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Chapter 11

They walked to the car.  Yvonne was driving.  Taylor got into the front passenger seat.

"You can't sit there."

"Why not?"

"Children your age aren't allowed in the front seat in this state.  You'll have to sit in the back seat.  I'll get you a child safety seat soon.  We'll just have to hope no one will notice you don't have one now."

"This is ridiculous."

"It's the way it is now.  You know what you look like to others."

Taylor did know. He looked exactly the same as before.  But that didn't matter, everyone would still think he's a little girl.  He would have to convince them that he is not or wait for Yvonne to return everything to normal.

Taylor did as instructed and sat in the back seat.  The car had child safety locks. He couldn't open the rear doors from the inside.

Chapter 12

Yvonne drove them to a stylist.  Then opened the door for Taylor to exit the car. He had already unfastened the seat belt.  Then she took him by the hand and led him through the parking lot.

"I can walk by myself."

"It's dangerous for little girls not to hold their Mommy's hands while in the street."

"I'm not a little girl."

"No one else thinks that."

"But you and I know better."

"I don't care.  You are holding my hand!"

"I won't!"

"You know if you were three, you'd still be in diapers.  Do you want that?"

There wasn't any fighting against it.  Taylor allowed Yvonne to hold his hand until he got to the sidewalk.  Then he immediately let go of Yvonne's hand.

At the strip mall, Taylor didn't seriously consider running away.  There wasn't anywhere to go.  Besides, that wouldn't solve his problem.

Chapter 13.

"Taylor needs a haircut," Yvonne informed the stylist.

"What would you like?"

"Her hair is already very short.  I want it a bob style with bangs.  I think she'll look adorable with bangs."

"I don't want that!" Taylor interjected.

"Aw, come on you will love it."  Yvonne gave Taylor a look.  He quieted instantly.  There wasn't anything for him to do.  Plus since could comb it later.

"Sit right here," the stylist instructed.  "If you hold extra steady, I'll give you a lollipop after in any flavor you want."

Taylor didn't want a lollipop, but he sat steady anyway.  He tried to think, but no solutions were coming.  Everyone thought he was a little girl.  What could he do to convince them?  He could drop his pants and show his penis, but that wouldn't make any difference.  He would have to convince them another way.  Trying to convince the stylist wouldn't help in any case.  She wouldn't want to get involved.  She was just doing her job.

The haircut took about ten minutes.  There wasn't much that the stylist could do with hair so short.  Taylor wasn't paying attention to what was being done to his hair.

"Why do you look so glum?" the stylist asked Taylor.

"I don't want my hair cut."

"I'm not going to cut it that much.  Just style it a little."

"I liked it the way it was."

"You'll like this better. It'll suit you better."

"I don't care."

"You'll see!" the stylist told Taylor brightly.

The stylist combed the hair in front of Taylor's eyes and then cut it into bangs.  Then she styled the rest of his hair into a cute bob cut.

"What do you think?"

"I don't like it."

"Give it a few days, it'll grow on you."

"No, it won't"

Despite having a girlie hairstyle, Taylor didn't look any more or less like a little girl as he had before.  But when he saw himself in the mirror, his opinion of himself hadn't changed.  He was obviously a little girl...all six feet, 190 pounds of him.

Chapter 14.

Taylor wanted to get out of the chair.  "Aren't I done?" Taylor asked.

"Just one more thing.  One second."


The stylist pierced Taylor's right ear.

"Hey, why did you do that."

"You're mom said to pierce your ears."

"She isn't my mom."

"OK, I mean your aunt."  Taylor didn't see any reason to try and explain she wasn't his aunt either.

"But, I didn't want my ears pierced."

"Why not you'll look much prettier."

"I don't want to be pretty."

"Well it's too late, you already are.  You are as cute as a button!"

"No," Taylor told her.  But when he looked in the mirror his description of himself would be that of a pretty girl who was pouting.  He wasn't trying to pout.  But that was the impression he was giving himself while looking in the mirror.  It was odd to know except for the haircut he hadn't changed, but that was the impression he was giving off.

While Taylor was arguing, the stylist completed the piercing operation with the other ear.

