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"I've been wondering what sort of strange new outfit you'd be wearing the next time we met," you mentioned, sitting down a few seats away from the master, who was watching a movie. It appeared to be a recording of a theatrical performance.

The sound of the character on the screen's voice was suddenly cut off as she paused the recording, in the middle of the song. "My name is-" was the last thing you heard before it was frozen in place.

The Master stretched and turned to look at you. She wore pajamas, and looked positively exhausted. "Sorry about that," she yawned. "I've got the weirdest cold."

You nodded. It happened, sometimes. It's not like she could help getting sick. 

"And of course everyone who could do something about it is unavailable," she muttered, shaking her head. She straightened herself, and pulled a pad from one of the seats next to her, in Chaldea's private theater. Comfy seats, high quality screen... really nice place to have a date in, you mused.

She passed you the pad.

You took it, giving her a thankful smile as she settled on the seat, and ignoring how she seemed to look even a little giddy regarding what choice you might make, as if she was anticipating it.

You frowned as you began to leaf. It was... strange, to think, that you couldn't choose quite so easily, but... well, in the end, you decided you had to listen to your heart, and your heart said to listen to your dick, and your dick had chosen. "This one," you said, tapping the correct choices on the screen.

The master smiled. "Excellent," she muttered, sounding a bit like she wished that person wasn't working today. "Please tell her to come over when you're done, alright? You've got the night booked, so that makes you her last client for the day!"

You nodded, assuming the Master would need her for something else after you were done playing the scenario you had chosen.

The Master coughed, and as she did, the door to the theater slid open, and a purple blur suddenly came into vision.

A woman with absolutely humongous gazongas, distractingly amazing tracts of land, was kneeling before the master between blinks. She wore a purple bodysuit, adorned with- you couldn't even pay attention, as her heavy breasts swung freely because she apparently didn't believe in bras.

"Sweetie, are you okay? Do you need Mama's help? A blankie? A pillow? A juice box? Should I go conquer a small country and force their scientists to develop a cure to your disease?"

The Master giggled. "No, no, I'll be okay," she said. "It's just the common cold, you don't have to worry, Raikou!"

The woman, named Raikou, frowned, looking like she wanted to disagree.

"Ah, but while you're here, could you please lead our friend here to room 70?" she asked.

"Right, absolutely, at once!" Raikou said, and you could almost feel the fervor in her tone as she turned to you. "I'll guide you to where you need to go, please follow me!"

She did not wait, she didn't expect you to follow her, she just grabbed you by the scruff of your shirt and took off running. You were swinging and shaking so much behind her that you weren't even sure if you were moving, but by the time you collected your bearings, she had already deposited you at your goal, the room marked 70.

Raikou cleared her throat. "I shall return to my master's aid, please enjoy yourself partaking in our services!"

And then she was gone, leaving not even a cloud of dust.

Well. That had just happened. You shook your head, deciding you might need a bit more rest yourself... but well, you were about to get some heavy duty stress relief. 

You placed your hand against the door, it recognized you, and you walked in. The room that greeted you was reminiscent of the one you'd spent a night with Medb in.

"I see you've come for your instruction."

On the ring, there was... a woman in a set of robes. Her hair was the color of wine, and her expression was serious and firm. She had an aura of severity to her, that was almost scary... but this was exactly what you'd been expecting.

 "I have... instructor," you said, testing the word. It wasn't quite correct. "Teacher," you said, more firmly.

She nodded. "First, you must dress yourself appropriate to our Celtic customs," she said. "The warriors of my land of birth... fought naked, with no armor or clothing to slow them down!"

Well... it wouldn't be a lewd scenario without lewd details! Fortunately, you'd long since lost any concept of being body shy, and so, you began undressing yourself, noting there was a convenient basket you could place your clothes in.

Soon enough, you were completely naked, your body looking far, far better than it ever had before. 

Scathach offered you an approving stare, and then grabbed at her robes, easily throwing them off - despite looking heavy and complicated, it only took her a moment to succesfully disrobe herself, leaving her as naked as the day she was born.

And she was beautiful, of that there was no doubt. Her body was that of an athletic sportswoman, lean, but well proportioned, and though her skin looked soft, unblemished, flawless even, you could see as she stretched the bulging of muscles, hidden just under the surface.

You gulped, realizing she was looking at you, looking somewhat vaguely amused as she did.

