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Hello Returning Visitors!

I hope you're doing well. 💚

Once again, happy 2024 to you all! 🎉

Our most recent Book Two alpha drop was only a few days ago, but it's a new year and a new month packed full of content for you to discover. It might still seem like the holidays are winding down, or at least it feels that way to me due to our last few decorations being out alongside the bubble-wrap Midnight (my cat) is playing with. The aftermath of the holidays crops up in one of the bonus writings [(Un)deck the Halls]! 🎄 It's a nice contrast to the Alternate Perspective bonus writing that will illuminate a scene many of you found pleasantly shocking in our current alpha for Book Two. Speaking of surprises, the ??? getting a playlist is intriguing in addition to there being a quiz about the TFS moms. (It isn't a right/wrong quiz, but one that allows you to see whom you (or your MC) most relates to!)

Hickories 🍂 will be getting a better perspective on the Verner mansion, including some optional renderings of its palatial interior/exterior and the architectural inspiration. (Yes, that one elective I took is coming in handy. I'm joking. 🙃) You all will also be treated to some romantic moments too! Our Author's Choice 🌲🍂 is currently a mystery. (You'll read why in a moment.) There is a Romance Poll this month! It's the first of it's kind, but not the last. This particular one is about a mechanic that will be influencing the romance routes in Book Two and optional intimacy scenes. I'll be looking to you all for input and seeing if you're excited about the variation/settings/etc.

(I was vague since it's spoilery. These polls will be joined with teasers/paragraphs to let you see your influence on Book Two's narrative. They'll also culminate in a spicy writing in February.)

You'll notice that tomorrow we have a call for Q&A questions, both spicy 🔥 and general, on a single post for Evergreens and Hickories. It's a mini-session! 🥰 If you have burning questions or something you'd like to say to the characters, now is a great time to do it. These fun exchanges will be sprinkled throughout the upcoming months, especially January. I want a stockpile of questions to begin sharing answers with you and to pepper in spice, fluff, and angst along with our other content. (I'm certain that some questions will be so interesting that they will be shared with all of the TFS patron community, while others might prompt me to write a piece for certain tiers to enjoy.)

It's a relatively quick call for questions, 48 hours!

Of course, there is also another Book Two alpha drop at the end of this month! 😉

Hopefully, this Content Schedule gives you lots to look forward to.

>Reminder: Please be sure to see this post about adding my email address to your contacts so you can enjoy the RO character portraits. I try to make contact within 24 hours of a pledge; the spam folder can be dastardly.<

Once again I'm including an attachment of January's Content Schedule as an image file, and it is displayed above in addition to the typed out dates/content.

You can click to enlarge the picture of January's Content Schedule.

As always, let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for your support. 🥰

[All dates are considered tentative with the content being subject to change.]

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January 1st

-Surprise #1: New Years 🥂 [Public]

January 3rd

-Content Schedule (January) [Public]

January 4th

-Mini Q&A Session 📢 (🌲🍂)

A call for questions that will be open for 48 hours for Evergreens and Hickories. You can ask spicy and general questions. More details will be on the post.

January 5th

-Extended Progress Update

January 6th

-Mini Q&A Session 📢 (🌲🍂)

The end of the call for the questions! 🛑

January 8th

-MBC 1: (Un)deck the Halls 🎄 to 🌲

The aftermath of the holidays can be a time of reflection for some members of the Fernweh Gang, although one in particular has plans for removing ALL of the mistletoe throughout the Verner mansion. The problem is: you can't seem to find its wayward heir. What's going on?

January 11th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #1: Variable Callbacks 🤩

January 14th

-Author's View: Verner Mansion Architecture and Exploration! ⚜

Glimpsing more and more of the palatial Verner mansion until you can choose to indulge in renderings of it along with reading some future romantic moments with all of the ROs.

(Except for Mal; they weren't invited, but they make their own party with the MC later. 😏)

January 16th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #2: ???'s Playlist 👀

Being trapped within Fernweh's bounds isn't enough? You wish to hear me in different ways.

January 19th

-MBC 2: Service with A Smile 😁

A different perspective on the MC's soda-stained encounter with Klay (on B's RO excursion) told by someone who is always watching.

January 22nd

-Romance Poll #1: Mechanics (🌲🍂)

January 24th

-Surprise #2: Which TFS mom do you most vibe with? 💜 (Quiz!)

Honestly, I'm just waiting for some of you to get Ms. Verner and reacting to that. 🙃 This fun quiz will shed more light on the maternal figures of the series from future mother-in-laws to someone the MC lost to potentially even the ??? because it gets into everything.

January 26th

-Extended Progress Update

January 28th

-Author's Choice: It's a Mystery!

Yes, I'm intentionally leaving you in suspense on this one. I have a few different, intriguing ideas that might be influenced by the Q&A questions.

January 29th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #3: Ice Ice Baby 🧊

January 31st

- ✨TFS Book Two Alpha Content Reveal and Drop!

Febuary 1st

-Content Schedule (February) [Public]




I’m so excited for everything this month (the mini Q&A session, the ???’s playlist (💖), Service with a Smile (🥰), the romance poll (💕), the TFS mom quiz (I’d be delighted to get Ms. Verner (not sure ‘delighted’ describes how Marcie would feel though))), but I’m particularly 😍 over the upcoming Verner mansion architecture post. Thank you for such a fun-filled January, Aelsa. I hope you’ve had a great start to your new year. Wishing you a wonderful 2024. 😊


I'm going to have to dig out my list of questions that I've been saving! Also, a possible Mal POV? Interesting. 👀 I'm guessing Mrs. Corvin is in the test even if we haven't met her yet?


Thank you so much, Tiffy! Also, for your kind wishes for the New Year; it's been going well so far. 🥰💚 I spent the early days of 2024 working on the TFS mom quiz; I can't wait to learn of Marcie's result, though I do know she is a Lambkin with a rather sweet disposition. I'm not sure if the breakdown at the end classifies the selected answers in addition to giving out the result. I'll look into that! It might be illuminating to know who correlates to what, possibly too much so, hmm. 🤔 I'll think about it! Regardless, I hope you also have a joyful 2024! 😻


Oh, I love that you have a list along with your theories you've been penning while reading/re-reading the series. 🌲 Oh, yes, Mal POVs are something I love despite how they are inherently a fine line to tread for me as a writer due to Mal's unique awareness. I hope it's intriguing! Yes, she will be present on the quiz, which I adore since it can shed some light on Mrs. Corvin's character. There are six results in total. :D