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Hi Returning Visitors!

This will be part one of a ramble set about why I selected particular names for the characters in TFS. I'll be getting into our main beloveds and likely a few of the other characters as well. You can find another ramble post on the surnames: here. These names can sometimes serve as hints!

[Alternate Text: A GIF from Disney's Winnie the Pooh where he is hugging a jar of honey]

(I realized a gif of bees on honeycomb might not be appreciated by everyone, lol. This is cuter.)

B. Warrick


To tie firmly, to bind, to snare, but there are some references to having a captivating beauty too! It has an old Hebrew origin. The reason I selected this was the 'binding' aspect.


It means beehive, little brook, or bee cottage. Well, I'm sure you're abuzz with curiosity if I would take Bee's nickname this far with the first name. It has an English origin.

Both versions of B's name have direct story links that have come up light-heartedly. Their sweet nature coincides with honey bees, while the mannerism of tying knots in their hoodie strings as a way to occupy their hands comes up in both books. 🐝 You could also say that B is bound to the MC's side with some of your relationships and supportive friendship or 'snared' to Fernweh. With all of these name meanings, how you interpret might change as the story progresses. We shall see!

S. Dorran


Wisdom, a perfect name meaning for S. It's of Greek origin. (There's also a most-likely-mythical saint who was said to have died of grief after her three daughters were martyred.)


With Latin and Greek origins, this name has links to many myths. It means of the forest/woods or asked for, prayed for. (Mrs. Dorran does view her child as a gift.)

The variations for S's name directly relate to their intellect and compassion along with their own character backstory, which we will be getting into. They are Fernweh born and bred, so being 'of the forest' makes sense, but the second part can speak to how dearly they're loved by Mrs. Dorran.

Lois (also known as Ms. Verner)

Superior, better. Yes, her name meaning is that she's better than the rest, but also the most desirable and beautiful. It has a Greek origin.

I know opinions on Ms. Verner widely vary; that's an understatement. I selected this name with that in mind because it's quite possible to view this with a haughty air, one of elegance, or how being 'desirable' could've influenced certain things. Learning more about her past is possible, though your MC must be willing to see past Ms. Verner to Lois. 👀 She won't make it easy, but it's interesting.

[Alternate Text: A GIF of a sign that resembles a stop sign with it's red and white colors and octagonal shape, except it says 'Do it' on it instead.]


We've not yet learned their name in the series, though I know some of you have theories that can wait to be confirmed by Mal themself later on. Please be mindful in the comments; Discord lets you blur. 😎 Until then, "Mal" has a more negative connotation in Spanish and French meaning: "bad". There are also words like: malcontent, malicious, malevolent, etc. that reinforce this. But those of you who unlocked their nickname most likely earned the achievement: 'Don't Take it Too Literally'.

So, it's up to you how to view their nickname. A fun bonus for those of you who played Mal's guessing game is that the letters presented to you the reader spell out 'malicious' if arranged.

Yes, they are a full-fledged RO and double yes they have their own tantalizing date, so these warnings might not be true 'warnings' or 'red flags', but a way for Mal to see if you'll trust/love them in spite of everything. Unless they're trying to deceive you? 🤔 Let's see how their route plays out.

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I hope you enjoyed the first part of this ramble series! 💚



Lovely insight. I'm most delighted to read what B name means, its just so fitting that we get to call them Bee. S one sounds very fitting too, that character is currently so....elusive when it comes to backstory I can't wait to read more. And Mal has always been fun figuring out, I have my own suspicions but for now I'll just peacefully go with M's flow 😊


Becca is for tying the knot obviously 🙄🤚 BECCA CMERE LEMME SMOOCH YOU


I'm happy you enjoyed the additional insight. 🥰 Being thoughtful with their name selections was important to me; B's in particular can be fitting as the series progresses. I agree that while S has been a source of grounding comfort to the MC and others, they can sometimes be sparse about what's truly going through their head. We will be getting a glimpse soon enough. I'm certain a particular scene will catch your eye, Noah. 👀 Going with Mal's flow is likely for the best. They appreciate your patience, while your interest to learn more is something they'll quietly delight in.


You're right! 💍 Becca wouldn't mind being entwined with the MC until death do them part. *stares into the distance as I consider how 'Graveyard' is on B's playlist*