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[Alternate Text: A GIF of a fireworks display over a bridge. The fireworks are golden, each one going off in a row before more join them to create a shower of gold sparks in the night sky.]

Question: "Is there anything the town of Fernweh does as a community to usher  in the new year? And are there any personal (or familial?) traditions  that are important to the ROs that they observe/partake in each year?"


Hi Returning Visitors!

I hope that your 2024 is off to a good start! 💚 I'll list some facts about the ROs and general vibes for now, although I may expand on these ideas in the future once we discover more about Fernweh community events/traditions. I'm going to focus on New Year's Eve.

Prior to the MC’s Return to Fernweh

Staying up until midnight is something B would romanticize to a degree about the importance of ‘welcoming’ a new year of possibilities, but also one of new challenges and learning experiences. It might be hard to spot; however, B is a little muted, maybe even reflective, as the hours stack up and the year rolls over to the next one. Watching the ball drop or some flashy firework display on television is likely what occupies them unless the MC roped them into a party or for them to be celebrating elsewhere. A more lowkey celebration overall, but an acknowledgment of the day.

Ringing in the New Year is something Mrs. Dorran takes a bit seriously with chatting about resolutions or gently asking her child one thing they would like to do in the upcoming year. (She will then try to do everything in her power to make that happen; it becomes a goal for her as well.) The Dorrans will likely share dinner together before S naturally witnesses the New Year due to their night owl sleep schedule. There is a high chance that R did invite S to come out with them or at least to meet up for one drink, but the acceptance of that invitation depends on S's mood, haha. They might have somewhere else they need to be on that particular night. 👀

I wish I had that 'shots, shots, shots' gif or maybe it's a distinct sound from a song. I can hear it in my head as I type this while also imagining a few people chanting it at the afterparty to the glamorous New Year's gala R attended. 🥂Their actual feelings on observing the New Year might be hard to tease out as they seamlessly navigate the room to mingle and greet a few guests in particular. (Did their mother tell them who to speak with, or did R just decide who was worth their time? Hmm.) I feel like they will have the most variable night; it will largely depend on their mood and if S met up with them. Heck, they could even run into J patrolling. Who knows what R will get into tonight. XD

Hmm, for the most part, J views it as any other day. All that matters to them is the year will now change (2023 to 2024) when they write up their next report. They are more likely to take a late night patrol on New Year's Eve since fireworks, sparklers, alcohol, staying up late, and partying can be a potent mix, so they would be keeping a watchful eye on things. Any invites to a party or a dinner were turned down by them, even if A was the one making the invitation. They would prefer to forget about time passing by or slipping away. 🙃 Sometimes it doesn’t always register to them, but when it does, J tries to occupy themself to keep their mind from dwelling on things.

Mal tends to have a cynical perspective on the fanfare associated with a New Year. (Don't ask them about their opinion on 'resolutions'. 😮) This is reflected in how they intentionally volunteer for the late shift at the Fernweh Diner that helps to take up New Year's Eve. Even then, the diner can't stay open all night, so there's a chance that A might rope them into something fun, but Mal remains distant and less inclined to revelry. They're likely to watch out for A during the upbeat celebrations. (It's only after the romanced MC comes into their life that Mal treasures each year with them.)

_ _ _

I hope you enjoyed these insights. Wishing you all a lovely 2024! 🎉 Writing on Book Two is going extremely  well; that's how I'm spending most of my time, so thank you for your patience, encouragement, and support. 💐 I plan to begin writing another chapter later this week. 

I'll have January's Content Schedule finalized and published in the next day or two. :D


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