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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • My typical gentle nudge to remember to add my email address can be found here. It's important for the TFS character portrait inquiries and welcome message I promptly send out. Also, remember to check your spam folder and to reach out to me, if needed.
  • S. Dorran's birthday was yesterday! 💙🎂 Be sure to check out their celebration post.  
  • Reminder: The collection of requests for the Q&A session is now on a rolling basis for me to hoard questions that I'll sprinkle throughout our monthly content.
  • Book Two Snippet: An interesting reaction from the MC. 👁️👁️

We've had some spice for Valentine's along with a celebration of our compassionate Scholar, but there are more sweet posts on the horizon! While February is a somewhat shorter (and annoying to spell) month, I did want its content to be packed because it's the month of love along with the lead up to our final RO excursion. 💞 🏍 I've been happily working on the Patreon content along with putting the final touches on our next alpha drop. I have pivoted back to writing the hurt/comfort sections I previously mentioned. (They will be long!)👀

I'm at a point where it's very hard to tease things despite how I love doing it…

(I'm going to do it regardless. Mild spoilers ahead!) 

From our past updates, you'll likely have determined the MC returns to their grandfather's cabin, which can be a source of a lot of conflict/turmoil. The drilling noise in the first book, that I intentionally mentioned a few times, will be coming back up in Book Two to illustrate how it became such an ingrained auditory memory. It's all your MC heard while sequestered in the main bedroom! They were unsure what was going on after their grandfather took them from the Corvin farm, but perhaps, you'll be learning more in a nightmarish fashion. 😉 (This sequence uses what was learned in Book One to terrify, twisting it all while teaching more.) 

After an experience like that, your Returning Visitor deserves a break! My Lacuna Ramble about a sweet hug or face cradling relates to this, but that's just the start of the section. 🥰

Book Two adds a variety of locations for your MC to explore and re-visit. It's possible something (or someone) prompts them to address a past trauma with their beloved(s) by their side to offer support. 🌲 Much like on B's RO excursion, we're going to be digging into how the 'stay' can impact the MC—from those who have bittersweet feelings about the town to others who outright loathe being within Fernweh's borders, etc. (It isn't going to magically be okay is my point.) The comfort might start in the cabin, but it can go elsewhere. (Hint!)

I'm eager to engage in my usual writing blitz. 😍

I hope you're enjoying this month's content! 

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here's an excerpt from Book Two:


The doorbell going off sounds incredibly faint as it echoes through the mansion, weakening while traveling farther, but Reese reacts.

"That might be Sofia or the Detective," he notes as he's about to leave, pausing when he notices no one has dared to sit on the antique furniture. "The loveseat is ours"—his gaze rests on you, lingering and then assessing—"to share, if you like? This isn't a fine museum, so please do try to make yourself at home…"

His use of 'please' almost strikes you as much as how his fingers delicately skim along your wrist until you pull away from that barely there touch. Reese reaches past you as if nothing happened, except his eyes do avert to the floor instead of locking with yours.


The doorbell going off sounds incredibly faint as it echoes through the mansion, weakening while traveling farther, but Ruby reacts.

"That might be Silas or the Detective," she notes as she's about to leave, pausing when she notices no one has dared to sit on the antique furniture. "The loveseat is ours"—her gaze rests on you, lingering and then assessing—"to share, if you like? This isn't a fine museum, so please do try to make yourself at home…"

Her use of 'please' almost strikes you as much as how her fingers delicately skim along your wrist until you pull away from that barely there touch. Ruby reaches past you as if nothing happened, except her eyes do avert to the floor instead of locking with yours.


Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. 💚

Wishing you all a lovely and safe weekend!


Idiot Sunfish



So excited to 1. return to the cabin and 2. explore how the returning visitor feels about their forced extended stay in Fernweh. (I honestly don't know how my characters feel about it, so the future updates are going to be really helpful for crafting my characters. January has to check out every choice, but Joshua... I haven't decided but the two reactions I'm trying to decide between are polar opposites. Either he wants to stay because Fernweh feels like home... Fernweh IS home... a place he never wanted to leave (UNFORTUNATELY) or he wanted to leave this messed up, awful town where his parents died and he was attacked by a tree monster and keeps having nightmares.) And of course, R my beloved.


Thank you! 😻 (Perhaps, that chokehold is mutual. R's care (and softness, mygosh) for the MC is unmatched. 🖤)


I suspected that you might be excited to return to the cabin because I believe you once mentioned liking the idea of it as a potential setting and place to stay for the MC. 🌲 (January checking out every choice to then lock in her main canon ones is encouraging to me! I know she is also your main MC for the different routes, so I'm glad that she's discovering variations/exchanges on each go. I'm curious to see what Joshua decides. The narrative might help to tip the scales or what he learns/sees while romancing J? (J has an opinion on this, although it can change somewhat in the series depending on what goes down...) Fernweh's bittersweet quality varying across MCs is something I strive for!) 😻