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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused   trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to   put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted   to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an   elevator waiting to see who would get in.

When Mark entered the elevator a wave of dizziness washed over him.  He forgot what he was doing.

He saw a woman in her thirties but who was dressing like a girl much younger in the elevator.  Seeing him she came over and started talking.

"Hey, you're like new here aren't you?"

"Yeah, like  I guess."

"OK Kewl."

"Uh, you don't have a seashell necklace?  That's fine because we can make one because I actually went to the beach today and I found a lot of shells. And we can make you one."

"You did?"

"Also, oh my god, do you want to be friends?  Because if so we can make friendship bracelets together later. So fun."

The girl seemed awfully nice, but Mark didn't have time to respond as the girl continued talking.

"Also, I just got this new Mario Badescu face mask and their spray is so amazing."

"Mario Badescu?"

"You've never tried it?    
That's fine because I have so many.  Here you want one?"

Mark took the bottle and looked at it. 

"OK, Kewl"

Mark was still looking over the bottle when the girl continued talking again.

"So like I am really into saving the turtles lately, so I have a metal straw."

"A metal straw?"

"You don't have one?"  that is fine because I have like twenty.  Do you want one?  Here you can have it." 

"Oh my god and later, we should make chokers.  Look at all the ones I made."

The girl reached into her oversized bag and pulled out a handful.

"We should make matching ones."

"What's your VSCO?  I wanna follow you. "

"Can I follow you too?"

Oh my god.  Follow me, like, are you kidding me?  We have to be a VSCO BFFs."

Mark got off at the woman's floor and followed her into her apartment.  They went into her room, which used to belong to her daughter, and made the necklaces and other junk.  The woman talked nonstop.  

Hours later, Marcie (Mark decided to start calling himself Marcie from now on)  left his new friend's (err BFF's) home, he was wearing boyfriend jeans and an oversized t-shirt.  He also wore the seashell necklace and friendship bracelet that he just created.  There were dozens of bracelets, necklaces, and creams of all types, which he carried in a purse.  His new friend was very generous.  

He got into the elevator and rode down to the lobby.  When he got there he saw a friendly face he had never seen before.  Mark started a conversation, "Hey, you're like new here? Aren't you?  Oh, kewl!"

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