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Chapter 7

When Jerry woke up in the morning, he came to a realization.  "All of his friends, everyone under forty actually was just a child."  This was during the calm moments when he was smoking his first cigarette of the day.  It didn't matter if they were a man or a woman, but especially the boys his age.  They were all children.  Jerry even thought that his mother was barely an adult.  One thing was sure, she definitely needed to get some good advice when it came to what she was wearing and how she made up her face.

As the days passed, Jerry became more comfortable with his online persona of an elderly professional woman.  He wasn't afraid of being discovered as a fraud anymore.  He enjoyed the class and was one of the most engaged in the class discussions.

He also stopped wearing any of his male apparel anymore while at Crystal's house.  He liked dressing up and there were tons of outfits to try on.  Not everyone suited his own personal preference or body type.  But that didn't stop him from experimenting.  Some looks he could discover he liked only after trying them on.

Just like face primer and foundation was the bedrock of his makeup.  The slip with shoulder pads, bodysuit shaper with a narrow waist, and his D-cup falsies that were shaped into bullet shapes from his shapewear were the bedrock of his apparel.  He also always wore stockings too, but that was just a style preference, not an absolute necessity.

He was now wearing makeup in the brighter reds that were fashionable in the late forties and fifties.  Although his makeup style still adjusted day to day depending upon his mood and other factors.  He always wore clothes that focused the eye down from his shoulders to the illusionary waist.  Due to his male bone structure under his clothing, he presents as a plus-sized elderly woman.

On this day, Jerry was wearing a light-colored collared tea-length sundress with a wide skirt and a tightly belted waist.  It was under a dark-colored jacket.  He was accessorized with a pearl necklace and earrings.  Something typical for the fifties, his favorite fashion decade.

His nylon-covered legs were crossed at the knees as he lit his first cigarette and logged onto his class.  That was when he got the surprise of his life.

"Ladies," the professor announced, "starting on Monday, this class will be taken offline and everyone will be expected to join them in class lessons.  I am eager to meet you all in person."

Jerry had to wait until the end of the class to tell Crystal.  It was hard to concentrate on the work.  This session was the one in which Jerry participated the least and smoked the most since starting this course.

"Crystal, I have news."


"The class!  Starting Monday it will be in-person only!" Jerry spit out his words in excited utterances.

"I guess that's it then," Crystal said with resignation.  "I guess we'll have to drop out."

"WHAT?" Jerry exclaimed.

"We have to drop out.  What other choice do we have?"

"I want to attend the class."

"How is that possible.  You won't have the advantages of working remotely.  There won't be any plastic wrap in front of people's eyes, they will see all of you, hear your voice."

"I took the plastic wrap off a while back, they've been seeing the real me.  No one said a word."

"But there is more to it than that."

"Look at me, I can pull it off.  I'm already dressed from head to toe like a woman."  Jerry stood up for emphasis."

"But, you aren't one.  If you were going to, let's face it, be me, then you have to have my grace, my poise, my posture.  You have to project femininity in everything you do."

"I can do that."  Jerry lit another cigarette, the one move he practiced to do in a feminine manner.

"You're not really standing like a woman."

"I am."

"No, you're not.  It's subtle but I can tell.  It's not just the lighting of the cigarette, it's the whole body.  It has to be completely feminine."

"OK, let me see."  Jerry put one foot in front of the other like a fashion model."

"No, not that.  You aren't trying to sell the dress you are wearing.  That is overdoing it.  It has to be casually feminine.  It has to be as if you were born female and it all comes naturally to you, with sixty years of practice."

"I can do it.  I really can!  You just have to help me a little.  We have until Monday!" Jerry pleaded.  He wanted to continue the course so much.  He enjoyed it.  He wanted to see it through.  He wanted to get an 'A'.  Jerry didn't even think about the money that Crystal had promised him.  He didn't even consider what he would do when the course was over, that he would have to return to his former life.  He was just fixated on finishing the course.  That is all he wanted to do.

"I can see you're serious.  But you have to be a hundred percent on this.  You can't go in there and let them know that you aren't who you say you are.  For you, they would only throw you out.  That isn't a big deal.  But for me, it would ruin my career.  I can't risk that.  You must understand."

Jerry hadn't thought of it like that.  This was something that he wanted to do very badly.  He was willing to take the risk of discovery for himself.  But he hadn't thought what the ramifications would be for Crystal.  He didn't realize that she had more to lose than he did.  He might be embarrassed, but she was risking a lifetime reputation.  She would lose her job, her pension, maybe even her financial security if they sue her too.  She was certainly too old to start over if he was discovered.

