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Ethan and Lily-Rose entered the elevator.  Lily-Rose was doing most of the talking.

"You look much better this time than last time.  I told you a black dress with a V-neck would help disguise your broad shoulders and those textured tights are perfect for your legs.  They almost look womanly already.  Your face is very pretty, although we will have to do something about removing your facial hair on a more permanent basis.  Your eyebrows are as good as any woman's too."

"And my hair?"

"I know blonde doesn't suit you, but using my wig is better than the one you had.  When your special order, human hair wig comes you will look perfect.  I'm very pleased."

"Will I pass?"

"Not yet, but there isn't anything you can do about that.  Your arms look too much like a guy's arms.  That is to be expected, you'll have to soften your muscles in your upper arm and the skin too.  That takes time.  There isn't any way to make your hands smaller, but we'll get you a good manicure and some false nails and it'll be fine."

Ethan felt good that he was being accepted and was being brought into the community.

"I'll make an appointment tomorrow."

"I'll go with you.  I know just the place.  They'll fix you up."

"thank you, I really appreciate all you are doing for me."

"No problem.  When we get on the street, I want you to smile more.  Women always smile more than men.  Try it now."

Ethan smiled for Lily-Rose.  "How does that look?"

"Very nice, your lipstick enhances it."

"Great," Ethan said still smiling.  "Anything else?"

"It's your hands."

"We discussed that."

"No, I mean where you are putting them.  Women don't put their hands in front of their crotch.  Don't keep your purse in the center of your body.  Swing it over to the left side and secure it with your left hand.  Your right arm should be in the air and bent at the elbow as often as possible.   Your hand should hand loosely from your wrist.."

"Let me try."  Ethan did as Lily-Rose asked, but he was having trouble with his hand.  The muscles and bones of his wrist were too big to make it easy to stay that way.

"Don't worry, it needs practice."

Cardonali was looking into the minds of both Ethan and Lily-Rose.  He could see that they both had secrets.  Ethan was an undercover officer and Lily-Rose had a huge secret too.  Cardonali decided not to make any changes to these two minds, the way they were going it would be amusing enough without Cardonali having to add to it.

Ethan and Lily-Rose left the elevator.  Lily-Rose was about to introduce Ethan to some of her friends in the neighborhood.



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