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[Alternate Text: An image of a definition that may be found in a dictionary. It reads: Fernweh: an ache for distant places; the craving for travel.]

I have so many thoughts on why I named the series the way I did! 🌲 I wanted to share a bit about it with you all, though like with most everything in this town, there is much more to it than what meets the eye. My hope is that each installment in the series causes you to reassess things.

Fernweh’ means: an ache for distant places; the craving for travel

It can mean farsickness, which is the opposite of homesickness. This now takes on a new, possibly darker, meaning after you have finished Book One, although there are other implications that fit with lore you will learn more about over time. The MC’s attempt to leave failed. While there will be many choices to express how your MC feels about this, uhm, ‘extended stay’ or ‘indefinite imprisonment’, it’s a fact that they will be in Fernweh for now.

One other aspect I like about this word is that on the surface it could seem to be referencing how some people feel about small towns or when they feel stagnant in a life situation. People wanting to get free of their small town roots is a common trope. It can have a more innocent meaning, but not when applied to TFS where it takes on more nuance. Wanting to leave, or at least having the choice to leave, could be just the start of the MC wanting more agency/freedom.

Hopefully, during your visit—stay—you can puzzle out the emblems/symbols of the series.




As a german, I was like 👁👁 when I saw the story for the first time. Ngl, I have to giggle everytime I read the name of the town. It’s really fitting though.


I KNEW it. Wanted to ask but also am glad I was patient enough to see this.


I just love the term "Indefinite imprisonment" My MC is going to use it from now on


A question, if I may: I love this series dearly, and it reminds me slightly of an old TV series called Twin Peaks! The plots are very different, but Fernweh just has a similar unearthly, dreamily creepy vibe! It's part of why I got sucked into it the way I did, so I was wondering if you're familiar with Twin Peaks!


I can't deny that the name caught my eye the first time I saw it, speaking german and all, so it was a huge reason why I checked out the IF in the first place. Not sure if I told you before but I love the contained...tugged in feeling of Fernweh? That feeling in combination with the name is a very intriguing combination!


Oh, I love that this means you possibly had a hint about what might befall the MC as they traveled in Fernweh. I'm glad that the name caught your eye!🌲😊


I was hoping a few readers might wonder about the town's name, so this is awesome to hear! 😉


It's the perfect term for MCs who really want to get out of town as soon as possible. There will be choices to express this desire. 👀


Yes, please! I welcome questions from you all. :D Plus, you asked a great question since I've seen Twin Peaks mentioned a few times from readers and even a few of my betas have brought up the eerie show. I must admit I've never seen it. I do eventually want to watch it after hearing how Fernweh evokes a similar vibe. Also, thank you so much for saying you love the TFS series dearly. 🥰💚


I'm loving how the town's name drew in so many different readers, especially if it piqued your interest about how 'farsickness' would come into play in an IF. The combination you described is exactly what I was aiming for while writing the atmosphere of Fernweh. Being both contained yet pulled ever deeper into a town with so much history that you're a part of... 👀 It's a bit contradictory and conflicting too; it will be interesting to see how different MCs decide to cope with this in Book Two.


SO MUCH THOUGHT PROCESS GOES INTO EVERYTHING YOU DO! I feel like I gotta put a microscope to everything you do, to find that deep meaning, or that secret foreshadowing, I love it.


You noticing this means the world to me! 🥰 I naturally tend to overthink things, haha, but with TFS, that trait is used for good with all the little threads, links, and foreshadowing I embed in everything. I'm so glad that you're enjoying searching for those glimpses of deeper meaning; it is incredibly encouraging to me! 💚