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"Alright!" Tiff pumped her fist. She had found her first target, one of Will's own friends. A more stereotypical sort, overweight, with a scratchy, scruffy beard that he seriously needed to clear up. 

The stuff Will liked was, as expected, a very complicated thing to follow. There were dozens of series all under the umbrella of a single bigger series, all interconnected by a similar general aesthetic, but like Tiff had suspected, getting the wrong one would've been insulting for Will.

Apparently, some of the entries in the franchise were so despised and maligned by certain people that getting a figurine from one of those would've had Will not just reject it, but likely be mad at her forever. Just nerd things, she imagined, but then she realized that everyone had something like that.

She could imagine it was similar to getting someone an off season piece, or a knockoff purse. Even if it was done with the bestest and goodest of intentions, it would be a hard gift to accept gracefully.

She'd then had to move on and start checking in on other targets. Will didn't have that many friends, but there were people in the club he was in she could go ask about his preferences. Eventually, she had gotten a registry of members from one of the people she knew was in that club, and basically tracked down each of its members, until seh had finally managed to collect enough information.

"And that's why we're here," she explained, as she stuck the paper where she'd written down what she had to buy, and the place where they'd find it at, back into her purse, after memorizing the specific name. She opened the car door and stepped out, her heels clacking as they touched down on the sidewalk.

"That explains why you're here, but why am I here?" Jordan asked.

"You're here to drive me obviously," she said, "ladies don't drive themselves."

"This is your car," Jordan complained. "You literally taught me how to drive."

"Excuse me, uncle Dan, about that vase-"

"Fine, fine, shutting up now," Jordan said, crossing his arms and looking a bit petulant.

Tiff grinned and walked into the hobby shop, lined everywhere by anime paraphernalia. Some of which she actually thought was quite pretty, some very cool, and, uh, well, it was anime - naturally, there were posters, figures and even mousepads of scantily clad, likely underage, anime babes. Truly she didn't really care much about anime, she just wasn't into it.

Fortunately, she could at least understand the appeal of Will's interest in the intricate, cool design of the mechanic suits that made up his favorite franchise.

Tiffany had to actually ignore the eyes of the clerk being glued to her chest for the duration of her visit, but she bought what was required, and unequivocally rejected the overweight, long haired, acne-faced, pimple-covered, teenager that manned the counter. Fortunately the guy seemed used to rejection, though it was any wonder if he was going to take her advice to shave his scraggly beard and take better care of his skin.

Did boys just not understand that not taking care of their apperance didn't make them look cool or badass? 

She got back in the car. "Jordan, we're going to the mall. I need to visit another hobby shop."

Jordan rolled his eyes. "You're letting me have your car after this right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, won't need it the rest of the night."

Anyway, after her oddyssey, she let Jordan have her car for his own purposes, as she'd promised him in return for driving her and making sure nothing went wrong by being a large and muscular man near a slim, attractive cheerleader shopping alone... especially as she picked up a few extras to make sure her apology to will was extra potent.

She was sure she had it all, and that she had it all ready, and then put on a thick raincoat on so that the pouring rain wouldn't ruin her outfit or makeup. She even had a nice and large umbrella, a gift from her parents, that combined with the yellow of the raincoat. "Stupid banana raincoat," she giggled, remembering a line from an old internet video she'd watched once or twice. 

"Go get'em, girl!" Kim said, giving Tiff a double thumbs up, dressed only in a nightgown and popcorn, laying on bed watching a bad movie.

Tiff walked out into the rain, and was rather glad for it, it would make her harder to spot and she didn't really want people catching her right then. She managed to make it to Will's dorm without being interrupted, and she was allowed in. Despite the lack of parties at that dorm, they did still stay up late it seemed.

She was allowed to get to Will's dorm room after refusing to leave her coat at the door, though she did put the umbrella in their holder, and she banged on its door.

"It's open," Will called from within.

She smiled, opened the door, and was met by a scowling Will.

"Come to make fun of me again, Tiffany?" Will asked, sourly.

"No, not at all, look, I screwed up, I get it," she said, "I wanted to apologize to you," she explained, raising the paper bag containing her gift. "I even brought a peace offering!" she explained, giving him her best, most disarming smile. 

