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Hello Returning Visitors!

I hope you're doing well. 💚

There's quite a bit ahead this month! As you might have read in our most recent announcement post, you will be further entrenched in Fernweh with those roots potentially going deeper and deeper with each month. (Yay tree metaphors! 🌲) The Book Two alpha drop will be on the 13th of this month along with some lengthy writings featuring ROs, some oddly specific Lacuna rambles, Mrs. Dorran's banana bread recipe, and more! The first spicy writing 🔥 releases this month for Evergreens and Hickories. There will also be a post on the RO Excursions (teasers and hints!) along with that vote I shared in July's Author's View.

There will be two calls for Q&A questions (general and spicy) in a few days for our sessions that take place throughout September! Some of the characters are ready and eager to engage with you all, although others can be more reluctant (or foreboding!). 👀

  • You can submit Q&A questions starting on August 3rd until August 15th.

Hopefully, this Content Schedule gives you lots to look forward to.

>Reminder: Please be sure to see this post about adding my email address to your contacts so you can enjoy the RO character portraits. I try to make contact within 24 hours of a pledge; the spam folder can be dastardly.<

Once again I'm including an attachment of August's Content Schedule as an image file, and it is displayed above in addition to the typed out dates/content.

You can click to enlarge the picture of August's Content Schedule.

As always, let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for your support. 🥰

[All dates are considered tentative with the content being subject to change.]

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July 29th

-Content Schedule (August) [Public]

July 30th

-Author's View: Something is Brewing 😶

-Author's View: Not-So-Secret Admirer writing (JR + Mal Jealousy 🔪💜💔)

I added this^ since 'Something is Brewing' is about a unique poll opportunity for hickories; I won't spoil it.

July 31st

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #3: Respect is Earned 😤

I swapped this^ longer ramble with 'Outlandish Choices', which you will see in August, since it fits nicely with the J. Corvin writing that was angsty. It's about the TFS grandfather.

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August 3rd

-📢 Call for Q&A Questions

-(Evergreen 🌲 and Hickory 🍂Patrons) 📢 Call for Spicy Q&A Questions 🔥

August 5th

-(Evergreen 🌲 and Hickory 🍂Patrons) TFS: Art: Alina Corvin

-Evergreens can view it along with the hickory patrons who voted on the piece(s).

August 7th

-MBC 1: Snap, Crackle, Pup! 🎆

What's beautiful for some is terrifying for others. Sizzling fireworks, a moment of closeness, being each other's comfort, a unique horror movie reference, and the TFS pup! 😌🐕

August 9th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #1: Outlandish Choices 🍞🤪

-Some choices in TFS might have made you hesitate or do a slight double-take due to their dark humor, interesting response, or general outlandishness. There's more to come!

August 11th

-Extended Progress Update

August 13th

- ✨TFS Book Two Alpha Content Drop!

August 15th

-📢 End of Q&A question submissions

August 16th

-Author's View: RO Excursions! 💞

A deeper look at what will be in store for your MC(s) with their beloved(s)! 🥰

August 17th

-Surprise #1: Recipe: Mrs. Dorran's Banana Bread 🍌

August 18th

-🍂 Hickory Poll: 1st RO Excursion [Opens]

August 20th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #2: A Funny Incorrect Quote!

August 22nd

-Author's Choice: Tickle Me Pink 🔥

I wanted to do something different for this Author's Choice since the MC's abilities are a rather intense topic! R. Verner is also keen on doing something else as well. Poor S. 😏

August 23rd

-🍂 Hickory Poll: 1st RO Excursion [Closes]

August 25th

-MBC 2: Fluffier than Snow ⛄

Softness! Ugh, my heart; this will probably take many of you by surprise. Someone might have a dual effect of warming you up while also making you melt. Sweet kisses. 💋

August 29th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #3: A Literary Link! 🅰

-Perhaps Mal enjoys classic books, or maybe they were trying to imply something else… 👀

August 31st

-Content Schedule (September) [Public]

September 1st

-Extended Progress Update



Kelsey Lee

JR and MAL JEALOUSY?!? i am feasting i am being fed

A Ba

Had to go check I’m an Evergreen already, and I am -yahoo! be afraid J, be very afraid 😈❤️


I imagine J is quaking in their work boots, lol. (Or maybe they're actually intrigued about what you have in mind for them. 👀😏💚)

A Ba

Oh I’m sure the big hard detective has faced much scarier than little old me 😈😏