"You must not be distracted, student," she said. "Today, we shall practice unarmed combat... raise your fists!"

You... had not actually expected her to actually give you pointers on how to defend yourself when it came to fistfights. But it was actually a tremendously informative couple of minutes, as she actually corrected your stance and showed you how to properly and correctly defend yourself. Everything, from correcting the very basic shape of your fist, to how to put your weight behind a punch, and even how to draw your arm back, without dropping your guard or telegraphing your moves.

Even what little you knew, was almost completely overwritten as she started from scratch.

It was... hard to concentrate, at some points, because she was not above physically moving you to show you the correct places where your everything had to be, as she showed you the basic movements, sometimes by pressing her body against yours, hands on your wrists, and showing you the correct motions.

You spent close to an hour with her practically plastered to you, her soft, yet unyieldingly strong, body in contact with yours, rubbing and touching at times, giving tantalizing ghostly caresses at others...

You became intimately aware of the shape, size and weight of her breasts, as they squished against your back. The stiff little pebbles that were her nipples. The almost unbelievable power in her thighs and arms as you felt them, like iron bars.

Finally, after a long instruction, she deigned you ready for a spar. "Practice your grappling, like I showed you," Scathach commanded.

"Yes, teacher!" you replied.

She wasn't quite limp, but wasn't exactly fully resisting, as you practiced the movements she had shown you. Within moments, however, you began to realize that several of the grapples she showed you, when performed...

Your crotch pressed against hers, as you held one of her legs, twisted, while the other was immobilized, and your weight pressed her shoulders against the ground.

Her hot pussy, dusted with wine colored hair, was pressed against your balls, and what you thought should've been pain was an intensely pleasurable sensation instead.

After a few moments, you broke the grapple, and looked her in the face to see that only the barest dusting of pink, the slight hint of a flush, was visible on her features.

She was, however, looking more than a bit fierce, when it came to expression. "If you wish to impress me, then that will not do!" she said, her voice almost scary.

At a loss for words, for a few seconds, you scratched your cheek before shrugging and continuing to the next grapple. Again and again, your bodies came together in rather odd combinations, as you were guided by her words and actions through the series of exercises she'd laid out.

You grabbed onto her ankles, and with your knees, pinned her elbows, holding her in place in an odd hold that had your crotch directly on top of her face, her torso and yours almost parallel, her legs under your armpits as you adjusted.

Her hot breath on your balls tickeled, and you were already aroused, now starting to get hard properly.

She huffed.

Then sniffed.

"I... believe this is the part where I am supposed to lose to cock," Scathach mentioned, then sniffed again. 

"Should I let you go?" you asked, idly. 

"Adjust," she said, instead, "move back a little- right there! Now, continue with the submission hold, you must force me to submit with the power of your penis! Do not stop until I've tapped out!"

You only had a moment to wonder what she was talking about as you scooted back and then- and then your cock slipped right into her mouth and you realized that you could spread her legs enough to look between her muscled thighs, and see her puffy, slightly moist pussy. 

You couldn't concentrate on much more than the strangely arousing blowjob that a woman pinned to the ground was giving you. With her being unable to move, it fell to you to do so.

You pulled up just a bit, and then perhaps a bit harsher than you'd intended, you plunged yourself in, and you almost immediately slipped down her ridiculously tight throat, the almost magical feeling of it constricting around you making you a little dizzy all of a sudden.

She began to choke and gag, but, well, she had told you not to stop until she tapped out, and she hadn't... and this felt heavenly... and you were no longer able to hold yourself back.

Your hips burned a little, and your entire body felt tired, but the sound of her choking, gagging and swallowing around your cock drove you onward, and the intense, unbelievable pleasure of your martial arts teacher's insanely tight throat was slowly wiping away all traces of tiredness, and sanity, within you.

You moved like a piston, plunging in and plundering her throat, then pulling back and savoring the lovely caress of her tongue, before going right back in, a single fluid motion, each repetition feeling even better than the last.

Her pussy in front of your face was getting wetter and wetter with ever passing second, every thrust seemed like it would cause her to leak out a little more fluid, even her short hairs were already showing signs of her wetness.

You had to defeat her, you had to force her to tap out, and you would do so, plunging in again and again and again, hammering at her throat, pleasuring yourself with her, desperately and forcefully, even as your vision began to swim and dark spots began to fill it.