He looked dubious then. "Do you really?" he asked, frowning. "Look, you-" he sighed. "You haven't told anyone about how... how small, I am, right? I've had to deal with that since, since highschool..."

Tiffany could imagine that gym class was probably hell for Will, being both small of frame and with his parts the way they were... She cleared her throat. "I'd never! That's a breach of privacy!" she said. And she wanted to keep that knowledge all to herself.

She passed Will her gift, and he, still looking like he wasn't expecting much, took the box out of the bag and-

"Is this..." Will's eyes narrowed. "Tiff... where did you get this?" he asked.

"Over at Harrison's?" she asked. "I looked up reviews and stuff and even asked around. Everyone said it was a good place. Did I get the wrong one?"

"Harrison's is super expensive, they import stuff directly from-" Will shook his head. "I- I can't accept this, it's too much!"

"Pish posh, it's nothing, a friendship and your mentorship are worth waaay more than that!" Tiffany said. It really wasn't that much... but then, Tiff didn't exactly have money troubles like most college students did. She could splurge every once in a while. 

He looked at the box, at the model kit of a large spaceship contained within, to be assembled, with a strange sort of reverence, before turning to her. "I- I'm sorry, I thought- I thought you were gonna make fun of me, like everyone else..."

"Never, you've been a really good tutor and a friendly guy," she explained. "Besides..."

Between his smarts, his dedication to his hobbies showing his patience and attention to detail, and the fact that she more than appreciated his physical attributes... Tiffany had come to realize something very important.

"My apology isn't complete yet. I saw yours, so it's only fair," She said, hands grabbing onto the breast of her raincoat, and began pulling it apart, the loose knot holding it together at her waist coming undone fairly easily.

One of the reasons she hadn't wanted to be caught, and why she was giddy with excitement, as she ensured the door behind her was closed... she dropped her coat.

And Will dropped his jaw.

Her body was encased in blue and white, themed lingerie. An entire cosplay outfit was very expensive, but an erotic set of lingerie designed to evoke a certain image? Well, finding it was a bit of a difficult task, but after scouring the internet, she'd managed to find a shop that dealt in erotic items for the more nerdy sort.

Surprisingly, they even had her size - though the clerk had said that it was lucky they did.

She smiled, striking a pose to show off every part of it - down to the tassels and lace ribbons meant to evoke the image of mechanical parts, or wings on her back. "Well, what do you think? Does it fit me? Am I cute, Will?"

He was having trouble speaking, so she guessed the impact was good. "T-T-Tiff, Tiffany, what- why- how- when-"

She smirked at him. "Well, I realized that what I did to you was wrong, and this was only fair," she said, licking her lips, "and to be honest..." she realized she was getting flustered now, as she took a few steps towards him.

She grabbed the bag from his hands and the box with it, and put them on his desk, he didn't even resist as she pushed him back onto his bed, and then straddled his hips, beginning to rub her panty clad crotch against his. 

"When I said I thought you were cute, I meant it," she said. "Will..." she muttered.

"Is this some sort of joke? Are you pranking me?" Will asked, voice a bit cracky.

Tiffany hummed, leaned down, and planted her lips on his. "Does this feel like a prank to you?" she asked, leaning her forehead against his, and then beginning to lay kisses on his cheek as she began to fiddle with his pants.

"I don't know, this- this is-" he sounded ashamed, "it's the first time I've, even, even touched a girl..."

Tiffany giggled. "Don't worry, Will, that just makes it better. No bad habits or dumb ideas I have to un-teach you!" she said. "Just lay back and let me do all the work today, this is my apology, okay?"

Will, red as a tomato, nodded a bit shyly.

Oh, but he was so cute. After men that were more interested in impressing each other with how manly they were, it was sort of refreshing to have someone who didn't seem to be so insecure in his masculinity that he just allowed himself to just be the way he was.

As Tiffany reached his crotch, she finished fiddling with his pants, and pulled them off, like she had before. This time, however, Will only turned his face aside, and did and said nothing as she admired his cute, stiff penis. It was really not as small as it might initially seem, it was sort of a shocking sight the first time.

