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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • My typical gentle nudge to remember to add my email address can be found here. I’m eager to get the character portraits out to everyone so you can enjoy them while you play.
  • Please be sure to check out this post: here about a new TFS patron benefit! ✨
  • The Lush Forest wallpaper release: 17 April. 🌷🌸💐 Thank you all for your votes that selected this scene.
  • Book Two Snippet: A choice option I doubt anyone here will pick, but it might be worth it to see R’s snappy comeback.🔪

I’m pretty sure the old saying goes like this: “Spring showers bring May flowers.” I prefer to focus on how those unexpected, pattering rain showers wash away the built-up pollen, having a bit of a cleansing effect that makes it easier to breathe. While they can be annoying to be caught in, you’re ultimately a little grateful they happened because now it’s easier to go outside again.

Recently, a similar thing happened while I was working on a section of Book Two! :D

The ‘unexpected shower’ in this case was me trying to strike the right balance between calling on past decisions/dynamics from Book One while still allowing you to make choices within the current narrative. Specifically, I worried that some readers might not realize a certain page or two is already tailored to them; instead, wondering where the next chance is to make a choice. I was getting in my head about it, tbh. 🙃 So, sitting down and playing it helped me find clarity! It allowed me to track how the pages are nesting before the choices trigger that are variable/varied.

Let’s get more specific, especially now that you all will have a chance to read alpha content!

A’s dynamic with the MC is something that naturally requires a lot of variation. That’s only increased thanks to Turn the Page serving as a common, grounding location in this book’s overall plot; however, the romances and crushes add yet another layer. 💘 J’s sibling can help, hinder, silently judge, and ship your MC and J. It can be even more, er, interesting for JR-mancers and for those who triggered one of those crushes with A. I wanted to ensure that you all get a taste of this early within the narrative; acknowledging character and group dynamics you’ve chosen is what I’d like to be a strength of TFS as a series. Book Two’s scope is something I’m proud of.

The opportunity to show how I’ve grown means a lot to me.💚

But, yes, back to concrete update stuff: You will get a chance to see just the start of what I mean in May! Specifically, the past crush choice can come back with a vengeance so that might be fun. There will be guidelines, etc.; however, the most important one is going to be secrecy. 👀

I’m very excited to share the new content with you all!

Beyond that, the last thing I wrote was a note to Tiffany (my friend/editor) since she will be playing a new section soon. (Maybe tonight?) In terms of TFS Book Two content, it was a variable scene of Mal being sweetly cryptic with the MC at best or kind of threatening at worst. They can be such a hot/cold kind of character based on how you treat them. I’m still thinking about May’s writing topics, and of course, the Content Schedule will be out in the next few weeks.

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here's an excerpt from Book Two:

Your inspection does get R to stop drinking the water they have yet to pay for.
"Has the bleach finally seeped into your brain?" you mock them. "It's too hot for a run."

There are many uses for bleach MC, so it’s best to watch yourself around R since quite a few people are protective over them. 😊☠ I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead! 💚

Thank you for all of your support!



Omg! Why are cruel MCs *always* like… that. Every time I think I’ve gotten used to how biting their comments can be, they take it to a whole new level. (Or I suppose it’s you who takes it to a whole new level, which still can leave me baffled because you’re one of the nicest people I know. I still think my ‘Aelsa has an evil twin to write the meaner variations’ theory holds a lot of weight, haha.) Thank you as always for your updates. Please take care and have a nice, relaxing weekend. 💖

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 02:42:29 Writing the more cutting responses should be outsourced to an evil twin, especially when they are directed at certain characters. I like your theory! We can call her: 'Aslea' or 'Meanie' works too. >:D R holding their own usually helps to take the sting out, but oof when it's B. I'm glad you enjoyed the update! Thank you for your well wishes--not sure about the relaxing part since I want to work on a R branch, though that tends to relax me. They're wearing purple for once. 💜🥰
2023-04-16 11:23:16 Writing the more cutting responses should be outsourced to an evil twin, especially when they are directed at certain characters. I like your theory! We can call her: 'Aslea' or 'Meanie' works too. >:D R holding their own usually helps to take the sting out, but oof when it's B. I'm glad you enjoyed the update! Thank you for your well wishes--not sure about the relaxing part since I want to work on a R branch, though that tends to relax me. They're wearing purple for once. 💜🥰

Writing the more cutting responses should be outsourced to an evil twin, especially when they are directed at certain characters. I like your theory! We can call her: 'Aslea' or 'Meanie' works too. >:D R holding their own usually helps to take the sting out, but oof when it's B. I'm glad you enjoyed the update! Thank you for your well wishes--not sure about the relaxing part since I want to work on a R branch, though that tends to relax me. They're wearing purple for once. 💜🥰