Your muscles burned, and you realized you were clenching every part of your body, and the very instant you relaxed, it all went white and you began desperately humping her face with short little thrusts.

"Shit, fuck, cumming!" you announced, pressing your crotch against her face as hard as you could, releasing all that you'd been holding back and even more, as your balls churned and continued producing more cum to give her.

She didn't even have to swallow, you felt like you were so deep that you were pouring it directly into her stomach, but that didn't stop her throat from almost spasming around your cock, stroking it even better than you could with your hands, like she could control her throat perfectly, drawing out every last drop of semen, ensuring that you poured it all down her gullet.

Panting, you let go of her legs, and she almost comically flopped back until she was laying flat, and as you pulled yourself out of her throat, panting, she too recovered her breath.

She was quick, however, to get back on her feet, even as you stumbled, and almost fell.

"That was nowhere near enough, you must subdue your opponent fully and completely, before you ejaculate!" she commanded.

You looked at where her crotch had been, when she'd hit the ground just a second ago, then directly at her pussy. She was leaking so much juice that it honestly looked like she'd peed herself, and it was almost comical.

She cleared her throat. "This is the part where you tell me that you will teach me not to be cheeky and fuck me to submission," she explained.

You nodded. "Sorry, your throat was just so amazing I needed to catch my breath," you admitted.

She didn't quite smile, but she did look satisfied. "I recommend a full Nelson, and then fucking me from behind, as brutally as you can. Against a mirror," she supplied.

You nodded, and she gestured to the mirror that was one of the walls of the 'gym'. Which explained why it was there, but not why you hadn't noticed it before. Oh, well, didn't really matter.

You approached her, and her expression changed to a combative one, as you stepped behind her, and she pretended to be distracted. "You think I'll just submit so easily to you, with that tech-"

You smirked, and hooked your hands behind her knees, lifting her in a single motion. She'd shown you how to do this not moments before, and more importantly, how to do it properly. She was just about tall enough that it was actually difficult, at first, but you'd easily gotten the hang of hooking your hands behind the back of her neck, executing the proper Lewd Nelson hold. Much like a full Nelson, but rarely seen outside of hentai.

She choked a little, as you lifted her, and then before she could open her mouth to speak again, you shoved your dick in her, in a single go.

"Uuuugh, you- you- ahh, too much!" she moaned. "Fuck, I wasn't expecting this much..." she muttered.

You grinned, seeing that she was actually getting into the act now. She seemed an awkward sort, but at least she was trying, and that mattered more than you thought it would.

Walking with your hard dick stuck in a tight, flesh vice was difficult. Doing so while holding a fifty five kg woman, even more so. Doing it while managing not to disrupt the rhythm of your thrusting?

That was the true test of your skill, as everything was tested simultaneously. She'd be disappointed if you couldn't manage to fuck her all the way until you reached the mirror, so you continued violently and brutally fucking her tight little hole, her slippery and wet pussy that gushed fluid around your cock as you continued to thrust.

Her words were a bit garbled. "YYeeeessh, wike daaat~!" she moaned, then she swallowed, "fffuck, fukkkk, fuk me hardaah!" she moaned, her tongue slipping out.

Damn, she was really getting into it now! Well, fuck, that made it so much better, actually! "Yeah, you like that, huh?" you asked, as you took her to the mirror, taking a step with every thrust, and used your hands to try to get her head pointed the right way. "Look at yourself, not so high and mighty now, huh teach!?"

She moaned. "Shtooop, shtop, nooou, don't- don't look at meeee!" she swallowed again, shaking her head slightly, her hair tickling you a little. It seemed she'd managed to clear her throat, at least. "Don't! Stop!"

You grinned. "What's that you said, about me not being able to beat you!?" you taunted, "look at yourself, you sexy  little whore!"

"Nooo!" Scathach cried. "I'm being fucked by my student, he's fucking me so hard I'm gonna lose my miiiind!"

You grinned. Damn, but did that feel amazing, as her tight little cunny spasmed around your cock. Your thrusting never stopped, if anything, your speed increased, as you began trying to move her to match your thrusts.

"No, nhoo, too deep, toooo deeeeeep!" Scathach screamed, "tha's, dash, mah, mah woom~!"

You felt almost as if you'd struck paydirt, then, as you began assaulting a little spot that just seemed to drive her crazy, and you looked at her face in the mirror, her eyes rolling up, her arms pinned up. 