"OUCH!" Taylor yelled again.

"All done.  Now you can have your sucker," she informed him.

Taylor got out of the chair.  When he left the salon chair his hair had a bob cut with bangs and he had two stud earrings in his ears.

Chapter 15.

"That's great," Yvonne enthused.  She paid the stylist and they left the salon.  Yvonne grabbed his hand as soon as they entered the parking lot and led him to the car.

"Now can we go home?"

"Nope, time to get you some new clothes."

Taylor should have expected that.

"I wish I had a cigarette," Taylor mumbled from the back seat as they drove.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me."

"Little girls don't smoke."

"This one does."

"Not anymore.  Why don't you try sucking your thumb?  I'm sure you'll find that just as satisfying as a cigarette.  It's a lot healthier too."

"I'm not going to do that."

"Suit yourself."

The idea was planted into Taylor.  He needed a cigarette, maybe his thumb in his mouth would be OK.   It was all he could think about on the way.

Chapter 16.

They didn't go straight to a department store.  They stopped at an IHOP.

"I thought we are going shopping?"

"We will, but let's have lunch first."

As usual, Yvonne held Taylor's hand as they walked through the parking lot.

"Only two of you?" the hostess questioned.

"Yes," Yvonne answered.

"Do you need a child seat?"

"No, I think it'll be alright."

Yvonne and Taylor followed the hostess to a table.  She placed a child's placemat in front of Taylor without being asked and a box with four crayons inside.  But she didn't give him a menu.  Only Yvonne got a menu.  Yvonne actually got two menus.  The regular menu and the kiddie menu."

Taylor gave the hostess a look which she ignored.

"The waitress will be right with you.  But can I get you a drink?"

"I'll have a coke," Yvonne said.

"Me too," Taylor agreed.

The hostess left.

"Aren't you going to color your placemat?"


"I think you should?"


"It'll take your mind off that cigarette I know you want.   That is unless you want to suck your thumb instead."

"Yvonne, this has gone far enough."

"It has hardly even started."

"If you let me go, you'll never have to see me again.  I'll give you a divorce, you can have everything you want."

"Who says I want a divorce."

"What then?"

"I think things are working out fine now."

Chapter 17.

The two quieted when the waitress came to the table with drinks.  Yvonne received a glass of soda, but Taylor's soda was in a plastic cup with a lid on top.

"What will you have?" the waitress asked.

"We haven't decided yet, come back in few minutes," Yvonne spoke for both of them.

"Sure thing."

"What do you want?" Yvonne asked.

"I'm not too hungry.  What I really want is a cigarette."

"You can't have that.  Try sucking your thumb.  I'll bet that will help."

"No way!"

"Suit yourself.  Why not use your crayons to do the games on your mat?  It'll keep your mind off of things."

"Why would I do that?"

"It might be fun.  When was the last time you colored?"

"I'm still an adult."

"If you want I can make coloring seem like the most fun thing you can do to yourself."

"You can do that?  Haven't you done enough?"  Taylor didn't consider what Yvonne could do to him.  Could she make him love to color and act like a little girl?  Maybe she could.  She already changed how he appeared to the whole world, including himself.  Maybe making him love coloring was possible.

"Just trying to be helpful.  You'll need some new hobbies.  After all smoking, drinking and that fun you had with your mistress is out."

"I'm not having an affair."

"I thought you just said you would leave and I wouldn't have to see you again."

"That's different.  After what you did, you think we can go back to normal."

"It's not what I did.  It's what you did."

"I didn't".

"Don't deny it."

When the waitress returned, Taylor was still undecided.  He hadn't taken the time to look at the menu at all.  Yvonne ordered a hamburger for herself.

"I'll get that too," Taylor told the waitress.

The waitress looked to Yvonne who confirmed Taylor's choice with a nod of her head.

But when the burgers arrived, Yvonne got the full-sized burger with fries and Taylor got the cheeseburger off the kiddie menu.  It came with applesauce.  Yvonne gave Taylor a hand full of fries from her plate.

They ate their meal in silence.  Taylor was too upset to eat much, thus the junior cheeseburger was enough for him.

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