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Question: "Mal seems to be an expert in customer service, how do they handle the most pushy/rudest ones who are less placated by a pleasant smile?"


"Killing them…" Mal pointedly trails off, smirking to themself as the implication hangs in the air, seemingly causing the atmosphere of the Fernweh Diner to become grim. "With kindness, of course." Their focus remains exclusively trained on you to detect any change in your expression from the twitch of your lips dipping into an uneasy frown to how you might shift away. You haven't moved a muscle, perfectly still under their encompassing attention. "I feel like that's the answer you may seek, but then again, why ask such a question if you already have an opinion?"

You only breathe again when Mal glances away after setting down your preferred drink.

It's clear that Mal knows how to deal with customers; they can simply unnerve them into being more polite.

_ _ _

I support Mal masterfully frightening customers who are rude to them; you do you, baby! 😘

But, really, this offers some great character insight into them and how they can choose to engage with those around them. Mal is aware enough to know exactly how to alarm people, unlike how I feel rude or pushy customers might not be as calculating when demanding things. Those dreadful types of consumers just push and push until they get their way; it's so inelegant, not at all targeted. Then we have Mal; a character whom some of you adore while others are wary of them, but both sides can agree that there's something more there. It's easy to imagine them twisting the (metaphorical?) knife once a customer crosses a certain line of respect with them to deserve it.

(As an aside: no, they probably don't appreciate the use of "baby", but oh well. That might be why I used it in the first place. >:D)



Oh they have my FULL support on this, too. There's a special place in hell for people who are rude to servers. 👿 It's really interesting that they're aware of their effect on people. And that they can use it so masterfully! They do say they're not the "friendly sort" in-game as well... That paired with the Killer-nickname and them calling a cruel MC alike to themself is slightly alarming, but then, everything about Mal is alarming. They're the stop sign after all. But in the best way possible. I am beyond curious. I will not rest until I know their entire backstory.


I know Mal would be pleased that they have your full support on this, and even more so that you believe that people shouldn't be rude to servers. It's likely a very taxing job. Oh, I agree with you about how it's very intriguing how self-aware Mal is as a character; they can often use that to their advantage in most situations. It can make you wonder if they sometimes feel apart from certain interactions as if they are simply going through the motions since they know it will play out a certain way thanks to their experience. This is why MCs who make the effort to romance/pursue them can sometimes get unique responses. 🥰 Haha, I like what you mention about their ability to alarm and unnerve; the fact that it only tempts you to learn more is very encouraging! I promise that I'm eager for you to uncover their many facets, including their backstory--it has more than a few twists within it. 👀💘