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In honor of our compassionate Scholar’s birthday today, I collected some insights about them along with teasers from TFS: Book Two. 💙

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Question/Prompt: How would S react to the MC being sick while in a relationship?

S handles this pretty well, modulating their worry about you being sick by performing actions that should hopefully make you feel better. They don't hover as much as the other ROs, but they're always within reach and become a consistent presence in the room. S will likely have a cup of tea ready for you before you can ask or will layer another blanket on you before you realize you're chilled. 🥰☕ Observing and anticipating your needs is how they try to show their care for you.

Question/Prompt: How would S react if the MC shared that they were cheated on by an ex in the past?

S listens and doesn't say a single word until they are sure you're done sharing about your prior relationship and its impact on you. You may be conveying the fact offhandedly or seriously, and yet S will watch you with the same level of understanding attentiveness. They take your hand afterwards. "It's horrible, I know, but it's a flaw of that person and not of you, alright? They cheated and failed you."

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🌲 TFS: Book Two Teaser 🌲:


The quiet is comfortable with an undercurrent of something more just beneath the surface. It can be hard to tell with Silas. When he peers up from nimbly sliding on another ring, there is nothing 'pensive' or 'reflective' to how he's regarding you—taking time to exist with you—in this moment.

He isn't lost in thought, but in you.


The quiet is comfortable with an undercurrent of something more just beneath the surface. It can be hard to tell with Sofia. When she peers up from nimbly sliding on another ring, there is nothing 'pensive' or 'reflective' to how she's regarding you—taking time to exist with you—in this moment.

She isn't lost in thought, but in you.

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Question/Prompt: You and the RO(s) kissing! Mrs. Dorran enters with some cookies. She is being kind, but yeah, she also has bad timing...  >.> 

Mrs: Dorran: “I’ve got some chocolate chip cookies for

S breaks your kiss off rather abruptly, but they do take your hand to soften the action, threading your fingers together and pointedly keeping them beneath the blanket. “Mom,” they greet their mother with a hint of exasperation that holds no true annoyance. “We didn’t know you were baking...” Their dark brown eyes settle meaningfully on you, which gets their mom to set the cookies on a table and close the door behind her, though she may or may not have shot a proud look at her child.

(Yes, imagine that one Mean Girls scene, but sweet instead of spicy. 😂 She's supportive!)

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TFS: Book Two Teaser 🌲, a flirty choice option for S-mancers 💍:

#Be flirty. "You have very dexterous fingers," you say. "I wonder just how nimble?"

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Question/Prompt: "Aelsa, i need to know: how susceptible are the ROs to puppy eyes?

S will raise an eyebrow at you, taking your hand to soften what they're about to say next. "Still no, but you're cute," they deny you oh-so-sweetly, linking your fingers one by one to feel the sensation of your palm slotting into their own. They glance back up, tilting  their head a little when you jut your bottom lip out further to pout.  "If you really want to do that, tell me the reasons why and I’ll listen, but it’s hard to listen when you’re being cute." S might cave after the talk and will keep holding your hand during it.

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🌲 TFS: Book Two Teaser (That's Extra Long Because of Fernweh Gang Banter!) 🌲:


Every muted crunch of the gravel sounds amplified as Silas's SUV rolls into the small gravel lot, displacing tiny rocks from its path as you all come to a final stop. Becca climbs out within seconds, while Silas lingers with you in the front. Nothing is said while you both study the cabin for a moment before leaving.

He doesn't let you walk alone, waiting by the front of the SUV until you're by his side. No looks are traded, and he doesn't even comment on how your steps are more measured compared to his typical gait that uses his statuesque height. It only feels right to walk together—to brave this grim cabin again as a team. Something that's purposeful becomes natural through his nonchalant yet unwavering compassion.

Silas doesn't need acknowledgment or a pat on the back, only to watch out for you.
Reese has other ideas, sliding his designer sunglasses atop his head so it's apparent he's glancing between you.


"How nice of you to finally join us," Reese observes with a playful smile that tells you there's some truth to the comment. "I feared one of you had gotten lost in the other's eyes…"

"Only you've got a poor sense of direction," Silas blankly retorts. "Remember New Year's?"

"That was one time—the sign was to blame!"
"We drove onto a frozen lake in a convertible." 
"Rest in peace, Maggie," Reese mutters with a glance at Angelique, though his affected sorrow ends when Silas and you near the stairs. "She was used for parts in Josette. If the signs were posted properly, it would not have happened. The arrows were drawn shoddily."
"That's because they were leftover candy cane drawings."
"They looked like arrows," Reese insists.
"For that dangerous, makeshift ice rink?" Jane theorizes. "You actually drove onto that? I made Alex swear not to go out there."
While you're tempted to hear more of their fun banter and what ultimately happened, you spy Becca waving at you. She possibly wants a word in private, so you head in her direction. Silas continues to speak with Reese after joining him and Jane to wait on the front porch. You shouldn't be long.


Every muted crunch of the gravel sounds amplified as Sofia's SUV rolls into the small gravel lot, displacing tiny rocks from its path as you all come to a final stop. Beckett climbs out within seconds, while Sofia lingers with you in the front. Nothing is said while you both study the cabin for a moment before leaving.

She doesn't let you walk alone, waiting by the front of the SUV until you're by her side. No looks are traded, and she doesn't even comment on how your steps are more measured compared to her typical gait that uses her statuesque height. It only feels right to walk together—to brave this grim cabin again as a team. Something that's purposeful becomes natural through her nonchalant yet unwavering compassion.

Sofia doesn't need acknowledgment or a pat on the back, only to watch out for you.

Ruby has other ideas, sliding her designer sunglasses atop her head so it's apparent she's glancing between you.


"How nice of you to finally join us," Ruby observes with a playful smile that tells you there's some truth to the comment. "I feared one of you had gotten lost in the other's eyes…"

"Only you've got a poor sense of direction," Sofia blankly retorts. "Remember New Year's?"

"That was one time—the sign was to blame!"

"We drove onto a frozen lake in a convertible."

"Rest in peace, Maggie," Ruby mutters with a glance at Angelique, though her affected sorrow ends when Sofia and you near the stairs. "She was used for parts in Josette. If the signs were posted properly, it would not have happened. The arrows were drawn shoddily."

"That's because they were leftover candy cane drawings."

"They looked like arrows," Ruby insists.

"For that dangerous, makeshift ice rink?" James theorizes. "You actually drove onto that? I made Alex swear not to go out there."

While you're tempted to hear more of their fun banter and what ultimately happened, you spy Beckett waving at you. He possibly wants a word in private, so you head in his direction. Sofia continues to speak with Ruby after joining her and James to wait on the front porch. You shouldn't be long.

I hope you enjoyed these moments with S. Dorran! 💙🥰




Happy Birthday S! Calm, cool, slightly sarcastic 💙💙💙 they deserve the best


I am throwing confetti and blowing on a horn. But I will tone it down before I see S. I just love them, your honor