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[Alternate Text: A famous GIF of Kermit the Frog sipping on some tea while seated by a window. He appears completely content, if not unbothered, by what's happening around him.]

Unlike J who can be endearingly oblivious or R who will meet the MC word for word, S will sometimes have a unique approach to the MC's obvious flirtations. They can meet it with some deadpan humor, clearly aware of the suggestive wording or innuendo and choosing to undermine it to upend the interaction. It's interesting writing some of these exchanges; I wonder when/if the MC will be able to break through that nonchalance? Until then, S has more than enough quips.

"So, your fingers were too tired to reach the walkie talkie button to respond to J?"

Some of you might have some guesses as to what a flirtatious! MC said to earn this line from S.

You'll be able to discover more during Book Two! 💚



I remember when I tried S's route with Sparrow, picking the first flirting option, their response caught me and Sparrow off guard, like the first firt option with J. Might give S another run, I do enjoy their dry wit... I love how everyone has their own sort of way to responding to Flirty!MC, Sparrow definitely is a flirty!mc 😮‍💨 and yes, I played through every route with Sparrow atleast once, gotta see how he fits with everybody!

Skippy Hugo

I get annoyed when flirtatious responses are almost always portrayed in a "bold" way rather than "subtle".


I'm currently replaying their route lol. I just really appreciate their matter-of-factness (is that a word??). They're my second favorite TFS character I think


Ahhhh S!!! I cannot wait for my MC to wiggle their way into S heart and make them stumble on that nonchalance, they're irresistible 😇❤️


Yes, subtle flirtatious responses can also be equally as effective. I have some I've already written for Book Two that I enjoy; they are more teasing/lighthearted.


Oh, I'm glad they caught both you and Sparrow off guard. 👀 I wonder if that's what they were trying to do? I can imagine R and Sparrow trading banter back and forth while J becomes more flustered once they realize what's happening. It's awesome you've played all the routes with Sparrow! Maybe you'll give S another go? There are some interesting scenes with a sweeter MC as well. <3


I think that word/vibe fits S perfectly! 💙 It's cool that they are one of your favorites along with Mal, I think. I find that readers sometimes have to look deeper into their actions to find the ever-present compassion they have, but once it's found, they like to hang onto S. 😊 There's something grounding to them.


Aw, your emojis have me smiling, Noah! 🥺💚 I have full confidence that your MC will work their way into S's heart; the stumbling and breaking of that nonchalance will be cute too. There's one scene in Chapter 5 where the MC can give S butterflies/make them be a little more open/nervous. It's this choice: Offer a soft smile, trying to catch their attention. "Thanks for helping me cross." It might be fun for a replay, but no worries! Your MC will have more chances during the series. :D


Gosh this is incentive enough to do another S replay, I'll choose that option next thank you so much 🥰


The number of times S's dry sense of humor made me snort...