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Peta didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to go there.  Peta was home alone in her house that she shared with her husband.  he called to say he would be late.  Peta was simply watching some TV when she felt the urge she had to leave.  She didn't know why and she didn't really know where.

Peta entered her car and drove out of her driveway.  She got onto the highway and drove towards downtown.  Before entering the city, she turned off and drove into a hotel parking lot.  She exited the car, entered the hotel, got into the elevator, and found herself on the seventeenth floor.

At room 1725, she knocked on the door.  She heard a familiar voice say, "That must be room service."

The door opened and her husband stood before her.  He was naked except for a robe supplied by the hotel, that he quickly threw on.  Behind him on the bed was a pretty blonde in her twenties.  She wasn't the thinnest thing, but she was very pretty nonetheless.

A surprised Merrill Douglas exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"  He should have said, "I can explain."  Although that wouldn't make any difference to what was going to happen.

"To be honest," Peta told her husband, "I really don't know.  But I know what I must do."

"What's that?"

"Take off that silly robe and get dressed," Peta commanded.

Merrill naturally turned and headed towards his clothes which were spread out on the floor.

"No don't put those on, start with the panties."

"You want me to what?"

"I'm telling you to do it!"

"No way," he said.  Despite that, he picked up the sexy lacy barely-there thong in turquoise and pulled it up his hairy legs.  The two strips of material that made up the thong barely covered anything.  There wasn't any support for his penis and balls at all.  Merrill was then directed to the matching lacy thin-strapped halter bra that was a few feet away from the panties.

"Look lady," the other woman in the room said, "I didn't know that he was taken.  I'm going to get out of here!"  Which would have been hard as Merrill was starting to put on her apparel.

"What's your name?" Peta asked.

"Jamie...Jamie Anderson," the woman replied.  She didn't want to give this strange woman her correct name, but she didn't have any choice.

"Well you can go if you want to, but you had better get dressed.  I see some underwear for you over there!"

"Peta, please stop this," Merrill whined.  He wasn't even being instructed to put on Jamie's fishnet stockings.

"Why would I want to?"

The pair didn't have to be directed to what they 'needed to wear.  Merrill followed up the lingerie with a slinky tube dress and high-heeled open-toed sandals.

Jamie was taking longer to get dressed.  She had to put on Merrill's complete suit, which consisted of an undershirt, a button-down shirt, a tie, a vest, the suit pants and jacket, with black socks and shoes.

She put each on in turn.  There was a belt that kept her pants up.

"Merrill take your purse and go to the bathroom and fix your face."

Merrill who had never worn makeup in his life found all the cosmetics he needed and applied them the best he could.  He had seen Peta (and other women including Jamie) put on makeup countless times.  He made several mistakes and had to start over.  It took a while for him to finish.

Once Merrill was away in the bathroom and Jamie had gotten completely dressed.  Peta started to think of Jamie as her husband Merrill.  She was going to give him another chance.  She didn't know why.  The person in the bathroom was now Jamie Anderson to her.

"Merrill," Peta said to the former Jamie as if she was addressing her husband, "the cars parked in the front.  Get in it and wait for me.  But first, wash that silly makeup off your face.  Your little tramp got makeup all over you."

When Jamie left, Peta entered the bathroom.  Merrill was still having trouble applying his makeup.

"What you need to do is find a new sugar daddy or get a job.  We aren't paying for you anymore!" she told Merrill in no uncertain terms.  Then she warned him, "Ms. Anderson is it? If I ever see you anywhere near my man or me, I'll kill you!  You leave my man alone."


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I'll stay away from you and your man!"  Merrill didn't know if he said that because he was being forced to or because he wanted to.

Peta left the hotel room, she had a lot to talk over with her husband.  She wanted to save her marriage.

Merrill had finished applying his makeup, which included a coat of nail polish on his fingers when there was a knock on the door.

It was room service.  Their order for lasagna had finally arrived.

Jamie (formerly Merrill)  wasn't hungry anymore.


Merit Badge Lasagna 


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