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Band of Brothers - Episode 5 - Patreon Exclusive


Chris Bordeman

Please watch Love Actually!! Best rom-com ever! :) ♥


Tom Hanks actually directed this episode, widely considered to be one of the best (in a show where every episode is exceptionally good). As you said Dasha, we definitely get a sense of progression in this one - Winters is promoted, but struggles with both being out of combat and his memories of it. We see some familiar faces return, some just as we remembered them (like Guarnere), others changed (like Buck), Guarnere says he went "AWOL" (Absent WithOut Leave) from the hospital, and we see this happen a few times. The wounded guys can't bear to sit there in bed, knowing that every man away from the line puts everyone in danger. So they leave hospital before they are discharged, and beg, borrow or steal a ride back to their friends.