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Chapter 34

"Babysitting?" Joanna asked incredulously.

"Yeah, for little Frank over there.  He's only ten.  You can't leave him alone, not for a minute."

"Frank???  Frank who?"

"Can't you guess?"


"He's Frank now."

Fiona, Frank reappeared with a picture drawn in crayons.  It was a picture of Frank and Joanna on an elephant.  Not that Joanna had the context to know what it meant.

"Do you like it?  It's me and you on an elephant."

"Mommy likes it," Lily-Rose told Frank.  "Let Mommy and I talk."

"But, I haven't seen Mommy in so long."

"She's not going anywhere.  Just let me talk to her for a few minutes."

Fiona/Frank looked to Joanna for confirmation.  Joanna wanted to know what was going on so she nodded.  Fiona/Frank went to her room.  She left the picture with Joanna though.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't it obvious, Ethan and Fiona are gone.  Gone forever.  There is now only Joanna and her son Frank,  Frank is in the fifth grade by the way.  He's been attending grammar school since September."

"Why did you do this?"

"I didn't do anything.  Do you recognize me?"

"You're Lily-Rose."

Lily-Rose put her hair up in a bun, wiped off the excesses of her makeup, and put on her glasses.

"Dr. Morris?"

"Yes, you took away my life, so I'm taking away yours.  I used to be Dr. Milton Zaaijer."

"You can't do this."

"I told you, I didn't do anything.  Not that I couldn't if I wanted to.  Ever wonder what happened to that extortionist?"

Joanna hadn't thought about him in months.  Joanna didn't say anything.

"Paul, the extortionist, used to be a cop at your former precinct.  Now he's a waitress at Club True Colors."

"Paul?  You mean the waitress who wears that mask?"

"Yeah, that is the one.  That is his life now.  he has no other interests, no other job.  He works there as soon as it opens until the moment it closes, every day.  He even sleeps in there in the back.  That is his life now.  Your life is the life of a single mother and Frank is your ten-year-old son.  Best of all, you did it to yourself.  You did it all to yourself.  You changed your name, learned how to talk and act like a woman, got a job.  You did it all to yourself." Dr. Morris said cutting Joanna off.

"I mean, I was Ethan before, I'll be me again."  Ethan didn't even sound like Joanna's to herself name anymore.  It seemed like the name of someone she knew, but she didn't recognize it as her own name.

"It's gone too far.  Ethan is gone.  You killed him.  You don't even realize that you could never pass for a man now."

"But I didn't have the surgery."

"Maybe so, but you've changed so much.  Your face is clearly feminine.  You have breasts larger than Fiona ever had.  Your wide hips, round butt, and thick thighs have a nice feminine shape.  You are a woman in all ways, except for one.  You can't even speak like a man anymore.  Try!"

"My name is Ethan," Joanna said.  But it didn't have a masculine sound.  It sounded like a woman trying to imitate a man.  It sort of sounded like Kermit the Frog.

Ethan tried again, but she couldn't get her voice to sound right.  She cleared her throat several times to no avail.

"You can try all you want, it won't work.  That sprays you have been taken during your speaking exercises have frozen your throat and voice box like this.  You'll never be able to sound like a man again."

"But, I'm a man where it counts, in my mind?"

"Your mind?  You don't realize that how much time you spent under a hypnotic trance in my office.  During that time, all sorts of things were removed from your mind.  Leaving you to replace them with feminine things.  There was also electrolysis.  That is why you don't need to shave anymore, not your face, not your legs, nothing.  I didn't add anything to your mind, just removed useless facts."

"No, that was just a temporary treatment with light."

"It's called laser hair removal actually."

Joanna touched her face, it felt smooth.  She got back to the crux of the matter.  "You couldn't have done that to me.  It's my mind."

"I told you.  You did it to yourself.  You made yourself a woman.  At heart, you are completely female.  Even your whole history from childhood is female.  You don't remember anything else, do you?"

"No way!"

While Joanna and Dr. Morris were talking, Frank came out of his room.  "Mommy, can I have some ice cream?"

"Sure thing, Honey," Joanna said without thinking.  "Don't forget to put the bowl in the dishwasher when you're finished."

