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Hey everyone!

I have just uploaded a new Fusion 360 tutorial in the Archives on how to create your own custom threads in Fusion 360!  Here is the link to all of the tutorials if you want to take a look:


I know its been a little while since the last tutorial upload, but I'm very much planning on putting similar videos out more regularly.  On that note, please let me know if there's any specific techniques you would like to see in either Fusion 360, Blender, or Nomad Sculpt.  

Hope you find this one useful and as always, thank you all very much for the support!

- Jacob


Tutorial - Creating Custom Threads in F360



Thanks! I've been meaning to spend some time learning how to use Fusion 360, so these will be a great help :)

Zac Walker

Nicely explained. I'm getting more familiar with F360 and this will be a big help. Would love to see a tutorial on your take on hinged designs/print in place type manipulations.


Thanks for checking it out and thanks for the feedback! So I do have a long video on YouTube showing how to design a print in place hinge. I may be making a new one soon because some people didn’t like that I left my mistakes in there, but other people have found it really helpful!