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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • A TFS Achievement Guide can be found: here.
  • Heads up: Surprise #1 (March 21st) will be a poll for all patrons; yes, I’m mentioning it in advance.
  • Book Two Snippet: Promises can be important, I guess.

To fit with the spring theme, I’ve been a busy bee. 🐝 I mentioned in the prior update how I’m finding my stride again, writing for longer stretches of time since that and interacting with you all is what I prefer. It’s been great to see Book Two’s word count creep up as it takes form! As tempted as I am to hint at my ambitious timeline, I’m going to hold off until I meet a few more targets, but I’m telling you plainly now that it’s my utmost hope to get you all Book Two soon.

(We all know how ‘soon’ is extremely relative with interactive fiction, lol. A 2024 release date is what I’m aiming for thanks to the legwork I’ve mentioned along with hours spent. The Hosted Games queue can also be a very fickle beast; however, I’ll do everything I can on my end.)

I’ve been working on a sequence of scenes that are set within Turn the Page, the bookstore that was once a passion of the MC’s grandfather. I’m sure that some of you suspected that you would be returning to this location after realizing the MC would be sticking around Fernweh. An earlier choice option will be introducing more variation and exclusive exchanges into this venue. You will be given the ability to set your MC’s feelings about it and their level of involvement with the store, possibly even helping A with the design theme or staying hands-off aside from requesting (or bitterly demanding) a cup of tea/hot chocolate/coffee. I don’t want to spoil too much, but it’s important to include a range. It’s been fun writing the various dynamics with A as well!

I did want to mention that Surprise #1 on the 21st of March will be a poll open to all TFS patrons. 👀 (I would like some help deciding on what you’d like to receive; it fits with the spring theme, although there is a hint of Fernweh eeriness creeping in at the edges of each one.)

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here’s an excerpt from Book Two:

There is something deeper to this moment…
"Promises can mean everything to certain people despite whether they are broken or kept," [Redacted] notes. "Try to remember that."

Hmm, I wonder who the MC is receiving some advice (?) from; maybe it’s a warning too.

I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead! 💚



Surprises? 👀👀👀👀 I feel J definitely holds onto promises, they feel like type too. 🤔🤔


Ah!!! I can't wait to go back to the bookstore! 🥰

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-14 00:33:28 Yes! 👀 Two very important scenes could be given life! 😳 That's a great read of them; J is extremely sentimental. We will have to see if your intuition is correct. <3
2023-03-17 23:17:10 Yes! 👀 Two very important scenes could be given life! 😳 That's a great read of them; J is extremely sentimental. We will have to see if your intuition is correct. <3

Yes! 👀 Two very important scenes could be given life! 😳 That's a great read of them; J is extremely sentimental. We will have to see if your intuition is correct. <3


Yay! I'm psyched for you to return to it as well, especially for MCs who might care about it enough to bring it back to life or at least help with the design theme. (Also, free treats and drinks are a plus!) 😌🍪