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Thanks so much for pledging! This really is essential for us to be able to make the game. :)

Also, as a $10 patron, please get in touch with me on Discord if you want the Earl role on the Discord group. It can't be automated so I have to do it manually. I will repost anything here that I put on there, of course, so it's not strictly necessary and you're not missing out if you don't get it.

Here's the server invite: https://discord.gg/nn9G3ZB
Added: 2024-04
Thanks so much for pledging! This really is essential for us to be able to make the game. :)

I can't get you onto the Discord server automatically, but if you're on Discord and would like to come to the server, here's an invite: https://discord.gg/nn9G3ZB
Added: 2024-04