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Authors note: The text of this story is supposed to be almost identical to the Thirty-Fourth Floor.  But the picture of who is sending it changing its meaning a bit.

Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Johnathon VIsta stepped into the elevator and then used his Bluetooth to call his best bud Anthony.

"Hey dude, how's it hanging?"

"As well as can be expected."

"Did you hear about Mrs. Knowles?"  Mrs. Knowles is Johnathon's next-door neighbor.

"That woman who lives next to you?"

"Yeah, she was arrested."

"Arrested?  She seemed so nice."

"You aren't going to believe this, she put on her daughter's school uniform and went to her middle school as her."


"Yeah, she went to Chloe's classes and said she was her.  Apparently, when dressed in her daughters uniform and no wearing makeup, she does look a lot like here."

"What gave her away."

"Her daughter was already at school.   When there were two Chloe's in the third period, the sh*t hit the fan."

"So what happened."

"I told you, she was arrested.  But after that, she kept insisting she is Chloe.  When she broke down and started crying, they had to take her to a hospital.  You know hospital for a 72-hour observation."

"That's too bad.  She seemed like a nice lady."

"I think so too."

"What have you been up to?"

"You know how my wife has been insisting I get my hair cut and styled in a new way?"


"I went to the barber, but when I got there I just couldn't do it.  I don't want my hair short as she wants it.  I like it the way it is."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Our anniversary is coming up.  She wanted me to take dance lessons, so I'm going to do that instead."

"So you can take her out dancing on your anniversary?"

"No, we'll stay in all day.   Our daughter will be staying at her grandparents all weekend.  All our dances will be private dances.  I don't know how many vertical dances there will be, but there will be a lot of horizontal dancing, if you know what I mean."

"I get you, man"

"I'm on my floor.  I have to go."

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