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Question: "We know about MC's Mom's side of the family, but, are we going to learn anything about their Father's side? I'm curious because not only does it seem MC's Father took MC's Mother's last name, but MC's Father and his family is never mentioned (or hardly mentioned in the case of the Father himself). If this is too spoilery then a simple "yes" or "no" or "it's up to headcanon" works for an answer too if you like. Thank you."


I absolutely adore this question! 😊

You're correct that this can tread into spoilery territory, but it's also a well-spotted detail about how Book One might suggest that the father took the MC's Mother's last name since the MC has the same last name as [Grandfather_Name] [Surname]. The naming convention is unique to Fernweh. It could also imply that the MC was expected to take the Mother's name over the Father's rather than him (the Father) necessarily changing his last name. This isn't actually based on gender, rather it's based on a few different statuses/expectations within the town itself.

(On the other hand, the 'Verner' name comes from Mr. Verner.)

It's implied largely by omission along with emphasis on the TFS Mother that the MC's father was an outsider to the town; this is a canon fact. He wasn't Fernweh born and bred. This comes up in the TFS prequel, which focuses on the TFS Mother, Lois (Ms. Verner), the Verners, and others. I've mostly kept it under wraps because Book Two is my main focus since it aligns better with the overall timeline of events. You are free to headcanon different backgrounds for him/his family.

I will be touching on some canon facts about the TFS parents' dispositions, which we can already see within Book One. Those memories and references will deepen. They were once a loving family, so we will be exploring some of those past moments. 



interesting that Fernweh children take on surnames based on town importance? and if outsider names aren't expected to be passed down, it effectively erases non-Fernweh names from the future generations!

Kelsey Lee

i had a feeling that it had something to do with the town’s history and perhaps a family legacy! will we find out more about how our family has been previously viewed by the Town and how we are now?


Your intuition/instinct was correct! 🔎 I'm glad this detail stood out to you while reading Book One. Those are excellent questions. You will be able to find out more about the MC's family during Book Two and throughout the series as new information/twists come to light. The date excursions begin to sprinkle this in as well; there is a choice about the MC's grandmother on S's, while J's (and JR's) lets the reader see how the townsfolk are treating the MC since their newfound 'stay' in town. There are other instances too! It will be interesting to see what's changed--how the MC's family used to be viewed to how the fire impacted that along with the absence.


Oh! My question. Thank you for the answer, I figured some of this might be the case but I wanted to confirm. I was surprised to learn that MC's father was an outsider though. Also thanks for the info on who the Verner name comes from. I was wondering about that too. Makes me curious to know if R could ever "put their foot down" so to speak in a situation when they cross their mother since this means R would be a Verner by blood but Ms. Verner is only by marriage.


You're welcome! 🥰 It was an insightful question, and I'm glad that your tentative theories/hunches about the dynamics and last name convention were echoed within the answer. I had hoped that the emphasis in the narrative might help to suggest some family prominence or links, so this is reassuring to hear. The MC's father being an outsider will be revealed in-text later on; it's an important detail that can explain some of his reactions/mannerisms/level of acceptance of some things. Your comment about R is very on point! In fact, it will be coming into play within the series, possibly with Ms. Verner where it will be a measure of their individual clout in town. They can remain aligned or not depending on a few things. 👀 Ms. V does have the Board connections and insider knowledge; we will have to see all of what R (even the other characters) know about Fernweh/their loyalties.