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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused   trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to   put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted   to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an   elevator waiting to see who would get in.

It had been several months since the miracle happened.  It all happened here in this elevator.  It was an ordinary day.  Sol was going home from a tough day at work.  He was the last to enter the elevator after a preteen girl and her mother.  He pressed the button for his floor and turned around to wait for the elevator to take him there.

On his floor, the door opened and he got out.  That is when it happened.  He was walking down the hall and then suddenly he was standing still.  He was back in the elevator.  The door was almost closed.  But he could see outside the elevator.  He could see his own back, then the door was finally shut.

Sol looked to his left and saw the woman who had entered the elevator.  Then with a great deal of trepidation, he looked down at himself.  Sol was wearing a t-shirt, but not a t-shirt that he had ever worn before.  It had a rounded neck and cap sleeves, there was elastic at the waist, and was tied in the front at the hemline.  Under that, he wore some very tight legging shorts leaving his very long, very smooth legs exposed.  On his feet were sandals and painted toes.

Sol could feel the bra wrapping around his back although the small bumps on his chest didn't seem to really need any support.  

Turning to the right, Sol could see the face of the preteen girl on the surface of the reflective elevator walls.  He had become the girl in the back of the elevator. 

Sol wasn't scared or agitated, he was overjoyed.  He had always wished he was a young girl and now he was.  He resisted the urge to draw attention to himself.

Before Sol knew it, the elevator door opened and Sol's new mother walked out.  He didn't know which apartment was his now so he let her lead the way.  Soon they were at his new apartment.  He entered behind his mother.  He needed to be alone.  He found his room (it was the obvious choice) and closed the door.

He looked around it was what he expected a girls room to look like.  White and pastel decor, the usual furniture: bed, dresser, desk, and a bookcase.  There were posters on the wall.  One proclaimed, "Classy Sassy & a Bit Smart Assy."   There was another one that said "UNICORNS: They're Magically Fictitious"  The room was tidy.  Sol wondered if the girl kept the room this tidy or her mother did it.  It didn't matter.

The first order of business was to find out his name.  

Sol realized at that moment, that he didn't know his own name anymore.  It wasn't very hard to find out that his name was now Amber and he was eleven years old.

With his name and age established, Amber explored her room.  He started first with the dresser.  It was full of clothes of course.  The top two drawers contained tops of all sorts.  The middle drawer contained bottoms, mostly jeans and leggings with a few pairs of shorts thrown in.  The second from the bottom drawer contained panties and bras.  All the panties were neatly folded, the bras were folded in their own way and in a different area of the draw than the panties.  The bottom drawer contained sleepwear and hosiery.

Sol marveled at all his new apparel.  he didn't get a sexual thrill from seeing them.  He didn't feel like that, he was simply happy to own them and to be able to wear them in public in front of everyone.  It was something he could never have hoped for before.

He moved on to the rest of the room,  He saw the dolls and games that would be expected in the room of a preteen girl.  The stuffed animals seem to have been collected for many years.  There were also things like stationery, knick-knacks, school supplies, etc.  In the bookcase were lots of books a girl would read plus a dictionary, more plushies and framed photographs.  In the closet were dresses, skirts, formal attire, and lots of shoes and sneakers.

"Amber, come and set the table for dinner," Amber heard from outside 'her' room.

Amber didn't want to blow this opportunity.  She wanted it to last for as long as possible.  A lifetime if she could.

'Coming...Mom," Amber called out.

The first few days were tough.  Amber had to learn how to be 'Amber'.  She had to learn who her friends were and how to make this life her own without anyone getting suspicious.  Amber had a good life.  It wasn't perfect.  Quite honestly, Amber wished she was younger.  She would have preferred to be six or seven years old.  She was almost twelve, in a short time she wouldn't be a young girl anymore; she would be a teenager.  Still, Amber was happier than she had ever remembered being in decades.

Weeks later, she had had her first period.  It wasn't the first period for this body, but it was the first one since the miracle.  Like all other girls, Amber muddled through it.  It was a right of passage into her new life.  It was just like her first day at school and the first time she was texted by one of her friends.  

That was months ago.  Amber was back in the elevator where it had happened.  She was determined to stay like this forever.  Although in the back of her mind Amber wished "she was younger..."

Amber could play with dolls and had lots of plushies in her room.  But she wanted more.  She wished she could be picked up and hugged by her mother.  She wished she could not only play with plushies but carry her favorite around with her everywhere she went.  She wished her mom chose her clothes all the time.  She wished her mother would hold her hand when she crossed the street and waited with her at the bus stop for the school bus to come.  That she could wear shoes that lit up when she walked.  That all her friends were girls and they all thought boys were yucky.  She wished she could still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny...."

"Hey wait," Amber heard a small high-pitched voice from outside the elevator breaking her train of thought.

Amber held the open button on the elevator's panel and waited for the young girl to enter the elevator.  Continuing her thoughts, "..she wished she could be just like the little girl who just got into the elevator at this very moment."

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