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[Alternate Text: A header image of a lush sprig of mistletoe hanging by a red ribbon above a doorway. The title is 'Mistletoe Moments' in a whimsical font that's white with a 3D text effect.]

The tantalizingly sweet scent of caramelized sugar has added to the cacophony of smells inside of Turn the Page's closed-off kitchen. It's reminding you more of a bake shop than a bookstore cafe. Alek and Beckett are to blame for the delightful transformation, baking up a storm for a special holiday event. You dutifully dust some cookies with powdered sugar; it's far easier.

While gently tapping the sifter, you survey the treats you're blanketing in a dusting of sugar; it perfectly matches the gentle snowfall outside.

You still need to build a snowman with—

"Ow, ow—okay, damn, ouch—sorry!"

Beckett's cursing instantly draws your attention away, sugar forgotten as you move to where he's by the gas stove top. His face is screwed up in pain, twisting further while he holds his right hand close to his middle. A paper towel is sticking to it…? You can't tell what's exactly wrong.

"Put it under cold water," Alek quickly instructs him. "It'll help."

"But my caramel is—"

"Your hand is more important," you interrupt him, flicking the burner off without a second glance at the weakly bubbling golden-brown liquid. He relents when you guide him to the sink, though you hesitate before carefully removing the paper towel that's adhered to the molten sugar.

"…I thought I could just wipe it off."

The paper comes off in sections, revealing the smarting skin and how a spider-like splatter of caramel is glued to the back of Beckett's hand, continually burning it. You thrust his hand under the cold, running water to begin pulling it away; it's still warm. His wince bothers you, but you need both hands to help him instead of resting one on his back to help soothe him. "One second," you promise Beckett. "Almost got it all."

While the caramel is gone, it's left a reddened section of skin behind that looks pretty painful.

"It's kinda like a special snowflake?"

"I don't think we can make it festive, Bee," you point out, holding his hand a moment longer before wrapping it in a damp towel. His fingers still remain locked with yours. "There may be cooling first aid spray and bandages upstairs."

"Oh, I have cute reindeer stickers!" Alek enthusiastically adds. "It can be festive."

The two of them share an excited look, while you coax Beckett away from his baked goods and into the main part of Turn the Page. His hand is securely grasped in yours, but the warmth seeping through the damp towel is worrying. He gives you a weak half-smile that lengthens when the two of you pass by your other 'guests' in the shop. "Verner, what are you doing with my dog?" you ask her.

Waffles happily peeks up at you, except her tail wagging is accented by the faint noise of  tinkling bells from a collar you didn't buy. The chime reminds you of sleigh bells whereas the collar itself is a supple brown leather with red accents. It even has her name stitched into it.

"Babysitting," Ruby off-handedly replies. "The Detective refused my help with the pretty, string lights on the roof, so… Here we are." She doesn't bother to glance your way, holding up two hats to Waffles before deciding on a set of soft, reindeer antlers. The dog tilts her head back, slotting the headband perfectly into place. "Do tell me if you hear [Redacted] skulking somewhere. He grew envious."

"Your cat got jealous…?" Becca clarifies.

Ruby seems satisfied with decorating Waffles, settling back on the couch, though her gaze soon lowers to your joined hands. The start of a sly smile is modulated by consideration. "What happened?" she poses her own question. "A baking incident? I was banned from there too."

You can understand why both Corvins made Ruby stay within the shop, away from a tall ladder or from sweet treats meant for other people. "You could watch, just not taste," you retort.

"I was cast out during the holidays of all times," Ruby dramatically counters.

"I burned my hand on some caramel."

"We're hoping there's some cooling spray upstairs," you explain with a purposeful step in the direction of the stairs. Your concern for Beckett is at the forefront of your mind. Ruby might sense your polite dismissal because she nods, encouragingly gesturing to the back of the shop. Did her smile broaden? You move past her after quickly petting Waffles between her floppy ears.

Beckett and you continue onwards.

"I need to get a picture with us and Waffles—the collar matches our sweaters," he happily notes. "I wonder if that was just a coincidence."

"Maybe we can get her to pose after we build a snowman? It would be a nice background."

The light-hearted conversation about a future winter photo opportunity eases your nerves about venturing up to the apartment. It isn't ready yet! You were supposed to do this reveal after the holiday event, but you know for a fact that there's a deluxe first aid kit complete with sutures, butterfly bandages, curved needles, and more up here. Your grandfather was very prepared.

You hesitate in front of the door, pulling out a single key instead of the massive keyring that he's likely expecting. "…The other one was way too heavy to carry," you tell him a half-truth. It's easier to unlock the door than to check if he believed you or not. Beckett knows you well.

The darkness that should be shrouding your grandfather's apartment is broken up by the merry lights you left on for a future grand reveal.

