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Breaking Bad: Season 5 Episode 15 - Patreon Exclusive


Eddie Perkins

I'm glad they added Robert Forster to the cast; I have always thought he was a great actor; Dasha should play the movie Jackie Brown in the future. By the way, something tells me Dasha will never be a nurse.

Deadly Ramon

She should watch all the Quentin Tarantino movies, starting next with Jackie Brown. I loved her reactions to Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Inglourious Basterds.

Jordan Love

Gonna start Firefly after this ends?

James Hawkins

if it is, I hope she watches the movie since the show gut canceled after one season and just ends without a good conclusion. I also hope she watches the show in the correct order since they were released out of order. Personally I don't recommend that show just becasue of how messy it is snd the fact it got canceled anyway

Martin Bech

No Breaking Bad episode today? :o I hope Dasha and her closest are well and that it's just a slip of mind.