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Hello patrons! We have some exciting news - Arin and Dan are going to be added to a Smash Bros-like fighting game in the near future. 

We're coming up with ideas for Arin and Dan's movesets - what type of attacks would you like to see the guys throwing? Throw some ideas in the comments if you have some! 



dan need an afro bomb like the sheep in the animal meme fighting game. And the kiss move for arin is extremely necessary


also arin could use a fart attack


Something about Dan’s weird thumbs maybe


Something with Danny on a centaur


Dan should have some kind of vocal attack with sound waves. And maybe one or both of them could have an attack that involves chucking a small dinosaur at the opponent, à la the 10mph intros.


These comments are amazing regardless of what gets chosen 👏


Maybe late but I think Arin should have a plant based attack where each use changes its color and Arin screams "red plant, purple plant, blue plant". Maybe red plant does the thorn shot, purple plant does the stakes rising from the ground and blue does both but weaker?

Darci Keller

Kill move should be kissing the opponent to death - reference to around hr 2 of ep chrono trigger pt 3


dan - Heavy Metal Head bang! ( have his heaby metal mask appear from the 10 minut power hour) Arin- Im Gunna Kiss Your Dad! ( have the big kissy lips form the health and beautiy episode appear)


Dan could spit something into the air, his opponent would be watching it, dan would punch them while its in the air then catch the thing in his mouth


Arin’s ultimate absolutely has to be becoming Video Game Boy


Arin needs double katanas for his back air/neutral A, and his side B can be throwing a fedora


The “Fired & Missed” or “I Fired & I Missed” it’s either - can’t attack and gains hp Or -can’t attack and can’t be attacked (and gains hp)

Rachel Fischer

Long distance move “Tennis” and hit a tennis ball at the opponent


The “ewe” move where Arin turns into a giant eye ball that shoots the alphabet at the target


There should be a move where dan throws chicken fingers at someone and yells ‘CHICKIE FINGIES!’ Like in the newlywed games episode




Arin farting has to be a really powerful one. With him saying "Oh no! Oh no!!" Dan's voice appears with "Arin..." Danny's move should be that his hair literally attacks the person somehow. Like it grows so big it hits the other guy and flings him back XD "JEW POWERS ACTIVATE!!"


I’m a fuckin rocket ship uppercut

Hyve Wren

here comes the jump kick

Elizabeth Baphometsolutely

Dan should have a move called The Last Unicorn. He calls on a unicorn and then they stab you with their horn!

kevin jones

For Dan: Jew. Just Jew. And explosion of Jewishness. Or Avi comes in and throws a baseball at the opponent Arin: Lolita dress makes the opponent question their sexuality and this deals 19% damage