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Hi Everyone!

I hope you’re looking forward to a restful weekend.

We’re slowly approaching TFS: Book One’s one month release milestone (?).  I think that’s the right word for it, though I’m tempted to use ‘anniversary’ since it’s my beloved. 🥰 While I know many of you familiar with me on Tumblr or the Forum have had a chance to experience the story at least once, it’s also awesome to see new Returning Visitors venturing to Fernweh.

I have a fun quiz that determines how well you know the town and what details may (or may not) have escaped your notice. It will drop tomorrow! 

The level recaps and my variable mapping to get reacquainted with things have been going very well. I even built some MCs (really, they are my go-to OCs for testing) to check the coding and that things are setting as they should before the characters venture into Book Two. I’m going to be sending over those initial files for my awesome editor/friend to read through them. It wasn’t easy trying to sum up all of Book One in a matter of pages for the short summary, but that part is mostly finished now. I think it’s about four pages of text for the extremely abridged version.

While she is reviewing them, I will be continuing work on Book Two’s chapters and new content by dividing up my time between writing and making initial edits.

January is almost over, which means February is drawing closer. But, more importantly, Valentine’s Day is coming up. 💘 Writing the Valentine-themed side stories is a nice change of pace that helps me recharge before switching back over to Book Two’s overarching plot that has subplots with wee, baby plot seeds for the series. It’s different. I sometimes foreshadow things in the bonus writings that will come up later because I find that amusing. XD

The February Content Schedule will go up soon; I can’t wait for you to see what’s in store.

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here’s an excerpt from Book Two:

Your eyes are drawn to Mrs. Grendal even though she isn't front and center in the picture. She was caught mid-sentence, gesturing a hand at the blood that could be staining the grout of the steps. Her expression is outraged, and…

Oh no, I wonder what happened? 😉🩸 

Wishing you all the best! 💚





Oh Valentine's Day! Very much looking forward to future updates