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TFS: Book One released on January 5th, so we're almost approaching its one month milestone.

I thought it might be fun for you all to test your knowledge of Fernweh with a playful quiz that includes a variety of questions about what you may (or may not) have noticed during the story. It's best to have played through the game at least once since there are spoilers. At the end, you will get a message that will remind you of the ??? along with a rank of how well you know the book's key moments.

Please find the uquiz link below:


Best wishes, Aelsa 💚

EDIT: I fixed the percentage ranges, so now you all will get more results not just 'Fernweh's Finest'. I hope you have fun; the ??? can get feisty in some of the results. 




100% - Fernweh's Finest! I'm not even gonna say how many play throughs I've done, but I do own it on my phone and Steam, so maybe that's telling 🤭💕


Oh, that is an impressive title to earn; congrats! 🥰🥂 All of that time spent in town came in handy. The ??? would be pleased as well.


IMPRESSIVE TEGAN, I definitely bungled a few answers hehehehe 85%?? I thought V.V was a bit much for Ms. Verner....


75% which means it's time to do another playthrough, preferably not at 2am😩


*glances off into the distance when considering Mr. Verner's first name* >.> (This actually will come up in the series, lol.)


Oh, playing at 2am would heighten Fernweh's creepy vibes. I'm sure the town is most eager for your return. 🌲 (Also, don't worry; I made quite a few of the questions challenging; I was inspired by the ???. :D)


90%! Darn I gotta get 100%!!! I've play over like 5 times I gotta do better 😮‍💨


100! The walkie talking channel...24 I think. That was fun. :D


That was really close; some of those quiz questions are tricky! 😊 I'm glad you're a frequent Returning Visitor to Fernweh. 🌲


Congrats! 🥰 Also, yes, you're spot on with the channel too, which is impressive since J only mentions it once at the start. I'm so happy you enjoyed the quiz! I plan to do some more in the future that are linked to the story like 'Which Fernweh Mother Would You Most Vibe With?' or 'Which Character Would Be Your Ride or Die Bestie' among other fun things! <3


95%. So close.


Oh, wow, that is so close, but really, you getting all but one question is epic. (I blame the ???; they did influence how the final question about the dashboard was worded.) You're still Fernweh's Finest! 📛🌲


80% oh my goodness, I do need to do the S run...!!!


Some of the questions are quite tricky, so you still did very well! You may uncover more things on S's route. 💙