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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an elevator waiting to see who would get in. 

Ricky entered the elevator with his scooter.  He was a typical ten-year-old boy.  Summer was here and he wanted to get out and play with his scooter.  Ricky had had it for over a year now, but his scooter hadn't lost any of its charm in his eyes.  He was going to ride it around the neighboring park.

Several floors down, Jessica Hopkins and her boyfriend Aaron Lane got on.  They had been a couple for only three months and none of their physical affection for each other had changed, despite having been intimate for most of that time.

Aaron took his place behind Jessica and wrapped his hands around her waist.  Jessica enjoyed his touch tremendously.

When the elevator reached the lobby, Jessica's attitude changed.  Seeing Aaron's hands around her, she pushed them off.  Then she turned around and slapped Aaron's face.

"Get your hands off me, creepo!" she shouted.  She was no longer Aaron's girlfriend, she was Ricky's best friend.

Aaron still thought that Jessica was hot, but he knew that putting his hands on women without their consent is wrong.  He exited the elevator as fast as he could and disappeared out of the apartment building.

Jessica and Ricky exited the elevator a moment later.  

"Ricky, you are so lucky," Jessica told her best friend.  "Guys don't hit on you all the time."  

All of Jessica's interests had changed.  She didn't have the likes and interests of an adult woman anymore, she had the likes and interests of a ten-year-old boy.  She actually has the identical likes and interests as her best friend Ricky.

Continuing Jessica said, "You don't know what men want to do to me."


"I can't tell you.  You are too young."

"Come on!  Tell Me!"

"It's gross.  You don't want to know."

"You mean kissing?"

"There is more to it than that.  You are more fun to be with than any man.  Men are gross."

"No girls are gross."  Jessica gave Ricky a look.  "Well other girls, not you."

Jessica punched Ricky hard in the and ran away.  Ricky followed her with his scooter.  Ricky was the best friend that Jessica ever had.  Ricky felt the same way about her.

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