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Hi Returning Visitors!

I hope you're all doing well. πŸ’š

I'm eager to announce some exciting new benefits to TFS Patreon! Please take a moment to read over this post. (If you'd like a quicker read, you can check the benefits listing for your tier, which might require you to use a private/incognito tab.) I made a post recently about our six month anniversary! 🌲 I'm grateful for your support and encouragement that's allowing me to devote more time to Fernweh.

Offering these new benefits will hopefully bring some joy to you!

[TL;DR: Monthly alpha drops from Book Two, potential for spicy/heated stories, more questions/answers, but most importantly, 'thank you' for your love of TFS.]

Monthly Alpha Content Drops!

  • Explore Fernweh before anyone else with *monthly* alpha content updates!

Starting in August, you will have an opportunity to return to town every month with more frequent drops of content from Book Two. These updates will further immerse you in the story, while giving you something to consistently look forward to! I'll have edited and ready part of the original September drop in August, so you can enjoy the first part in August and the remainder in September. :D

This is for Red Oaks, Evergreens, and Hickories. πŸπŸŒ²πŸ‚ I'll be granting access to Pines at the appropriate times.

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Spicy Stories, Heated Scenes, and Saucy Q&A's!

  • Spicy stories and heated scenes when they are available
  • Spicy Q&A sessions with the characters, including scenarios and reactions

Hmm, things are heating up. πŸ‘€ In August, I will be calling for Q&A questions to be answered throughout September, including a separate post for spicy questions.

There will also be a heated writing with R. Verner in August! πŸ”₯

The spicy/heated benefits are for Evergreens and Hickories. πŸŒ²πŸ‚

There will be a general Q&A session post too!

In the tier benefits, I also clarified how there will be more frequent sessions or exclusive questions for certain tiers (πŸ‚), including those where you can ask me things with a greater chance for snippets and reactions. I'm excited for September, so you all might want to start thinking of things to send in during August.

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More TFS Character Portraits!

  • This benefit isn't an officially listed one on my Patreon page!

It's something that I'm happy to offer to those of you who have been dwelling in Fernweh's forests for a time. πŸ₯° I ask for your patience since it will be a ton of DMs/emails to juggle and fulfill, but it can be a great opportunity to complete your Fernweh Gang or to collect new portraits.

This benefit is for all TFS Patrons! πŸ’š Hickories, you all will have the first set of portraits from your sign-up; you will continue to shape the TFS art offerings and releases. Once there are new character portraits, you will be the first to receive them!

I have a R. Verner set that's being finalized before I can start releasing it. πŸ‘€πŸ–€πŸ‚

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I hope to have the August Content Schedule out shortly! Thank you for all of your support, encouragement, and kind words. This is such big news that I've been working on that it will be our Extended Progress Update for this week. I'm off to write! πŸ“š

Here is a snippet from Book Two (Spoilers)!


You almost wish there were more buttons to undo…

James's expression is one of concentration, but you know better than to peer too deeply into his intense green eyes, even if you'd prefer to get lost in them than in Fernweh's forests. Some raven hair grazes James's left cheek after having escaped his hair tie.


You almost wish there were more buttons to undo…

Jane's expression is one of concentration, but you know better than to peer too deeply into her intense green eyes, even if you'd prefer to get lost in them than in Fernweh's forests. Some raven hair grazes Jane's left cheek after having escaped her hair tie.



Just something about the way you write J gives me heart palpitations.


I love how you phrased this because it's something J can relate to in regards to the MC on a cellular level, mygosh. Their heart doesn't know how to be still around the MC. πŸ˜ŒπŸ’š I'll admit I'm now even more excited for you to read the full scene, Musica; this is part of a longer very lovingly written description of our Detective for you to then react to. :D J-mancers and JR-mancers are in for two unique treats!


It's my honor due to all the kindness/encouragement you all have shown me! 😻 Everyone's comments, thoughts, and reactions make my day and help to motivate me as I carve away at Book Two. :D

A Ba

Can I just say you are sooooo amazing I love this world you created so much and the attention to detail -I’ve not interacted with the alpha drops so much because life is a bit *redacted* but the snippets you post here and how sweet all your responses are, and the amazing characters you created give my so much joy thank you (for creating James) ;)

Kelsey Lee

BUTTONS TO UNDO??? ohohohohoho


!!! Monthly alpha content?? You really do spoil us ✨πŸ₯ΉπŸ’πŸ’


It's my pleasure, and I can't wait for you to read more. There's so much going into Book Two--it makes me happy when you all get to explore it further. Thank you for being sweet! πŸ₯°πŸ’πŸ’šπŸˆ