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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused   trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to   put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted   to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an   elevator waiting to see who would get in.

"Mom", are you sure this will work?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it?"

"Well because you are not me."

"The proctors of the test don't know that.  We do look a lot alike, you are my son.  If I hid my figure under your baggy clothes and wear this cap no one will know."  Kyle's mom admired herself on the mirrored surface of the elevator.  Kyle couldn't bring himself to look at his mother.

"But if they find out."

"No one will find out.  I signed your name on the SAT form, so our signatures will match.  I'm carrying your ID and we look very similar.  I'll just go in, ace the test, and off to college you go."

Kyle wasn't dumb, he just didn't do well on standardized tests.

"Maybe I should just take it.  If I don't do well you can take it the next time."

"It's too late for that.  I signed the form.  You won't match the signature if you take the test."

"But, it'll be me."

"It's too late now."

Mom should have listened to her son.  There were several giveaways that she wasn't him.  She should have worn socks with her sneakers, boys don't layer their clothing, and most importantly, baseball caps aren't allowed in school.  When she was asked to remove her cap and her hair came cascading down, she and Kyle were in big trouble.

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