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Question: "To all of the ROs: Do you believe in love at first sight? Soul mates?"


There is a high chance that your MC has watched (er, tolerated? Binged?) The Titanic or The Notebook at least once with B, who does 'believe' in both ideas. However, they view these things as happening to other people or stuff that's meant to be in movies, a nice ideal. They would need to experience this kind of love to then be like: “Oh.” Perhaps your MC will be able to help.

So, it's more of a 'it's complicated' than a clear 'yes' or 'no with B. Selective belief? 

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In spite of being a romantic (hmm, more so high romance or regency romance stuff) at heart, S is disinclined to believe in love at first sight and a true soul mate, but they do think certain people seem to fit together. It isn't ‘magical' or ‘predestined', instead coming from mutual care, hard work, and time. There are billions of people in the world. They don't know if it would be extremely frightening or comforting to only have one who is designed just for you, one chance.

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This is an intriguing question for R, considering their Verner heir status along with some courtship teachings and what they have witnessed growing up, which has influenced their view of romance. For better or worse, they're aware that they are under certain expectations. Has that ever stopped R from believing they have a soul mate, possibly even using that secret daydream as an escape from it all? No. They do believe in soul mates, but they aren't sure if they deserve one.

Love at first sight is looked on less favorably by R; they know better than most how people are rarely what they seem, so it just seems unlikely to them. Second sight seems more realistic.

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For all of J's dutiful practicality, they do have a very big heart that's become more guarded over the years. At one point in time, J did believe in both of these types of connections, but now it has whittled down to soul mates. Even then, you would have a hard time getting them to admit that this type of love exists. It's better to consider J's actions for this particular question—how they do not take notice of anyone else aside from the MC (and R, if on the JR poly route), how they tend to keep their head down by concentrating on their work, how it seems they're almost abstaining from certain connections, and how the Detective has a reputation around the station and Fernweh. They're something to look at, but don't touch.

(Obviously, that last line is the perspective of some townsfolk, not me. I'll hug J.)

They wish they could leave the concept of ‘soul mates' in their childhood, but they can't…

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“I can speak for myself,” Mal asserts in a tone that lacks an ounce of its usual smoothness, pleasantness sheared away to be replaced with something cutting. They fluidly rise from their chair, stalking closer to where you're seated and reveling in the sensation of your eyes being exclusively on them because they don't need an omniscient mouthpiece. Are you transfixed, or anticipating their answer, possibly desiring it for your own confirmation? “I believe in both, but I prefer the idea of soul mates to love at first sight. Some pairings are meant to be, no matter what…” Mal offers you an enigmatic smile after saying that; there's no need to waste words.

You know they'd do anything for you.

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Honestly, me being called a 'mouthpiece' was pretty nice of Mal, all things considered. 🤔

As I mentioned earlier in the Content Schedule, Mal's answers have a tendency to be a little… unique, possibly even unreliable at times; however, this fits with their character in TFS!


Kelsey Lee

J!!! Distance and time did not and will not diminish the love the love me & Anastasia (my J-mancer teehee) have for you!! And MAL !!!! Evangeline (mal’s number one fan and my M-mancer) is gonna wrap smooch your face all over and repeat just how much she loves you over and over again 🥰🥰🥰


Oohhh! Noire would adore hearing everyone's answers. He's quite fond of questions like these- it gives a bit of insight to everyone and he is happy to reconnect and get to know everyone as they are now. I think he'd sympathize with S because how terrifying it could be to only have one chance to meet someone who could mean so much to you- out of so many people in the world. But Noire is a bit of a romantic so he would agree that soulmates exist! "Some people are just meant to meet. But soul mates are made, not found." He thinks some people are just meant to cross paths and touch your lives, but in the same way you determine who those people are. Noire has been hurt before so love at first sight has never been something he put much stock in, he could definitely agree with Reese about love at second sight. People are more than you initially expect, so it's better to know them first. But Mal's certainty in some people just being meant to be? That would draw him in absolutely. (Because Noire just had to be attracted to two such strong... personalities)


"Some people are just meant to meet. But soul mates are made, not found." Oh my gosh, I am absolutely in love with this. It's like fate to an extent, but then what you choose to do with that opportunity is up to you. It's beautiful and meaningful, kind of like, "we were fated to meet, but from then on, every single day, I chose you, and will continue to choose you." Love isn't always easy- it needs work, and it's a choice, but the choice becomes easy depending on who you're with.


First, your MCs have such lovely names! 🥰 Anastasia reassuring J that the time/distance didn't diminish her love for them would make J melt. I also think it would be more deeply reassuring because of J's own tendency to cling to the past, so hearing that helps them feel not as alone and feel a sense of mutual understanding. J can be hard on themself, though others have been too about this habit... Mal is all for smooches dotting their face, preferably every single inch of skin. They'll jokingly tell Evangeline if she's missed a spot. 💋


What instantly caught my attention first about Noire's response is how he made note of 'getting to know everyone as they are now' in addition to the reconnecting aspect. It shows how he's aware of the time apart having an impact on shaping his Fernweh connections, which is something the other characters would be able to sense too. It could prompt some well-meaning hesitation in J as they try to decide how best to speak (what's 'acceptable' to say) as compared to R who also knows things are different now despite how they do cling to certain aspects of the past. S handles it with an even keel. The past can be a very tricky subject for the Fernweh Gang. Anyway, I just found that interesting! It makes me more excited for Noire to trigger a particular line on a certain RO excursion, tbh. 😌 👀 Oh, I'm obsessed with how Noire is a romantic at heart with the ability to acknowledge S's fears about having a one (1) true love while also still believing in the idea. To me, this awareness makes the belief even more intriguing, possibly tempering it into a hope or a possibility that you then have to actively work towards. Noire put it so well with that quote--how certain paths are meant to cross and how there can be a tinge of fate dabbling in our choices, a mix. 🔮 My mind strayed to how R and Mal would handle learning that Noire's been hurt before, but I then almost spoiled something. 🙃 I will say if Noire felt comfortable enough to express this and be vulnerable, that Mal and R would do their utmost to make him feel loved/safe in the way he deserved from the start. I like how he can relate to R's love at second sight opinion for different reasons that still foster a common understanding about how people can be. It's something that would earn respect from R along with them wondering about what (or who) helped to foster this opinion in their beloved. Mal is pleased about their certainty drawing in Noire; that was their hope. (I can't wait for you to play the upcoming alpha drop given how Noire is caught (tangled? ensnared?) between R and Mal. 🖤💔)