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There's the new guy.  It must be tough for him.  Not only was he sent back in to a new time, but he is also a girl now.

You remember how it was for me.  I was so disoriented.  Suddenly, I was here in a new body.  I was thirty years younger.  But at lest my gender didn't change.

Do you know anything about him?  

No, just that he was a guy.  He must be older.  If he was a kid, he would be crying by now. 

 You remember my first day.

Don't I know it. I was only five when I arrived, Sharon told the boys.  Now, I'm sixteen.  I couldn't be happier.

Yeah, we know your story.

I should go over there and tell her what's it all about.

What's happening.  This is not me.  These isn't my clothes.  This isn't my face.  This isn't my body.

It's like that for most of us here.

Let me introduce you to everyone.  We've all been transported into new bodies from different times.  This is the 1940s by the way.  1947 to be exact.  I was  82 years-old, now I'm seventeen.  But at least I've always been a woman.  I can help you get used to your new life.

1947?  I wasn't even born yet.

Wally was the last one brought here before you.  He hasn't got used to it like the rest of us.

"I never said that.  Don't tell anyone I said that!" Wally insisted.

Wally, your new here too.  Can we talk?

We can't talk now.  Now here, not now.  I'll call you.

She's got a babe's body.  Maybe I can show her how to use it?  I haven't gotten laid since the transformation.  I had ED back then.  I need some bad.

Lucky you.  I have to be a good boy or else.  You know what they can do to me.


This is Wally.  Listen you have to go along with it.  If you don't they can punish you.

Punish me?  What more can they do?  I'm already a girl.  You don't want to know what I had to put in my...Never mind, you know what I mean.

You're a white teenager in a nice school in 1947.  There are worse things.  You could find yourself on a street corner turning tricks.  You have to go along with it...

...There were sluts even in the 40s.  Jenny wouldn't play ball.  She didn't want to be just a teen in high school.  She had to 'drop out of school' and is walking the streets.  We see her from time to time.  But no one talks to her.

Just smile all the time.  I'll tell you more when we are alone.  Don't trust anyone.  There are fates worse than Jenny's.

I'll write it down as a date.  I'll do my hair and nails so everyone with think I'm just playing along like all the rest.

Thanks for showing me how to do my nails and style my hair.  

I know being a girl is tough.  Remember this though, it's the 40s you always have to wear a bra.  Always wear a skirt.  You have to look your best at all times.

I wanted to wear pants, now I'm not where near as pretty as you are.  That was my price for wanting to wear pants.  It wasn't worth it.

Is there really no way out of this?

Not a chance.  It didn't turn out well for those who tried.  I babysit a guy who thought he could do something.  He isn't much younger that he was before, but he is retarded. You can say that in the 40s.  When he gets a little older, he might end up in an institution.  You don't want that, especially in this decade.

I was fortunate.  I may not be pretty anymore, but at least I have a future.

I have a smokin' hot bod.  Can I play with it?  You know.

Only if you want to end up on the street giving it away to any weirdo who has a few bucks.  There was this girl Jenny I used to know.

Be careful what you say around your parents.  They are watching you all the time.

Jerry phoned.  "Hey, you know the only way to get out of this?" he lied.


"Sex.  If we have sex then we'll return to normal.  I swear.

Carolyn looks at his friend, mouths "is that true?" 

No way, he just wanted to get into your pants.  You aren't the only one.  He tried with me. Even though I'm not so pretty anymore.  Don't fall for it.  The only person Jerry won't try it with is Jenny.  He knows better.

You're in this forever...unless you make them  mad and it gets worse.

Them? who is them?

I can't say.

Who told her?  They're giving me blue-balls.  What's the use in being allowed to have sex if no girl will do it with me?

Can't I get a break.  I would rock her world.  I'd show her what sex as a woman is really all about.

Wally arrived for his date.

Hello Wally.  Come on in.

Hello yourself.

Hello Wally.  So you are going to take out my daughter?

Yes Sir.

Where are you going to take her?

Out skating.

Carolyn forgot her scarf leaving Wally alone with her parents.

Listen to me.  We know what you are trying to do. Quit it!  You could be back in diapers.  And I don't mean baby diapers.  

Wally knew what Mr. Aimes was implying.  He could spend the rest of his life in a in diapers in a nursing home or an asylum.

Carolyn put on a big smile for her parent's benefit.  As far as she knew, they thought she was going along with the program.

Her parents weren't fooled.

Remind them we will be back early.  You have to seem like a good girl.

He should have listened to us.  It's a shame he won't be a normal teenager any longer.

Wally and Carolyn were replaced with two twin ten-year-olds from the 80s.   Carolyn is now a bit older and spending her time turning tricks with Jenny as she was warned.  Wally, is  much older and suffering all sorts of ailments in a nursing home.

Pictures from Coronet Instructional Films Copyright 1947... Although it's out of copyright

Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.


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