The sound of her cunt gushing fluid, dripping with her girlcum, was magical, and her moans and cries and screams were just fabulous.

"Are you gonna cum, you whore teacher?" you asked, voice harsh. "Are you gonna cum for your student?"

"Nooo, I can't, I can't, I caaaaaan't!" she shouted.

You grinned. "You're gonna cum!" you taunted. "shit, your cunt's so tight and sloppy, I'm gonna cum too, you've got a high class whore pussy, I'm gonna give you your favorite! One heaping serving of student cum for you!"

"Nooo, no, stop, noo, don't cum, don't cum inside, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-"

You growled, then, lost in the act as you hilted yourself fully, hitting that spot she liked so much, and then letting loose, your cum almost shotgunning out of your body, feeling like it was shooting at high pressure just from how unbelievably tight her cunt was.

"Inside, it's inside, your cum is in my womb, and I- I- I'm cumming!?"

You pulled back a little between shots, and then thrusted full force again, and her shriek of pleasure was deafening, her pussy convulsing and spasming around your cock, going completely crazy and squeezing your cock from all angles and directions and in all manner of ways all at once.

You were transfixed by the sight of her eyes rolling up, her mouth gaping open even as she let out a drawn out moan and was unable to stop herself from drooling, her heaving tits as she tried desperately to catch her breath, the stench of your combined arousal...

You began to move again, every muscle in your body burning, not from exhaustion, but desire.

"Fuck, shiiit, you're so tight, so tight and warm, I can't stop," you muttered, "teacher, teacher, I'm gonna, I'm gonna fuck you again! I'm gonna cum inside again!"

Her hand came down on your head. "Yesh, yesh, cum inshide," she muttered, tongue half out, swallowing and seeming to somewhat get a hold of herself. "S-Sub-dduuuue," she moaned, "m-me with your c-cock!"

You wouldn't hesitate. 

Not then, and not for the rest of the night, continuing to fuck her in as many ways as you could, always in such that her lessons were put to the task, and savouring her body in every way that you could.

Until finally, you could do no more, and you laid with your back on the wooden floor of the dojo style building. It was more of a dance studio, you realized. When you laid down, you brought Scathach down with you, and laid her half on your chest.

After a few moments, she seemed to regain coherence and consciousness, playing with your chest, dragging one of her fingernails near your crotch. It actually felt quite nice.

"You are quite skilled," Scathach commented. "Perhaps your hand to hand skills could use some polishing, but in terms of sex, you are certainly amongst the best I've had."

You smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment. The scenario was a little strange; I'm glad you were up for it."

Scathach seemed amused, but it was hard to tell. "The scenario of the teacher being 'put in her place' is a more common fantasy than you'd think..." she said, with a sigh.

"I can imagine," considering the kind of men that came here, though... "Your acting was really good, though."

There was... a notable red tint to her cheeks. "Acting. Yes."

As you were relaxing, you felt a sting, near your crotch, where she'd been playing, apparently you'd said something to offend her? But it passed quickly, more a pinch than anything else. "What was that?"

"Don't worry about it..." Scathach muttered. "Now... you booked me for the entire night, and," her hand grasped your shaft, and it was starting to respond to her again.

Well... you were hardly a quitter!

But she did just remind you of something, when she spoke about your booking. "Ah, right, Master wants to see you."

Scathach nodded. "It will be handled," she said. Then she began stroking your cock again. "It's time for more training. A different sort of training, but one I am certain you are well suited to."

You smiled. "Are you training me, or am I training you?" you said.

"One is never too old to learn new tricks," Scathach said. "And I do believe I haven't practiced riding a horse in quite a while..."

Well... the night had just begun, it seemed. Scathach straddled your crotch, and you looked up at her. 

You could've sworn she had a small, satisfied smile on her face, but it might've been a mirage. Not that you thought much of anything other than how amazing her pussy felt, as soon as she slipped you back inside her.


Alexander Probst

Awesome, once more! By the way, I'd vote for Nero Bride next, or the Valkyries :D


Not exactly what I imagined, but probably even better, the thing with her remaining in the teacher role as she got 'fucked silly' was really fun. Nero Bride, maybe do something with her Migraine? The MC's wife Nero is suffering from her condition, it just so happens that her husband's cum works miracles in curing her. She starts out lethargic due to the headache but with every 'dose' she starts feeling better and she gets more and more into it.