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Question: "What would the RO choose between eating some raw live snake or some raw live octopus?"


"Neither," R immediately answers. "I even question the validity of calamari."

"Calamari would be like distant cousins to raw octopus," B unhelpfully points out. "I'm treating this like a Would You Rather question, so I'd rather eat the octopus, but, like, the suckers have to be removed." Their expression scrunches in slight dismay as they swallow thickly, most likely imagining how it would feel to chew on one of the rubbery feelers. "That'd be such a horrible way to die—if it got caught in your throat or—"

"Detective, please say something," R interjects, pleased when B falls silent under their incredulous gaze. "Anything at all."

"The snake," J decides. "I think the texture would be better, not as blubbery."

S scoops up R's car keys from the coffee table before they can collect them to leave, rolling their eyes at R's dramatics given how proteins and food customs vary widely across the globe. "I feel like the octopus might be more approachable," they reply. "Maybe with a thai chili sauce?"

"I will not be capitulating on my answer. I suppose I'm not as adventurous as you all."


A Ba

Ok but octopus is delicious (cooked) and also it’s not a million miles from sushi? On the other hand octopuses are crazy intelligent so I’d probably feel less guilty eating snake *high-fives J*

A Ba

my family totally has a story where preschooler-me threw hands with a table-full of adults cause they were eating too much of the octopus my mum had served and I wanted it for myself.


Cooked octopus sounds more approachable; personally, I think I'd prefer it cooked to sushi, but I'm kinda picky. XD J would accept your high-five with gusto; you make a great point that octopuses are so smart! They seem to actually think rather than simply react or use instinct. I know someone who has eaten snake before. He said it wasn't bad, although it was cooked. 🐍

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 02:41:48 That is adorable! 🥰 It also makes total sense that preschooler-you wanted first dibs, if not the lion's share, since your mother cooked it and those other adult guests were in your domain, lol. 😉 (I have a similar story, except it features younger me thinking it was okay to /grab/ a cake.) I also had this weird thing as a kid where I'd eat tomatoes like apples? >.> So, full on bite into them even if they needed to go into a salad or a sauce recipe. It's funny because I don't really care for them nowadays... XD It's cool that your love of cooked octopus has endured. 🐙
2023-05-01 15:08:49 That is adorable! 🥰 It also makes total sense that preschooler-you wanted first dibs, if not the lion's share, since your mother cooked it and those other adult guests were in your domain, lol. 😉 (I have a similar story, except it features younger me thinking it was okay to /grab/ a cake.) I also had this weird thing as a kid where I'd eat tomatoes like apples? >.> So, full on bite into them even if they needed to go into a salad or a sauce recipe. It's funny because I don't really care for them nowadays... XD It's cool that your love of cooked octopus has endured. 🐙

That is adorable! 🥰 It also makes total sense that preschooler-you wanted first dibs, if not the lion's share, since your mother cooked it and those other adult guests were in your domain, lol. 😉 (I have a similar story, except it features younger me thinking it was okay to /grab/ a cake.) I also had this weird thing as a kid where I'd eat tomatoes like apples? >.> So, full on bite into them even if they needed to go into a salad or a sauce recipe. It's funny because I don't really care for them nowadays... XD It's cool that your love of cooked octopus has endured. 🐙