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Friday Prompt Poll - 24/12/2021

  • A Girl from a Free Use World wakes up on a regular world. What do? 2
  • Omake: Have Goods, Will Travel, for the Guild Master Quest 1
  • Cleric of Luck and Unlucky Bard Go On Adventures Together 1
  • Blair and Mizune play Cat And Mouse 0
  • Stellaris + Lustful Void Inspired Compatible Species 3
  • Gentlemen Orcs and Rapebait Elves Alliance - Mediator's Duty 3
  • 2021-12-26
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'Friday Prompt Poll - 24/12/2021', 'choices': [{'text': 'A Girl from a Free Use World wakes up on a regular world. What do?', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Omake: Have Goods, Will Travel, for the Guild Master Quest', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Cleric of Luck and Unlucky Bard Go On Adventures Together', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Blair and Mizune play Cat And Mouse', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Stellaris + Lustful Void Inspired Compatible Species', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Gentlemen Orcs and Rapebait Elves Alliance - Mediator's Duty", 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 26, 15, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 10}


Every friday, you get to choose!

Please post prompts you wish to see on the next poll here, or in the finished product when it's posted next Friday!

Investors are guaranteed one slot, financiers two, and for my townsfolk you'll be given priority over me taking prompts from my QQ thread up to a maximum of 20 prompts total~

And remember~

We're doing tiered voting now, so all my townsfolk have their votes be worth one, my investors three, and my financiers five!

Capitalism, ho!



So, I finally got around to to watching Frozen with Christmas and I got stuck thinking about Prince Hans. On the one hand with his stated motivations his betrayal makes no sense, being the husband to the heir presumptive of the queendom is an excellent position in itself and killing Elsa and Anna just invites a power struggle in which he only has a very feeble grasp on the crown. But on the other hand without his betrayal Anna doesn't get to sacrifice herself for her sister and break the curse. Seems like a fun problem to throw an SI into. Not exactly sure what the resolution/end would be, SI!Hans kisses Anna and it works seems boring. Maybe the SI tries to run interference so Elsa's powers don't get revealed at all, which causes Elsa to realise he knows something, which leads to SI/Elsa. Or something, something SI/Anna/Elsa threesome.


I have to admit, I have not watched Frozen, only seen tons of clips of it. I think I should be able to do it, it's a disney movie, should not be that hard. On the other hand, that would make one of the typical staples of self inserts, where the SI doesn't know much about the setting, actually a lot more legitimate if, much like myself, his only exposure was pop cultural media osmosis. I think it'd also actually help make him a bit more endearing to Elsa, Anna, or both. That said, you've sort of given me the idea of the SI encouraging incest to break the freezing thing, and offering himself as a beard for the queen to use, and it develops into a threesome later to make it "more convincing".