It might be that it's just a little undersized, but really, it wasn't like the size of her pinky or anything. Standing stiff and at attention under her inspecting gaze, it might be a little bigger than her middle finger. A good enough size, considering her fingers were responsible for more orgasms than any boyfriend she'd ever had.

"Let me show you how much I appreciate your teaching," she said.

"Wha-aaaaaaaaaaah, that's! that's!" he cried.

She took him in to the base in a single fell swoop. Having throated bigger things, she had absolutely no problem taking him into the back of her throat, and he didn't even choke her or gag her or make her feel bad. It was actually kind of nice and sweet that he was desperately trying not to grab her head or anything.

She pulled back and smiled, playing with his wang. "You can touch me if you want. I don't mind. In fact, I like it," she said.

She went back to taking him in, and as per her words, his hands went to the back of her head. She began to bob back and forth, sucking off the ridiculously hard cock in her mouth, lavishing it with attention from her tongue, slurping and swallowing her excess saliva and his precum.

She also used her hand to caress his thighs and play with his balls, trying to give him as much pleasure as possible.

"T-Tifffaaannnnyyyy!" he moaned, "I- I want-" he panted.

"What is it Will?" she asked. 

"S-Sit!" he said. "I've- I've always-"

She giggled. Despite the popularity of her body, very few of her boyfriends had been that sort, but, well... she could never pass. "Sure, let me take off the-2

"N-No, keep, keep them on!" Will insisted.

"Oh, getting assertive aren't we?" she giggled. "If you like them, sure!"

She turned around, so they faced opposite directions, her crotch level with his face. She slowly lowered herself down and immediately felt his tongue lapping at her cloth covered cunt, and she moaned, the new sensation not quite as strong as being licked directly, but enticing in its own way. She actually liked the muted sensation, in a way, she was way too sensitive sometimes... And she liked keeping her brain when having sex.

She went back to her task, as the two of them engaged in a good and proper mutual reciprocation, her delighting herself sucking his cute penis, while he lavished her ever wetter crotch with kisses, both affectionate and hungry. 

When Will had his fill of her panties, he moved the cloth aside, and kissed her directly, and she felt a sharp spike of pleasure - only now realizing that all the teasing had enhanced her sensitivity, and the moment his tongue made contact with her labia, she almost came on the spot from the sheer instantaneous spike of pleasure. 

She moaned and panted. "W-Will, that's-"

And then his tongue dove into her, and began to directly stimulate all he sweet, weak spots, all of her parts that she loved to touch the most. Their compatibility had to be off the charts, Will was a natural at seducing her, because her brain was full of pleasure, and all she could think about was reciprocating.

She began wantonly and desperately sucking his cock, appllying all of her talent and experience, determined to race him to the finish line, making him burst before she came undone, both of them clinging to each other's body, focused on nothing but their own and the other's pleasure, locked in sexy competition, ignoring anything but the thought of pleasure.

And then, with a cry, the two of them found their limit simultaneously, and in a moment of pure synchronicity, they both cried out their orgasms, both filling the other's mouth with their fluids, Tiffany's nectar flowing into his mouth, Will's thick cream filling hers.

They both relaxed and panted, neither saying a word for a few minutes...

"That... that was amazing," Will said. "I never thought... sex felt that good... I guess I understand why so many people are obsessed with it...."

Tiffany giggled. "You were amazing, Will, most boys... never mind," she said, shaking her head. "Wanna keep going?"

Will seemed a bit worried then. "I don't wanna push my luck, and take advantage of your apology..." he muttered.

"That was that, and this is this," she said. "Now that I've apologized, would you like to have sex with your girlfriend for your first time?"

Will had no words, and his face was just as cute as the rest of him. Tiffany realized that she didn't know where her impulse, spur of the moment decision would take her... but she was eager to find out!



For the first time, we have a poll where a vote with less votes won because of the tiered voting. How unusual~ Hope you enjoyed it, and please, please forgive me for the delay, it was a busy couple of days, and not as happy as some might have wished, but here's to looking for a better year going forward!