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Question: "Are there any activities B would have loved to do with the MC but didn't have the chance yet?"


At the risk of sounding a little cheesy, I can say that B genuinely enjoys every opportunity to do something with the MC. (Okay, maybe not the more reckless adventures, but you know what I mean!) I don't want to infringe on any headcanons, since I'm sure many of you have some ideas about things your MC and B have done together (i.e. exploring abandoned factories, walking dogs together, traveling along a coast, etc. I've heard a few things from different readers.)

I could see B trying to rope the MC into one of those fancy chocolate-making classes that are hosted by a certified chocolatier or some other cooking activity where you work as a team. They have this weird thing about wanting to go to the top of a lighthouse at least once? I'm not sure if it's to take a pretty panorama or to say that they've done it; however, they would like the MC there as they scale step after step, possibly also if they start to fret as they go higher and higher. It's all about making memories with B. Capturing those moments on film with the MC by their side is important to them.

It can sometimes make you wonder why? 👀



B headcanon time? B having to force Sparrow to not run up the steps of the lighthouse because they both know he will trip and hurt himself. 😤 Sparrow has tried to convince B to try parkour, with little success. They deliberately watch bad movies/terrible rip offs to make fun of them together. 🤧 B once signed them up for a first aid course after a particular reckless idea Sparrow had. Hours of silly car games that Sparrow gets slightly competitive over, even though its just like, I Spy or something. 🤺 Chill session where they just hang out in their apartments, Sparrow sometimes showing B a new song on his guitar/drum set or B is baking while Sparrow is trying to secretly snag a taste when he thinks B isn't looking. Looking around abandoned buildings/going "paranormal hunting" but the dynamic is like Shane and Ryan from Unsolved Buzzfeed. 👻

KiraaBear (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 02:41:49 I was gonna add more but it was getting long, my bad lol, got inspired by this Q&A.
2023-04-30 21:28:50 I was gonna add more but it was getting long, my bad lol, got inspired by this Q&A.

I was gonna add more but it was getting long, my bad lol, got inspired by this Q&A.

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 21:41:56 B headcanon time? No, B armada time with me gladly volunteering as your first mate because this fleet is /amazing/. 🦜🏴‍☠️ (I just realized those are more pirate related than nautical, but that's okay, I guess. XD) I can *hear* B's voice echoing slightly up the lighthouse when they're calling out to Sparrow who is no doubt a few steps ahead and setting a rapid pace. (This might actually be a good way to distract B from the ascension--how they're getting ever higher and away from the safe ground.) Parkour + clumsy B? 😂 Sparrow's a real one for believing in them enough to encourage that combo; B may just cheer him on from the sidelines also warn him not to go too fast/high/far. The first aid class made me all soft. Lmao, the way R would also get competitive over I Spy makes me further love how Sparrow is getting entangled with JR. (Just imagine the three of them on a car ride for second and how that would spiral; I feel like J would be driving.) Oh, the chill sessions featuring either baking or music would be so good for both of them. I know for a fact that B would treasure getting to hear Sparrow play since they respect people's passions like how they are with photography/baking. I can easily imagine Sparrow trying to snag tastes of B's baked goods, possibly even the batter or frosting. He's very vivid in my mind. 🟥⬛ (I wasn't sure if the hearts would work, so squares? :<) I love the idea of "paranormal hunting" for the two of them. There's a high chance that B will be holding onto Sparrow's arm or being like: "how did you find this place again?? No, wait, I probably don't want to know... >.>" At the same time, they don't---no, /won't/ leave his side. Ugh my B feelings! 🧡🥺 Thank you for these! I can confirm that B is very lucky to have a friend like Sparrow.
2023-05-01 14:57:09 B headcanon time? No, B armada time with me gladly volunteering as your first mate because this fleet is /amazing/. 🦜🏴‍☠️ (I just realized those are more pirate related than nautical, but that's okay, I guess. XD) I can *hear* B's voice echoing slightly up the lighthouse when they're calling out to Sparrow who is no doubt a few steps ahead and setting a rapid pace. (This might actually be a good way to distract B from the ascension--how they're getting ever higher and away from the safe ground.) Parkour + clumsy B? 😂 Sparrow's a real one for believing in them enough to encourage that combo; B may just cheer him on from the sidelines also warn him not to go too fast/high/far. The first aid class made me all soft. Lmao, the way R would also get competitive over I Spy makes me further love how Sparrow is getting entangled with JR. (Just imagine the three of them on a car ride for second and how that would spiral; I feel like J would be driving.) Oh, the chill sessions featuring either baking or music would be so good for both of them. I know for a fact that B would treasure getting to hear Sparrow play since they respect people's passions like how they are with photography/baking. I can easily imagine Sparrow trying to snag tastes of B's baked goods, possibly even the batter or frosting. He's very vivid in my mind. 🟥⬛ (I wasn't sure if the hearts would work, so squares? :<) I love the idea of "paranormal hunting" for the two of them. There's a high chance that B will be holding onto Sparrow's arm or being like: "how did you find this place again?? No, wait, I probably don't want to know... >.>" At the same time, they don't---no, /won't/ leave his side. Ugh my B feelings! 🧡🥺 Thank you for these! I can confirm that B is very lucky to have a friend like Sparrow.

B headcanon time? No, B armada time with me gladly volunteering as your first mate because this fleet is /amazing/. 🦜🏴‍☠️ (I just realized those are more pirate related than nautical, but that's okay, I guess. XD) I can *hear* B's voice echoing slightly up the lighthouse when they're calling out to Sparrow who is no doubt a few steps ahead and setting a rapid pace. (This might actually be a good way to distract B from the ascension--how they're getting ever higher and away from the safe ground.) Parkour + clumsy B? 😂 Sparrow's a real one for believing in them enough to encourage that combo; B may just cheer him on from the sidelines also warn him not to go too fast/high/far. The first aid class made me all soft. Lmao, the way R would also get competitive over I Spy makes me further love how Sparrow is getting entangled with JR. (Just imagine the three of them on a car ride for second and how that would spiral; I feel like J would be driving.) Oh, the chill sessions featuring either baking or music would be so good for both of them. I know for a fact that B would treasure getting to hear Sparrow play since they respect people's passions like how they are with photography/baking. I can easily imagine Sparrow trying to snag tastes of B's baked goods, possibly even the batter or frosting. He's very vivid in my mind. 🟥⬛ (I wasn't sure if the hearts would work, so squares? :<) I love the idea of "paranormal hunting" for the two of them. There's a high chance that B will be holding onto Sparrow's arm or being like: "how did you find this place again?? No, wait, I probably don't want to know... >.>" At the same time, they don't---no, /won't/ leave his side. Ugh my B feelings! 🧡🥺 Thank you for these! I can confirm that B is very lucky to have a friend like Sparrow.


Also, no worries! (I just saw your second comment.) Thank you for writing these--I enjoyed reading each and every one. 💚🥰