"I will, I promise, Mommy."

Joanna didn't realize how natural his exchange with Frank had become.

"I didn't do anything to you.  You did it to yourself.  I didn't make you take hormones.  I didn't make you feel like a woman inside.  I could have if I wanted, but I didn't.  Look at my secretary?"

"Which one?"

"I only had one secretary."

"No, you had two.  The chubby man and the pregnant woman."

"They're the same person.  He didn't know people thought he was a pregnant woman.  He thought he was the same all the time.  Even when he felt the 'baby kick' or had to pee a hundred times a day."

"If he's a man, then I'm a man.  I'm still a man in my head.  I'll be one again."

"Are you sure?  You don't think like a man, do you?  Let me ask you a question, what type of dress are you wearing?"

Joanna answered instantly as she smiled at the cute dress she was wearing, "I'm wearing a white floral skater dress.  It has a lace top, a nude knit liner, and an eyelash lace-trimmed V-neckline.   It also has a V-back and a darted bodice atop its fitted waist. There is a  layer of mesh which adds volume to the midi-length skirt with hidden, side-seam pockets and an eyel..."

Joanna was about to say that she likes to wear this dress with a slip because the lace is a bit see-through.  Then she realized what she was saying.  She knew details about the dress that very few cis-women knew.  "So I know what type of dress I am wearing, so what?"

"OK, here's another question.  How many innings in a baseball game?"

Joanna wasn't sure what an inning was.  "Umm, three or four," she guessed.

Dr. Morris put her mug down on the table.

"Dr. Morris please use a coaster."  Joanna didn't realize how domesticated she had become.

"Sure thing Joanna.  Regardless, which is it: three or four?"


"What do you know about baseball?"

"I was never very good at it.  My daddy used to play with me.  I didn't like it, but I loved being with him.  He made me join the little league.  I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't lik..." Joanna trailed off.  All she remembered about baseball was the cover story she made up.  But the story felt real to her.  "Was it real?  Did it happen that way?" Joanna wondered.

After a moment of silence, Dr. Morris asked, "Here's another question.  This one should be easy.  When did you first realize you should have been born a girl?"

"I've always known."  Joanna knew that couldn't be right, but all she could remember of her childhood was her cover story.  Her real memories were all gone.  She had been molded, without her realizing it, into the person she was now.   There wasn't anything left of her old life.  She even thought of herself as a girl despite still having a penis.  Joanna was stunned.

"Is this your house?"

"Of course it is."

"No, it's not."

Joanna believed it was.  But it had never been.  Her old home along with the rest of her life was completely gone.

"It is.  I remember buying it and moving in."

"Well, it's yours now anyway.  That is if you can keep up your mortgage payments with your job at the shoe store, although I hear you are about to be made assistant manager soon.  That might do it.  Or maybe you can figure out a way to increase your commissions."

Joanna couldn't be sure if what she remembered was real or was implanted.

Dr. Morris continued, "If you want to get a few months or so up on your payments, you could work on the streets.  I've seen a lot of talent in you.  I'm sure you'll be a natural.  You are so pretty and you still have what it takes to work in the Fillmore District with all the other gurls."

"You did what?"

"You have a talent believe me.  But like all talents, you don't have to use it.  Once you get started you'll find it's like riding a bike, you won't have any trouble."

"I've done it before?"

"No, not yet,"

Then Dr. Morris changed the subject "I'm going to get going now.  I'll let you have some quality Mommy-Son time with Frank.  I also booked another consultation with the SRS doctor.   It's three weeks from Monday.  You should keep the appointment, you'll be much happier going through with the surgery.  I promise."

At some level, Joanna knew Dr. Morris was right.


Authors note:  This ends the undercover story.  I hope you all enjoyed it.  Please comment.  I know you are all fans, but I still need feedback to carry on with other stories.  Suggestions about themes for other Dr. Zaaijer will be helpful.  I don't have another one in mind.  The Dr. Zaaijer origin story is also going slow.  It's hard to piece together what happened exactly.  I wasn't there, all I know are the vague rumors.  If you have any thoughts let me know.

Go to Chapter 31-33 



Very good story. I would love to see a continuation of this if at all possible