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Question: "R, if you were given a credit card with several million dollars on it, with the only rule being that you had to leave Fernweh for a week and take a vacation, where would you go and what would you do? You could bring whoever you want (cat included) in this scenario."


R continues to neatly fold a set of silk pajamas, fussing slightly with how the fabric lays as they try to create a perfect, compact square. Their eyes remain on the folds of slate gray, only straying once they hear you enter the room since packing for this trip is admittedly taking them a while; it's a wonder S hasn't been sent in to retrieve them. They offer you a smile before indicating a piece of the ridiculously expensive luggage set they're attempting to fill with an entire wardrobe.

Except clothes aren't nestled inside of it; instead, two golden-yellow eyes peer at you.

R's cat greets you with a chirping meow.

"It was kind of you to include him on this adventure as if he would consider there being a choice in the matter…" R observes after setting aside the nightwear to draw closer to you. "Has anyone guessed correctly yet? The hints were a bit oblique, not everyone knows sachertorte, of course."

"No, we're all still in suspense," you admit with a good-natured eye roll. "You'll have a grand reveal."

R's smile broadens at your confirmation of the gang's confusion about the getaway they have planned with an exacting level of detail; who needs a trip itinerary when you have an entire portfolio? It's not their vacation, but all of yours since R didn't want to venture out of town alone. They even considered photo opportunities for you friend, although the Viennese coffee culture for S paired with the wealth of natural history museums for J to get lost in also influenced their planning. Vienna is culture and elegance personified in one storied city. Old pictures of their parents vacationing there always enchanted R, especially those of the grand palaces.

"I will be there in a moment to properly explain everything, I promise."

R's genuine excitement is enough to make you willing to sit through their presentation.

_ _ _

So, R. Verner would choose to vacation in Vienna, Austria!

Their cat must come along for the trip in addition to the Fernweh Gang. If in romance with the MC (or the MC and J), you can bet there are more than a few romantic adventures planned, possibly even reserving one of the grand opera houses to play piano for their beloved(s). The classiness of the city appeals to R, but it also does have a bit of a nightlife amidst all of the historic buildings and famed museums. I could see R wanting to take a trip to the nearby mountains for some skiing, if not to simply enjoy the snow and the famed Alpine powder. It's hard to narrow down what they would do; they'd want to see some of the imperial sites along with exploring places that speak to their own interests. It would be so different from Fernweh.

(As an aside, seeing the old pictures of their parents within the city contributed to this destination choice more than R would ever like to admit. Romanced MCs might be able to learn more.)

(Also, the cat does appreciate you considering them in the question. +5 R's Cat Approval. 😼)



I had to add that detail in. Wasn't sure whether or not including the cat would be a make-or-break factor in the decision.


Alright time to break the hell out of Fernweh so the squad can go! ??? LET US OUT R WANTS TO GO TO VIENNA AND THATS WHERE WE MUST GO


I admire how much you want to make R happy; plus, a group vacation would be so much fun. (I bet the ??? would disagree with that concept of fun though, or at least what's entertaining as we can see in the nightmares 😂)


Listen I would do anything for R, they're the RO that made me play Fernweh Saga, THEY'RE THE BESTEST I ADORE THEM (R was recommended when I was on the hunt for Rivals to lovers on Reddit when it wasn't out) (J i still love u just as much i swear) (Listen ??? Is absolutely free to bully Sparrow but theres a line and its the RO's.)

Skippy Hugo

I'm sure my cat would love some overseas adventures.


Mine would probably like it once we got there; he enjoys watching things from afar, but the plane ride would be killer, haha. R's cat is oddly well-behaved. 🐈 (Although Ms. Verner would probably disagree with that statement.)