It took a moment to process, but then he said, "I'M WILLING TO DO ANYTHING IT TAKES!"

"OK, but I will decide if you go on Monday.  You will have to listen to me.  If I say it's a no-go, then you can't complain.  That's the way it will have to be."

"Yes, I'll do whatever you say."

"We'll start now.  Walk over there."  Crystal pointed to the door.

Jerry walked to the door.  He walked with one foot in front of the other, his butt was swaying from side to side.  His strides were too long also.  He was clearly overdoing it."

"That's not right.  I just told you, you aren't a runway model.  You're not a sexy teenager trying to get noticed by a stud.  You are supposed to be a graceful, refined woman.  You don't want to be noticed, not like that.  You want everyone to know subconsciously your a woman.  They shouldn't think anything is odd about how you move."

"Look at this," Crystal demonstrated.  Her steps were fluid and measured, she wasn't lumbering like a man, her feet were close together, but she wasn't walking like she was on a tight rope either.  She wasn't trying to prove she was a woman, she simply was a woman."

Jerry tried again.

"Your strides are too long still.  Let me try something."  Crystal tied a string to Jerry's ankles.  This would reduce the length of his stride.

"OK, try it again, the string will keep your strides short and consistent, just work on being graceful."

"That's better, but your arms can't be hanging loosely like sacks of flour.  Keep them up, only your wrists are loose.

Keeping the arms up and the wrists loose wasn't easy for Jerry.  He hadn't had years of practice.  The bones in his wrists were larger than a woman his size should be.

"OK, let's try this."  As with his ankles, Crystal tied a string from Jerry's forearms to his biceps.  "Make sure this sting is never taut," Crystal advised.

With the string in place, Jerry could never let his arms hang loose.  They were always bent at the elbows and placed a little in front of his body.  The string reminded him constantly to keep his arms up.  He had to remember himself to let his hands hang loosely from his wrists.

"That's much better.  Keep your head up and your shoulders back.  Remember, grace, posture, poise."

"I'm trying."

The strings never left Jerry's ankles or arms.  Crystal had Jerry not only walk around the house, but she had him pick up objects and bend down.  He had to do them all without breaking the strings.  He had to teach his body to effortlessly and subconsciously move as a lady would in all aspects of his life.  He couldn't let up for a moment: not when he was reading a book, not when he was in the bed for the night.  Not even when he was washing his hair in the shower.

Chapter 8

"I think I"m ready," Jerry announced after several days.

"You've made great progress, but we have one last test."


"Being out in public."

"We've already done that."

"I mean with some who knows you.  If you can be with someone that knows you and they can't tell you're not the graceful lady you've become, then you'll be ready.

"You mean like my friends?"

"I was thinking of your mother.  She knows you best.  If you can be with her and she doesn't suspect, then you'll be ready for anyone."

"My Mom?"

"Yes.  You don't think you can do it?"

"I can, it's just that I don't know, it's my Mom."

"If you do it right, she won't ever know it was you.  You'll just be a friend of mine."

"So what do you want me to do?  Knock on the door of my own how and just act like an old lady?"

"I'm not an old lady.  I'm a mature woman.  Remember that."

"That isn't what I meant."

"I know, but we can't be that direct.  You have to meet her at a time and place that seems natural."

"Like when?"

"I don't know. Let me think.  What does your mother do for a living?"

"She works at a car dealership."

"As a salesperson?"


"That's perfect.  We'll tell her you are interested in buying a car."

"I can't afford a car."

"That doesn't matter.  Lots of people look for cars without buying one."

"Won't she check my credit history or something?  Maybe look at my license?"

"Not if you don't test drive the car.  We are only looking, to get some prices."

"Maybe you should be the one looking and I'm just with you?"

OK, then she won't be talking to you.  It's better if she is focusing on you."

"Do I have to do this?"

"If you want to complete the course yes.  You have to not only convince her you aren't her son.  You have to make her think you're a, how did you put it?  Ah, yes, an old lady."

"If you say so."

"I say so!  We'll go tomorrow.  Which dealership is she at."

"The Toyota dealership on Marvern."

"I know that one."

"OK, now the fun part."

"What is that?"

"The part where we pick out the outfit for you to wear.  Something you can wear to go car shopping."

"OK,  let's go look in your closets."

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