"Wow," he exhales. "When did you—? Why did you decorate it? I could've totally helped."

Beckett's awestruck expression further chases away your nervousness about the timing, even if your plan was a solid one. "I decorated it for us," you explain, aware of how much the ideals of the holidays mean to him. He is making up for lost ones as a child, and you've always been supportive. "Let's get you bandaged up then I'll explain later, okay? I don't want you hurting."

He stops admiring an icy blue snow globe after you say that, softening further and letting you take the lead through the apartment. There is a certainty to your steps that wasn't always there when navigating this place. It took you time to accept the past memories along with viewing it as a place to create new ones. Ruby and Silas were vital to helping you decorate it. You pull out the first aid kit, guiding Beckett over to a couch that has a mini version of the fantastical North Pole placed before it on the large coffee table.

It's an extremely detailed model town.

Some of the decorations were brought from the B&B, others were found within the attic of the apartment.

Beckett's curiosity about the decor works in your favor as you peel the towel back without any wincing. He trusts you. His hand lightly rests on your leg while his eyes rove over all of the  figurines, storefronts, evergreens, polar bears with hats, and everything else you painstakingly set out. "Sorry," you apologize right before you spray the burn, feeling how his fingers dig into your thigh from the stinging sensation. Your care mostly outweighs how your heart skipped when his hand slipped higher by accident. "Better?"

That came out more hushed than you intended.

"Yeah, thanks," he murmurs, watching you closely. "Do I just let it dry here"—Beckett flexes his fingers for added emphasis, gently kneading into your skin—"or do I shake it?"

"…You can leave it there," you manage to reply, assuming he isn't realizing his effect on you until his other hand finds your cheek. "Bee?"

His eyes flick upwards to the mistletoe that is hanging from a floating bookshelf, perfectly positioned to be over whomever might take a seat on the couch. The bundle of berries is tied with a red ribbon, lush green sprigs and white berries exemplifying festive colors. Who would put one over a couch? Your eyebrows knit for a second before Ruby's slyness comes to mind.

"Wait, you didn't—?"

You cover Beckett's hand before he can fully lower it from your cheek, pressing it back into its proper place. "I didn't," you confirm, shifting closer to him so your legs brush together. "But I'm glad someone did." With that, you lean in to meet him halfway, sharing a moment beneath the mistletoe in a beloved apartment that could become both of yours. At first, the kiss is oh-so-tender; you can feel a hint of his soft smile before he seeks another one from you. It's only when his fingers again slide higher along your thigh that you wrap an arm around him, pulling him closer to stop the sweet teasing.

He knew what he was doing from the start.

Eventually, Beckett breaks the kiss to laugh softly at your reaction, welcoming the snug hold and loosely draping his arms around your neck.

"That was rather naughty," you assert.

"I can't be nice all of the time, [Nickname]." He watches you fondly, letting you feel the key he expertly fished out of your pocket as its metal tip gingerly grazes the back of your neck. "We should test that the lock works…" Beckett trails off with a thoughtful pause. "For safety."

"For safety," you echo his reasoning, surprised at the turn this is taking and deciding that Ruby shouldn't be banned from anywhere in Turn the Page. You will make that effective immediately after you spend some more time alone with Beckett. He kisses you softly in gratitude before you leave to lock the apartment door.





These emojis perfectly represent the MC's progression in this piece, especially the last one after B's 'suggestion'. 👀😘😌


Ahhhhh B my beloved! That was so sweet and perfect. Out of all the RO's, seeing B in a winter setting is enough to make anyone feel warm and content inside. Can't overstate how much I love their sweetness, it's endearing and makes my MC want to protect them (that stove will get an earful later lol) The implication of them having a future together in a building that once held complicated emotions was nice to read. As well as Bee showing this little mischievous (?) side, my poor heart can only take so much. Thank you for writing this!


Thank you, Noah. 🥰 I'm so happy that reading about your sweet Bee made you feel warm inside; they have a great ability to melt hearts. I love how B's sweetness draws out your MC's protective side. I can say the same for B, or at least we've seen that they can become more protective on behalf of the MC (no matter their disposition. B views them as their person.) The apartment above Turn the Page has a chance to come up again in the main narrative. I'm excited to allow your MC to react to it and its emotional history. Oh, B's mischievous side can peek out now and again. 👀😘 Thank you for reading!


Oh my gosh, it's so hard to dislike A, they're so adorable (but I am committed to making January and A's relationship negative for a while longer.) The MC decorating the apartment with B in mind is perfect, to make up for B's missed holidays, I'm sobbing. I'm not sobbing any more when B purposely puts his hands all over January's thigh. Sneaky. Ban Ruby from lights and the kitchen but never ban her from decorating.