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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Pamela was taking her son to the park to play.  She liked to do it.  But every day the boy wanted to wear the same things.  There were three or four shirts that Liam would wear with the same couple of jeans. The jeans were starting to get really ratty and the shirts weren't in too good condition either.  Pamela bought her some new clothing but he refused to wear it.  She was concerned that the women at the park would think less of her since her son was wearing the same thing over and over.

In the elevator, Pamela pleaded with Liam, "Why don't you wear the newer stuff I bought you?"

"I don't wanna."

"But it's almost the same and it's in a bigger size it'll fit better."

"I don't wanna.  I like this."

"You can't wear that all the time."

"Why not?"

"You just can't"

Pamela was desperate.  She asked something she had asked a hundred times before but Liam would never agree to.  "How about we go to the store and you can pick out anything you like?"  Sometimes she would just take him to the store and ask what he liked, but he would never say.

On this occasion, Liam asked, "I can get anything I want?"

"Sure thing."

Liam had never been so agreeable.  Pamela didn't miss the opportunity they went straight to the store instead of the park.

Liam started slowly with one shirt.  But that led to another and another.  Soon Pamela had bags of apparel for her son.  It was expensive but she didn't care.

The next time Pamela and her son were in the elevator (pictured above) she was eager to show off her son to the women at the park in his skirted tunic, capri-length leggings with a laced hem, and mary-jane flats.

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