being so bossy.

Carol led Greg to the kitchen and told Alice what the deal was. “Greg had to help you all day today. Make sure you work him hard.”

“Sure thing Mrs. Brady,” Alice replied. “Mrs. Brady, I wanted to remind you, you have to pick up Marcia. She is babysitting at Margie Rimple's house.”

“I forgot; I'll go get her, thank you.”

Carol was happy to go. She would drive the car for the first time in her life. Carol wondered and hoped that Greg would be Alice by the time she returned.

Carol drove the two miles to the Rimple house.  It was so much fun to drive a car.  Peter had never done so.  The two miles were heavenly.  She was not only driving, but she could feel the hose on her legs as she sat in the driver's seat.  She had to remind herself several times to keep her mind on the road.  She didn't want to get into an accident the first time she ever drove a car.

Carol knocked on the door. She was surprised at what she saw. Marcia wasn't the babysitter here; she was the small child who was being babysat for. Not that she changed physically as Carol hadn't changed physically. But she was wearing a very short dress that flared at the bottom to expose the thick diaper she was wearing. Carol could see it clearly as the dress bounced up and down when Marcia ran towards her.

Marcia flew into Carol's arms screaming, “Mommy!”

Carol addressed the toddler who had swapped maturity with Marcia. “How was she?”

“She was an absolute angel.”

“No problems at all?”

“Not a one.”

“Great, we'll be going then.”

“Aren't you forgetting something?”

“Is she wet? I'll change her at home.”

“No, my money.”

“I'm sorry, it's been that type of day.” Carol found her wallet in her purse and paid the girl before taking Marcia by the hand and leading her to the station wagon. She secured Marcia in the front seat (this was the 1970s, child safety in cars was different back then.) They drove home.

“Did you like staying with Molly?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Great, what did you do?”

“We played hide and seek and watched TV.”

“Is that all?”

“Well, we played with toys too and...” Marcia described her day after lots of prodding by Carol.

They were back in twenty minutes. Carol told Jan to watch Marcia and then went to see how Greg and Alice were doing. Carol didn't discern any changes. She would just have to wait. An hour later, Carol found the Role Swapper did make a swap when Sam the Butcher called and asked for Greg. Greg and Sam were dating. But that wasn't the complete extent of the change. Greg and Alice had swapped their social lives. Greg was dating Sam. He hoped to marry Sam someday. But other than that, all of Greg's friends were middle-aged women. Most were housekeepers and maids who worked nearby.

Alice, on the other hand, had many teenage friends and had started dating a very pretty girl who was a junior at the high school.

Alice prepared a meatloaf for dinner with Greg's assistance.  Greg had gone down to Sam's Butcher Shop to pick up the meat.  Greg insisted as he was dating Sam and wanted to see him again.

“I need some chop meat,” Greg said with a sly smile.

“Is that all you want?”

“I have some ideas.”

“Want to tell me?”

“Maybe later when I have a minute.”

Sam went back to grind the meat fresh himself.

When he returned, Sam announced.  “There's a little something special for you, Greg.  A skirt steak in pink panties.”  Then he laughed.

“Oh Sam, it couldn't be better if it was 14-carat gold!”

Then Greg and Sam moved in close for a quick kiss before Sam had to get back to work.

Greg was on cloud nine as he walked back home.

The Brady Bunch took their places at the table.  Mike at the head and Carol at the rear.  The boys are on the right side from oldest to youngest.  The girls on the left are in the same order as the boys.

After dinner, out of earshot of everyone Mike told Carol you look great today, let's go to bed early.  Then he kissed her on the neck.

Carol felt odd.  Mike had been her father a few hours ago and now he was her husband.  That Peter expected, but Mike showing real sexual attention to her was unexpected.  Peter had always wanted to be a woman and being what used to be his mother seemed natural.  But being intimate with what used to be his dad he hadn't thought about.  Being a woman, wife, mother had all appealed to Peter, but not this part of his new lifestyle.

Carol put on a long pink nightgown with a V-neck and tank sleeves.  The nightgown fitted her torso nicely and then flared out at the skirt.  She got into the bed.  Mike got in a few moments later.  Under the covers, Mike turned his body towards Carol and started to kiss her.  Carol didn't know what to feel.  She was conflicted.  She did like men (she wasn't sure if she always felt that way or just after the swap) but this had been her father for thirteen years.  There was something wrong about giving into him.

“Mike, I'm not sure if we should tonight,” Carol told Mike.  She wanted to let him down easily.

“You don't mind if I just hold you then?"

“That'll be alright.”

Mike didn't want to just hold Carol and kept making advances.  Carol fought him off the best she could without hurting his feelings.  She could hold out for only so long before Mike overpowered her.  Carol's virgin butt was sore the entire next day.  She also felt very guilty.

As the days passed, Carol became more disillusioned with the state of affairs.  She was Carol, wife, mother, and all the rest, but 'physically he was still Peter.'  Her clothes didn't fit her right. She wore makeup, but it wasn't making her as pretty as a woman should be.  Not to herself, although everyone praised her appearance.  It didn't feel right to be a woman without the womanly parts.

Shee also found out that Mike liked to make love every night.  There weren't any exceptions.  Carol would say 'No' but in the end, Mike would have his way with her.  Invariably, Carol would have to get out of bed after the lovemaking was over and wash the cum off herself wherever it was.  Mike loved to spray Carol.  Even if he pulled out, Mike would spray Carol in the face or into her hair.

Carol on the other hand started to think about other men that she knew.  It could be anyone as long as she could get the idea out of lovemaking with her father was out of her mind.  It could be the next-door neighbor, Peter's science teacher, or even Sam the Butcher.

Carol knew it was a mistake for Peter to swap with Carol.  She did what she could to swap back by keeping as close to Peter as possible. As the weeks passed, Carol knew that the Role Swapper was evil and had to be stopped.  Carol couldn't do it, but maybe if she told someone what was happening then they could destroy the Role Swapper.

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