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Author's note: A patreon requested another Elevator story...what can I do.


"Reiko, I'm taking Makoto down.  I'll wait with her until her friends come and pick her up," Rick called to his wife.

"Thanks a lot, Rick.  I'll get things ready up here."

Rick and his daughter entered the elevator.  They had been in here before.  Cardonali swapped their bodies, but he couldn't let them tell anyone.  They believed they would swap back soon as long as no one knew what had happened.  This wasn't true, but it is what they believed.

Now, Rick was stuck in his fourteen-year-old daughter's body heading towards a birthday party of one of her best friends.

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes, and you had better not embarrass me," Makoto demanded.

"I won't embarrass you  I just wish I didn't have to go."

"You have to go.  It's my best friend's birthday. Everyone will be there.  You have to be there too.  Just do whatever the rest of the girls are doing."

"I feel ridiculous.  Did I really have to wear a thong.  It's a girl's party."

"Yes, you do."

"I didn't even know you owned one."

"Mom and I got it last year.  Make sure all the girls know you are wearing one.  They'll all be so jealous."

"But it doesn't feel good."

"Stop being such a girl!" Makoto told her dad.

"The party will be the easiest thing.  That just do whatever.  Probably a lot of dancing.  But after the party at the sleepover that will be harder."

"I'm sleeping over?"

"Yes, didn't Mom tell you?"


"I wonder why not?  Anyway, they'll probably watch a movie, do each other nails, maybe hair.  Like that."

"What do I know about hair."

"Oh, just let them do your hair.  They'll think that is more fun anyway."

"Whatever you do, don't tell them I like Geoffrey Hambley."

"You like a boy?"

"No, tell them that you don't like him."

"I don't understand."

If you don't like him, why would they ask."

"They will believe me.  Tell them you don't like him."

"OK, I like Geoffrey, what's his name?"


"If I tell him you don't like Geoffrey, then who do you like?"

"I don't like anyone, especially Geoffrey."

"This doesn't make any sense."

"Any other boys I should tell them you don't like?"

"No, I think that is the only one."

The elevator opened in the lobby.  Makoto's friend was there.  Rick joined them.  He had to spend a few hours as his daughter and then it would be all over.  

Makoto (in her father's body) returned to her apartment.  The lights were dimmed.  The place was mostly illuminated by candlelight.

Reiko, Makoto's mother appeared.  She was dressed in a way that Makoto had never seen her.  She was in a full-body PVC bodysuit that exposed bother her areola and the cleft of her puss.  The rest  of her body was covered in black rubber.

"It's my turn to be in charge!" Reiko informed her.  You know the safe word."

"Huh, yeah," Makoto said.  She hadn't an idea what was about to happen.  Before Makoto realized anything, she was handcuffed (both hands and legs) and forced to the floor.  Scissors were produced.  Reiko started to cut off Makoto's clothing.  Makoto was terrified.  She said 'STOP' and 'Help', but neither was safe words.  For her parents, those words were just part of the game.

Even if Rick or Makoto were ever returned to their normal bodies, neither would ever be the same.

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels



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