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Hello Everyone!

I hope you're doing well. 💚

My goodness, there is a positively packed month in store for you all! 😎 I'm eager to dive back into those themed romance writings, especially now that things are heating up for summer, not to mention we have another alpha drop coming up in July and surprises. I want to welcome/thank new TFS patrons in addition to thanking my seasoned Returning Visitors. Hopefully, this Content Schedule gives you something to look forward to.

Edit: Due to irl stuff, I have shifted the next alpha drop by only about a week to July 6th to ensure that I'm available to manage the drop and engage with you all. You will notice that I have included a new image, which shows the first week of July's Content Schedule. Thank you for your understanding! 🥰 

(For fun, I also teased a little bit about the content/writings down below. 👀😳)

I'm adding context blurbs along with my titles for the content. You can find them on the picture of June's calendar, but they are explained even further within the list.

>Reminder: Please be sure to see this post about adding my email address to your contacts so you can enjoy the RO character portraits. I try to make contact within 24 hours of a pledge; the spam folder can be dastardly.<

Once again I'm including an attachment of June's Content Schedule as an image file, and it is displayed above in addition to the typed out dates/content.

You can click to enlarge the picture of June's Content Schedule along with the first week of July's. 

As always, let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for your support. :D

[All dates are considered tentative with the content being subject to change.]

May 31th

-Content Schedule (June) [Public]

June 2nd

-Surprise #1: Prismatic Road Wallpaper 🌈

June 4th

-(Hickory Patrons 🍂) TFS: Art Poll

-Hickories will get to vote on the subject of the next character portrait, while Evergreens can view the voted on artwork after the poll closes. Who will it be? 👀

June 6th

-MBC 1: A Sudsy Surprise! 💦 (J. Corvin's Summer Writing)

-Sweet yet secretive (?) J, some banter with the Fernweh Gang, and a certain detective wants to be yours.

June 8th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #1: The Dichotomy of A. Corvin 💛🔪

June 9th

-Extended Progress Update

June 11th

-Author's Choice: Take Charge, Lay Back, etc. 😏: Exploration of a new variable that can further tailor your experiences within Fernweh, mainly RO dynamics.

June 14th

-Surprise #2: Summer Treat Recipe: An old-fashioned peach cobbler from Mrs. Dorran that's the perfect fruity treat on a hot summer day. 🍑😋

June 16th

-MBC 2: Unintentional Eye Candy 😏🍬 (JR's Summer Writing)

-Possessive R, a slowly baking yet hot J, the MC is now an accomplice, and some kisses. Oh, also drama...

June 19th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #2: The MC is Basically This Meme 🔥 (Slight alpha spoilers)

June 20th

-Author's View: Ripple Effects? More Like Torrential Waves 🌊: A deeper look at some of the cause-and-effect dynamics that will be coming into play. So many tethers. >.>

June 22nd

-(Hickory Patrons 🍂) TFS: Art Poll Closes

June 23th

-Extended Progress Update

June 24th

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #3: A Funny, Incorrect TFS Quote

June 26th

-MBC 3: Sweet Vengeance 🍯 (B. Warrick's Summer Writing)

-Slight horror, the cruelty of people, and the softness of a hug from a dearly beloved... friend?

June 28th

-Content Schedule (July) [Public]

June 30th

-TFS: Trail Mix Side Stories (Part 2): So you and the Fernweh Gang are in Whispering Willows, but I wonder what else lies within the summer camp. We'll soon see! 👀

-New Hickory patrons, please be sure to check out Part 1 of this exclusive story. 🏕

July 3rd

-Lacuna Rambles/Thoughts/Gif Reacts #1: Outlandish Choices 🍞🤪

July 6th

- ✨TFS Book Two Alpha Content Drop!

(It's over 45k+ words of content! I'm trying to pace the drops fairly to offer you polished, content-rich offerings as I continue to work on Book Two. I can't wait. :D)

July 7th

-Extended Progress Update




SUDSY SURPRISE!!!! UNINTENTIONAL EYE CANDY FT POSSESSIVE R AND A HELLA HOT J???? *feral animal sounds* KISSES!?! SMOOCHES YOU SAY??? (also Sweet Vengeance? Is someone being mean to BBB? Square up!) Hyped for more alpha content!!!


Aaaah, such an exciting month ahead! Looking forward to voting on the next character portrait! Will it be the same artist as the one who did the RO portraits? Because those are just *chef's kiss* 🤌 Also, very important discourse on the 11th! I'm sure I will have Thoughts and Opinions to share 🤭 All in all, looking forward to this month's content! Thank you so much!

Idiot Sunfish

Wait wait wait Another alpha content drop?! I was ready to wait minimum 2 years for book 2 thinking that that was all you were gonna give us (to keep the suspense and mystery) but we get MORE? I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL 😭✨️👏🏼


Oooh! A lot to look forward to this month! Summer writings! 👀 Ahem, THE 11TH. 👀👀 and Alpha content drop!! 👀👀👀


More alpha content? And JR content?? I'm excited!! And, hmm... the Take Charge, Lay Back thing... in relation to the RO? Does this mean our typically take-charge, expect people to obey them MC can have the RO take charge in, ahem, private moments? *rubs hands together in anticipation*


😌👀💋🍬 Ngl, I was hoping that the title for JR's writing would catch your eye, so now I'm more hyped for you to read it! (I enjoy coming up with titles too much.) Sparrow being ready to throw down for B would earn a worried smile from them, but they are very ride or die too!


Glad that you're looking forward to that next vote; it is from the same artist who did the character portraits. I'm so happy that you like them. It's encouraging to hear that you're excited for what's ahead! 💚🥰 I think J's writing in particular will be a good mix of soft and some humor from the Fernweh Gang, bestie R with a dash of rivalry and concerned B will make an appearance.


I'm honored that you're ready to delve deeper into Fernweh. 🌲🥰 The support from my patrons allows me to devote more time to shaping the next TFS entry; however, that along with the encouragement can be even more heartening as the words stack up, thousands, tens of thousands, and yes, we're climbing even higher! Book Two's scope is something that will yield hours and hours of play. :D


I did grin a bit at the use of caps and well-placed eye emojis! 👀😉 I'm grateful that you're looking forward to the upcoming content.


Thank you! 💜 *high fives you once you're done with the hand rubbing* 😉 I've got a memory like a steel trap, so I remember our fleeting conversation that touched on this topic. You're perceptive that there's a heated connotation to this ~mysterious~ variable (it begins with a "D"), but I am also using it to tailor more implicit dynamics, depending on the choices you make. It has a lot of potential. I did address your specific question within the post; I saw it as I was working on it. :D I can't wait for your to read it, possibly even experience it with R. 🖤